Amber spiritual meaning (esoteric) and magical properties

Amber spiritual meaning Recently we have been asked if amber has any kind of magical or esoteric properties like quartz and other precious or semi-precious stones. Today we are going to respond to this concern, but first we are going to analyze what amber actually is.

It is necessary to point out first of all that amber is not a mineral, much less a crystal, but rather a resin from a prehistoric conifer, the pinitos succinifera (Oligocene period, at the beginning of the Tertiary era) fossilized by the passage of millions of years since its solidification; therefore, its composition is organic, and as such it is made up of different proportions of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.

The carbon and oxygen in its composition make amber burn easily if it is brought close to fire, giving off a mild aroma, widely used in aromatherapy. In the presence of higher temperatures, it breaks down into succinic acid, water, and the essential oil responsible for the aroma.

It is well known that rubbing it with a dry cloth charges it with a positive electrical potential, which allows it to attract small pieces of paper, and even crackle if it rests on the skin.

Regarding its shape, amber is not a crystalline material, and therefore it does not have a defined shape as a crystal might have, but rather it reproduces the shape adopted by the drop of resin at the moment it emerges from the tree and solidifies, even In many pieces of amber perfectly preserved insects can be found, which remained attached to it, and fossilized together.

Unfortunately (or should we say happily?), most amber deposits are practically inaccessible to man, since most of the forests of the geological period in question are found under the surface of the sea, many meters deep; therefore, the only pieces of this type that are accessible are those that wash up on the beaches, torn from their emplacements and dragged by the undertow.

However, there are also terrestrial deposits, which means that at present only a minimum percentage of the commercialized amber comes from the maritime coasts; most of it is extracted from underground deposits, such as those of Palmnicken, on the shores of the Baltic Sea, those of Romania, Canada, Burma, and those of Bologna and Catania, in Italy, although the latter are of inferior quality. Let’s see, next, what is related to amber spiritual meaning


Amber spiritual meaning: History

The term amber emanates from the Arabic word anbar, which in turn is equivalent to the electron of the Greeks; this term was actually coined by Thales of Miletus, the Greek mathematician who first observed the electrostatic and electromagnetic potentialities of the material, properties that helped consolidate its powers.

A contemporary of Thales, Pliny repeatedly mentions amber in his writings as coming from the Phrygian Islands, where it was found everywhere. The Romans were already aware of the Baltic amber deposits, especially those of the Shtamland and Turku peninsulas, in Russia and Finland, respectively.

The Greeks consecrated it to Zeus, their highest deity, and used it as incense to be burned in religious ceremonies; it was destined for the same purpose in China and Mongolia, where it was burned in honor of ancestors.

Its golden brilliance captivated the Emperor Nero, who used it as public decorations during the great Ides of March festivals, in addition to abusing it as a personal ornament.

Today, after a certain period of opacity in its fame during the Middle Ages, where it was practically only used for alchemists’ preparations, amber has regained its status as a semi-precious gem, frequently being used in jewellery, objects for smokers (smokers and pipes), and industrially in the manufacture of varnishes and medicinal products.

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Amber magical and healing properties

On the healing side, amber is especially indicated for children, who protects them against dental pain, as well as against cavities, pyorrhea, gingivitis, liver and kidney colic, and digestive and urinary system problems. In the elderly, it is used in the treatment of goiter, erysipelas, partial paralysis, epilepsy, and seizures.

It is also an excellent general preventive, since it moves away negative energies, especially those that can affect the stability between the four bodies, and harmonizes Yin and Yang.

In the emotional aspect, it corrects the most drastic manifestations of emotional imbalances, such as chronic depression and suicidal tendencies.

The golden-gold color of amber makes it especially indicated to be applied on the umbilical chakra, especially in combinations with tiger eyes or dark citrines.


Amber esoteric meaning

Among the esoteric substances to make talismans for newborns, amber is one of the oldest. The yellowish traces of this substance, once polished, were considered by the ancients as solidified sunbeams. It was once credited with the virtue of curing headaches and driving away nightmares.

Mothers used to give their daughters, after the wedding, a necklace of amber beads to wear during the honeymoon nights, since the heat of the bed makes the amber give off a penetrating smell that inflames and turns on the husband. .

The family doctor of Emperor Charles V and Pope Julius II, Andrés Laguna, claims to have seen and held in his hand a small amount of amber inside which was embalmed a mosquito and a butterfly. Bartholomeus Anglicus says in his De proprietatibus rerum, in the middle of the 13th century, that it is effective against witchcraft and casts any enchantment.

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Spells with amber

bath for attracting love

7 cinnamon sticks

10 cloves

1 red candle

amber essence

Jasmine essence.


Boil 3 liters of water and add the cinnamon sticks, the cloves and a few drops of amber essence. Remove from heat and when the water is lukewarm, pour from the feet to the neck. Write the name of the person you love on the candle, anoint with jasmine essence and light for 7 days.

If, in addition to all of the above, you visualize your desires, you are optimistic, you like to share and you don’t let hope weaken with the slightest stumble, you will undoubtedly take advantage of opportunities as soon as they arise. If you have any more questions about amber spiritual meaning, you can ask your question in the comment section below this article.


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