Meaning of the letter C in the spiritual and tattoo (What does it mean)

Meaning of the letter C in the spiritual The letter C looks like a waning moon and is the third letter of many alphabets.

However, have you ever wondered if this letter has any spiritual meaning. If it is correct, you have it and let’s see below what is the meaning of the letter C in the spiritual and the letter C tattoo.


Where are you from?

The letter C appeared in a form close to the present one in the Phoenician alphabet, representing a boomerang or hunting stick. The Greeks adopted it and called it gamma.

In 500 BC, when they adopted right-to-left reading, they turned it on its head. When the letter arrived in Italy, its shape began to be more of a crescent and to have the appearance that we know today. The Phoenicians used it with the letter G to make it sound like it does today.


its symbolism

Meaning of the letter C in the spiritual (In the Hebrew world) Gimel is the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet, meaning camel, corresponding to the letter C, or G. Both are good with words because their numerical root is 3. Gimel is associated with riches because camels used to be laden with many possessions. rich.


Meaning of the letter C in the spiritual (In ancient Egypt) In Egypt, the C represents the Circle of the Gods. When we double the C, we have the letter O, which is the symbol of the Council Circle. That’s why when US lawmakers sit in a formal meeting, they usually sit in a Circle, or round table.

The Egyptians believe that the letter C is an emblem of Noah’s Ark, which is related to the Arch of Osiris. That is why the shape of the rainbow also has the curve of the letter C, which represents the Sign and Power of God.


Meaning of the letter C in the spiritual (In the Mayan civilization) The Mayans had it looking very much like the Phoenicians, an O in a triangle at the bottom, with the 2 triangles facing up. The C is considered sacred because it is the first letter of the name of their main god.


Meaning of the letter C in the spiritual (Esotericism) In esoteric teachings, Gimel is the Ternary Law that arises to resolve the opposite of the Monad (A-1) and the Duad (B-2). It is the symbol of the Holy Trinity of Will, Wisdom and Love. It connects and harmonizes Aleph and Beth together. The C is the first letter of Christ, which represents the spiritual consciousness within his nature.

The letter C also symbolizes the Word of God. Every cell in our body reacts to the things we say. In occult science, words literally cast spells, which is why we have the word «Spelling.»

When the Romans borrowed the Gimel glyph (G), they created a second symbol C for the «K» sound, to distinguish the pronunciation.

C is pronounced “sea”, whose shape is the crescent, which represents our subconscious and the Mother (moon). The C also sounds like «see» and is oriented to the right. Therefore, C has the psychic ability to see the future.


Other hidden meanings of the C

The C is also the symbol of being receptive and receiving new information. It partly resembles a horseshoe, which turns out to be a lucky charm.

Also, it is the first letter of Trust, Clarity, Charity, Component, etc. If it appears everywhere and in dreams for some people, it is asking those individuals to review their relationships and make sure that others find them as fun and enjoyable as they think they are.

In case you believe that you are with your soulmate, it is important that you determine the level of compatibility with that person. At the same time, they should not be afraid to let go of a connection that harms them.

You should not limit yourself in any way, as this would only close your heart and mind. Being receptive is key for them, also staying around people who resonate with their ideas and feelings.

C that appears in dreams can also ask people to receive the energy of the Universe because abundance is opening up to them, so they must invest everything they have to obtain it.

When it appears in everyday life, C says to be more open to receiving what the world has to offer, also with joy and delight.


In the world of tattoos

Letter c tattoo If you have chosen the letter C as a tattoo, you are Creative, Moody, Confident, Communicative and Capable in personality. The C looks like an open mouth, so you are spiritually gifted with the talents of singing, speaking, writing, and painting.

Since the numerical value of C is 3, its energy is scattered rather than concentrated. Therefore, those who choose this letter as a tattoo like to do many things at the same time. You find it difficult to save money, as you tend to be extravagant in spending it.

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The C is the symbol of the smile when we put it on its side. Therefore, you have a happy, cheerful and jovial character. You are a fun-seeker whose personality is spontaneous, playful, and adventurous. The C stands for character, which means that you also focus a lot on your virtues and morality. Only through righteous acts can C people climb the ladder of spirituality.

If you want to know more about the meaning of the letter C in the spiritual and letter c tattoo, you can ask your questions in the comments section.


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