What do the stones mean in witchcraft (witch stones and more)

What do stones mean in witchcraft (witch stones and more) Since ancient times, stones have been used in magic to obtain the transmutation of energy, healing, among other various benefits. They are manifestations of the forces of the Divinities, gifts offered by the Universe to facilitate our journey, allowing us to reconnect with Everything and Nature, bringing us closer to our primordial essence.

Stones, as well as flowers, colors, aromas, herbs, fruits and other natural objects are tools that help us make the necessary changes for our evolution and healing. They have their own energies that emanate, helping us on a daily basis.

Among other functions, they release our potential, expand our consciousness, have healing powers, calm, block and repel negative energies, expand creativity, attract the energy of prosperity and love.

The Magic of the Stones is the simplest form of magic, since it consists of the simple fact of using the stones as amulets, accessories, elixirs or decoration, maintaining the awareness that the Energy of Nature is doing its work, that is to say , constantly acting in favor of the balance of our soul and the harmony of our bodies. That is why it is so old and at the same time so current.

As Scott Cunningham says, “Magic is transformation. The transformation is magical. All magic is change. All change is magical.


Most used stones

Here are some stones used in different types of rituals and spells (witchcraft or white magic)

What do the stones mean in Aquamarine witchcraft – It is the stone of peace, joy, happiness, psyche and purification. It is used to enhance psychic powers, good health, allay fear, improve communication. When traveling the oceans, carry a seawater in your suitcase. Along with Amethyst, she calms and soothes emotional problems.

What do the stones mean in Amazonite witchcraft? – It is used to attract luck with money, and for those who seek an opportunity to ensure success. Associated with Uranus and the earth element.

What do the stones mean in Azurite witchcraft? – Increases psychic powers. If placed under the pillow, it promotes lucid and/or prophetic dreams. Helps in oracular readings with the intention of predicting the future.

What do the stones mean in witchcraft Coal – Attracts money and luck. Associated with Saturn and the earth element.

What do the stones mean in Citrine witchcraft – Fights nightmares, facilitates psychic awareness, attracts protection.

What do the stones mean in Carnelian witchcraft? – In Egypt it was used to placate anger, jealousy, envy and hatred. Today it is used to promote peace, harmony and to end depression. It reinforces the courage of the timid, strengthens the voice, provides self-confidence and confers eloquence, so carry it in your pocket, as a ring or pendant to speak in public. It is also used to combat doubts and negative thoughts. Prevents skin and blood diseases. It stimulates the sexual impulses.

What do the stones mean in Diamond witchcraft – Has a wide repertoire of powers to use in magic. Promotes spirituality and ecstasy in altered states of consciousness. Promotes self-confidence. Just as it cleanses, purifies and releases sexual issues, it alleviates the causes of sexual dysfunction. It ensures fidelity and reconciliation in love. In ancient Rome, it was used to increase physical strength, produce bravery, daring, and victory.

What do the stones mean in witchcraft Garnet – It is used to associate physical strength, endurance and vigor. Protective, it reinforces the aura, creating a shield of positive vibrations that repels negative energies on contact. Healer, it is used to relieve skin diseases, especially inflammations. Regulates the blood and the heart. It symbolizes affection, if it is offered to friends who have become estranged, it ensures their reunion.

What do the stones mean in witchcraft Red Jasper – Protects against poisons and cures fevers. Protector, it is used in defensive magic, because it returns negative energy to the person who sent it. Promotes beauty and grace, healing and health.

What do the stones mean in witchcraft Green Jasper – It is an amulet of healing and health. Promotes restful sleep. It makes us more understanding.

What do the stones mean in witchcraft Brown Jasper – It is used to promote concentration and connection with the earth. It is good for grounding the thoughts of people who live with «their heads in the clouds».

What do the stones mean in witchcraft Lepidolite (stone of peace) – Calming, relieves the stress of daily life, calms anger, hatred and negative emotions. Attracts good luck, promotes restful sleep, increases psychic awareness. Together with pink tourmaline it promotes love or to calm negative emotions that disturb relationships. It is a stone of reconciliation.

What do the stones mean in Obsidian witchcraft? – It is a glass, from volcanic lava. The black obsidian mirror is used for divination and clairvoyance. It is used for concentration and grounding. It is also used for protection. It has the function of absorbing energies, whether from other stones, places or people, and retaining this energy inside.


Is there a special stone for performing rituals?

There is a very rare stone that is used in special witch works; It is called witch stones.

Although witch stones may seem ordinary, they have a deep magical meaning and have a unique spiritual history related to ancient traditions and beliefs.

Witchstones are primarily formed when water (over many years) erodes a hole in otherwise solid rock, giving them unique and quirky characteristics.

also know Lodestone esoteric properties and lodestone to attract money

Lodestone esoteric properties The lodestone has an opaque gray color and is found almost everywhere in the world, mainly in Brazil, England, Germany. (see more)

They are often found on ocean beaches or in rivers and streams. Witch stones have long been used in folk magic and are highly sought after due to the rarity of finding one.

They have a great deal of power and energy drawn from nature. A large part of her magic is rooted in the element of water due to years of exposure.

With these stones works for good luck are carried out, since it is believed that only good intentions can flow through the hole of the witch stones. Thus, while good luck and positive intentions will travel through the witch stones, negativity and malicious intentions will be trapped.

They are also used for fertility and are often used in related rituals. They are often included during childbirth to ensure the safety of mother and child.


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