Seeds of abundance and their meaning (in the plate of abundance)

Seeds of abundance and their meaning We have received many questions on our social networks related to the topic of seeds. Some of these questions are: What are the seeds of abundance and their meaning? How is the plate of abundance and how is it prepared? What are the seeds for the plate of abundance?

Based on these concerns, we will present the answers below:


General features

The seed itself is a mystery. It is at the same time the beginning and the end of everything. A seed has to be destroyed for the plant to grow, so in a meaningful and deeper way, it has to end its life for something else to grow, more beautiful and visible.

It is a single grain, but it is the source of a thousand grains. It can be stored for many years, and then revived in days.

The seed represents potentiality, latent power and the masculine principle. As a female symbol, the seed is fertility, life to be and growth. Symbol of the Center, from which the Cosmic Tree of Life grows.

Along with gold, silver, pearls, precious stones, and human blood, the seeds were offered to the Mexican gods for bountiful harvests and victories. Let us now see the seeds of abundance and their individual meaning.


its symbolism

The plate of abundance is generally made up of the following ingredients: lentils, corn, beans, sunflower seeds, chickpeas, corn, rice and coffee. Below are their individual meanings.

Seeds of abundance and its meaning #1 Rice: Prosperity – money – marriage – fertility Since ancient times, the rice It is associated with fertility especially in Eastern culture. Its fields symbolized the fertility of the land. Therefore, rice also came to represent fertility in humans. If you have been hoping to have a child, the dream where rice is seen can symbolize those hopes.

Throwing rice at the newlyweds is an old tradition. It symbolizes wishes of prosperity, fertility and health for the newly married couple.


Seeds of abundance and their meaning #2 Lentil: money and abundance Just like the nutrition it provides us, the lentil also symbolizes prosperity and abundance for people.

In general, it represents abundance, both material and spiritual, and even dreaming of lentils could imply that you are content and happy in your life.


Seeds of abundance and their meaning #3 Corn: abundance and fertility The corn it is a symbol of bountiful harvests and fertility. Mesoamerican cultures revered him.

The Maya even prayed to the corn gods to ensure a bountiful harvest: the tonsured corn god’s head symbolizes an ear of corn, with a small crest of hair representing the tassel.

The foliated maize god represents an ear of maize that is still young, tender and green. Maize was the staple food in ancient Mesoamerica, feeding nobles and commoners alike.


Seeds of abundance and their meaning #4 Bean: success in business – growth The bean represents productivity and growth in life. If you are someone looking to improve their life, the bean meaning can give you great wisdom.

Like most crops, the bean represents growth in various aspects of life. It may be growth in material wealth or general happiness of mind.

Nature doesn’t like things that are stale, and neither do people. We live in constant search of being better than yesterday. The symbolism of the bean represents these efforts to grow and become a better person.


Seeds of abundance and their meaning #5 Sunflower seeds: Good luck, love and prosperity The sunflower and its seeds are believed to bring good luck. In some countries, sunflowers are planted in gardens as a ritual to bring good luck to homes.

It is believed that wherever the sunflower can thrive, no evil will enter that environment. Therefore, the sunflower seedsthe plant itself and its flower can fill your life with kindness, love, prosperity, and continued success in your career and business.


Seeds of abundance and their meaning #6 Chickpeas: Life cycle and abundance Life is a cycle: the end is followed by a new beginning. Chickpea symbolizes this cycle of rebirth and resurrection.

Chickpea can grow in any soil, and after harvesting the new crop can grow there without much effort. In this way, the chickpea perfectly represents the cycle of birth, disappearance and resurrection.


Seeds of abundance and their meaning #7 Coffee (coffee beans): Good opportunities, wish fulfillment and new projects. grains of coffee they are actually «seeds» contained in the «cherries» of the Coffea tree. Coffee is rich in legends, history and, depending on where the beans are grown, it offers a wide variety of flavors.

It is generally considered an element that helps abundance by always providing good opportunities. Let’s see, next, the plate of abundance how to prepare with these elements.


How to prepare it

The plate of abundance can be prepared in the following way: Take a flat plate and start placing the ingredients mentioned above mentalizing your desires for prosperity, peace, money, in short, all the desires for fulfillment and abundance such as the type of grain or seed that is adding, visualizing your request fulfilled.

It is recommended that they be placed side by side. Let them energize in the sun, so do it on a sunny day, light yellow rose incense or other prosperity calling incense, pass the plate in the incense smoke and make your requests, then let the incense together next to the plate so that it burns until the end.

Then put it in a place where other people won’t touch it. It is widely used as a New Year’s ritual and a candle can be placed in the middle of the plate.

also know New Moon Abundance Check (How to Fill, Refill, or Make It)


Ritual of abundance with sunflower seed

Planting sunflower seeds with a coin under the ground helps make money flourish. The recipe says the following: seven sunflower seeds and one gold coin should be placed in a pot with soil.

To enhance the effects, it is worth burying a pyrite stone in the same mixture, known to attract money, and sprinkle the earth with cinnamon. So that the sunflowers do not die, the suggestion is to leave them in the sun and water them every day.


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