San Judas Tadeo prayer to cross the border and saint Toribio Romo

yesan Judas Tadeo prayer to cross the border All trips, no matter what they are, cause worries in our minds, which is why it is so important to pray.

Also, journeys can be or become dangerous midway, so we should always ask for divine help.

However, if the trip involves crossing a border without papers, prayer will not only serve as a great balm for the heart but also as protection against what may arise.

Let’s see, next,an Judas Tadeo prayer to cross the border.



San Judas Tadeo is one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. He was the son of Cleofas (brother of Saint Joseph) and Mary of Cleofas (sister of the Virgin). Therefore, he was the cousin of Jesus. San Judas was also the brother of Santiago, called “El Menor”, ​​and of San Simón. They were both disciples of Jesus. Judas’s name means «God be praised.»

Wedding at Cana: Some scholars have even considered the possibility that Saint Simon was the groom at the wedding at Cana in Galilee, where Jesus performed his first miracle, turning water into wine. Saint Jude would have witnessed the miracle and this may have been the reason why he became a disciple of Jesus.

Luke also calls Judas a «zealot» – Lk 6:15. Some scholars claim that «zealot» means jealous. Others claim that he could be a member of the revolutionary movement of the Zealots, who were fighting against Roman rule in Israel.

Writer San Judas Tadeo: San Judas is the author of the smallest letter of the New Testament, «The Letter of Judas». The epistle of Jude was written with much love and dedication. Judas was concerned about the purity of belief in the person of Jesus Christ and the good image of Christians in the eyes of the population.

Perhaps he even wanted to write something different, but hearing false reports from some Christians, he decided to write this letter drawing attention and warning the entire nascent Church to beware of false prophets.

Martyrdom: The story, based on the apocryphal writings of the «Passion of Simon and Judas», relates that, after announcing the Kingdom of God in Egypt, Simon met Judas and they went to evangelize Persia. Sixth-century writings describe the martyrdom of both.

Simon and Judas were martyred in Persia, in the city of Sufian. They were killed for fearlessly preaching faith in Jesus Christ. Thanks to his preaching, a large number of Persians converted to Christianity. This upset the powerful men of Persia. For this they were sentenced to death. Several scriptural scholars believe that Saint Jude was beheaded by executioners who used a sharp ax as a tool. This was the most used capital punishment by the Persians of the time.

Many converted upon seeing Saint Jude’s intrepid testimony in the face of death. The body of Saint Jude is buried in Saint Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican. Pope Paul III wrote a bull granting a plenary indulgence to all who prayed at his tomb on October 28, his feast day. Then San Judas Tadeo prayer to cross the border.



We have been asked a lot about San Judas Tadeo prayer to cross the border. Here are two versions:

yesan Judas Tadeo prayer to cross the border #1

Don’t leave me alone on this journey.
Deliver me, protect me and defend me from all evil.
Bless those who stay and accompany those who leave.
Open my eyes, give me patience, tranquility, calm
and perseverance on this journey.

Heed this prayer of mine, and listen to my request
(make the request), for which I thank you.

My San Judas Tadeo, also free me from aggression
from bad weather and all kinds of dangers,
so you can travel in peace and safety.

I ask for this grace, not only for myself, but also for everyone
people who travel.

San Judas Tadeo, pray for us.


yesan Judas Tadeo prayer to cross the border #2

Dear San Judas Tadeo, the journey ahead of us is dangerous. I am risking my life. Please come with me. You know my heart. You know my reasons. You know my cause is just. Have mercy on me and help me.

Lead me and guide me. When he feels lonely, let me know you’re there. He walks with me so that he will always be with you. Protect all who hope for a better life. I beg you, intercede for me to God, so that I can reach my destination safely.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us now and at the hour of our death. Amen


Prayer to Santo Toribio Romo to cross the border

Born on April 16, 1900 in Santa Anna de Guadalupe, Jalisco, Mexico, Toribio Romo González was a Roman Catholic priest. He was assassinated on February 25, 1928, martyred by federal soldiers during the Cristero War (La Cristiada) 1926-29.

His death went unnoticed, one of thousands of war victims, until the 1970s. Migrants crossing the desert reported that a young priest helped them get water and sometimes transportation. The priest only asked that, upon his return to Mexico, the immigrants go to see him in Santa Anna de Guadalupe.

Various reports say that border crossers went back to look for the priest. They asked for him by his name, only to learn the fate of Father Toribio Romo many years before.

Oh Holy Toribio Romo…

glorious martyr and miracle worker; You are the guide and protector of migrants, intercede for all who set out on this day, those who flee violence and poverty, and especially those who are in danger. Accompany them and keep them safe from all evil, come to the aid of the most vulnerable and those who suffer. We implore you to bring them a happy ending to their travels, and peace of mind for them and their loved ones.

Saint Toribio Romo, Patron Saint of Emigrants, Pray for us

If you want to know more about San Judas Tadeo prayer to cross the border, you can contact us on our social networks or by email.


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