Meaning of the letter E in the spiritual and tattoo (What does it mean)

Meaning of the letter E in the spiritual The fifth letter of the alphabet, the E, has a deep cabalistic, esoteric and spiritual root that almost nobody knows.

In that sense, we are going to explain, below, the meaning of the letter E in the spiritual and letter E tattoo.


Where are you from?

3,800 years ago, the Semites pronounced the E as h, represented by a shape that closely resembled that of the human body. In 700 BC, the Greeks turned it around and made it E.

It occupies the fifth position in the Hebrew alphabet and the sixth in the Cyrillic.


its symbolism

Meaning of the letter e in the spiritual #2 (In ancient Egypt) In ancient Egypt, the letter E symbolizes the Scales of Justice that is held on Judgment Day. When we die, our hearts are weighed with the feather of Maat (Truth, Justice).

If our heart is lighter than the feather, we obtain the mark of purity and worth to live eternally in the Afterlife with Osiris.

If not, we will be eaten by Ammit, who is the «Eater of the Dead» or the «Eater of Hearts» in Egyptian mythology. Therefore, the letter E spiritually means Justice, Balance and Judgment.


Meaning of the letter e in the spiritual #3 (In ancient Greece) In Greek it is the epsilon, which, as Nicomachus says, has the shape of the trunk of the vertical axis. In the Greek alphabet, E is the eighth letter and it speaks of the soul. The E also represents the celestial subdivision, being what separates the physical from the divine.


Meaning of the letter e in the spiritual #4 (Celts) The celts they believed that the E is the letter that represents life because it means movement, renewal and growth. It is also the letter of the power that comes from the Divine, of the energy that makes everything grow, from grass to trees.


Meaning of the letter e in the spiritual #1 (Esotericism) representIt contains divine revelation, the essence of life and the absence of effort in the world. According to Webster, essence is the fundamental, actual, unchanging nature of a thing or its significant individual characteristic.

The numerical value of E is 5, which is the number of MAN. MAN is short for Master-Able-Noble. That is, a man must Master his own 5 senses (E) to be able to ascend to the heavenly realm. Only then, he is considered Noble.

The nobility of a man is really in his character and virtue, not in his status or worldly position. Thus, the spiritual meaning of the letter E is a MAN who develops spiritually.

In esoteric teachings, when we become a master over our own animal nature, we are an Enlightened being whose body is light and whose mind is that of Christ.

The letter E resembles our human eye. The cornerstone of the all-seeing eye in the pyramid behind the dollar bill is the missing letter A.

The lowercase “e” is also the secret meaning of the Internet, which is the little eye that watches over our behaviors. Everything we do on the Internet leaves its traces. Therefore, it is necessary that we behave correctly in the online environment.


Meanings of the letter E in a person’s name

If the first letter of your name begins with E, you are expressive, anxious, energetic, emotional, and outgoing in personality. Since the numerical value of E is 5, people with E in their names are outgoing people who love to explore the world to the fullest.

Spiritually, the E is progressive as the letter is oriented to the right. People whose names start with the letter E look to the future and get excited about things to come.

As for the negative characteristics, these people need to control their energy properly. Otherwise, E is prone to being restless and exhausted due to overactivity. He frequently changes his mind. Therefore, it is difficult to get him to commit to doing something.

People with E as the last letter in their name are not very fond of routine and just want to have fun.

In case the E is in the middle of their name, they are adventurous and very free, wanting to live their life in the most exciting way possible. In addition, they are original and adaptable.

As for its numerical value, it is 5. In relation to the Kabbalah, the E means and represents a window.


In the world of tattoos

Letter e tattoo People who choose the letter E for a tattoo love to be in the company of others and are very good communicators, but this does not mean that they do not like to spend some of their time alone as well.

They also love their freedom and are very sensual. They believe in love and tend to quickly fall in love with others. When they’re out in the world, they’re the life of the party and also the ones who can’t be fooled by those with bad intentions because they see all sides of any issue.

They always have a crowd around them because they are fun and entertaining. Also, they can help others forget about their problems and be less serious. It is a delight to be around them because they are always in a good mood.

Although they love being with someone, they also really like their own freedom. They want to live independently and are terrified of being trapped in a relationship, so if they feel their relationship is keeping them confined, they don’t hesitate to end it.

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Very skilled, they are the ones who fix things at home. As they also adapt easily, there is no one better than them to take advantage of good opportunities. Many see them as great intellectuals because they are knowledgeable and always aware of what is happening around them.

In addition, they have a creative mind and very high ideals. Their impulsiveness is because they trust their instincts. They seem to have clairvoyant gifts and the best ideas in the crowd.

For these reasons, they are investors who help humanity evolve.


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