Honey and cinnamon rose petal baths (flowers to attract love)

Are you experiencing difficulties in your relationship and want to rekindle the flame? Or perhaps you’re seeking to be more attractive to others? Discover the magic of honey and cinnamon rose petal baths, along with baths featuring other flowers, to draw love into your life. Below, we present four bath recipes to help you achieve your goals.

Honey and Cinnamon Rose Petal Baths and More

If you’re looking to awaken passion, love, harmony, friendship, attraction, and sensuality, these baths are worth trying without a second thought.

Bath of Red Roses with Sugar (or Honey) and Cinnamon

This first recipe aims to improve your love life by removing any negative energies that may be affecting your happiness. It can also strengthen your relationship with your partner.


  • 1 handful of red rose petals
  • 3 tablespoons of cinnamon
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar or honey
  • 2 liters of water


  1. Boil the water in a saucepan and add cinnamon, sugar (or honey), and a handful of rose petals. Mix thoroughly.
  2. While the water cools slightly, take a regular bath to cleanse yourself.
  3. Afterward, apply the mixture to your body, focusing on your shoulders, and leave it on for about 5 minutes before rinsing off.

This bath can be taken every four days to dispel negative energies from your love life. Avoid excessive use to prevent any potential adverse effects.

Bath of Red Roses to Rekindle Love

This flower bath is designed to reignite lost love and continue to captivate the attention of your partner.


  • 7 red rose petals
  • 3 tablespoons of honey
  • 2 liters of water


  1. Boil two liters of water and add the rose petals one by one, leaving a 5-second gap between each addition.
  2. Once all the petals are in, add the honey and stir well.

After allowing the mixture to cool slightly (but not completely), take a bath with it. Dry naturally to let the mystical powers of the rose bath infuse into your body. Use this bath no more than once every four days.

Bath of Red Roses with Champagne to Rekindle Love

This love bath can help rekindle a connection, but for increased attractiveness and attention, consider a more specialized bath.


  • 7 red rose petals
  • 7 bay leaves
  • 1 glass of champagne
  • 7 tablespoons of honey
  • 3 liters of water


  1. Boil three liters of water, then add one rose petal, one bay leaf, and one tablespoon of honey in alternating fashion.
  2. Add the glass of champagne.
  3. Allow the water to cool, then strain the mixture to retain only the infused liquid.
  4. After a regular shower, apply the mixture from head to toe, ensuring it covers your entire body.

Allow your body to air dry so it can absorb all the powerful ingredients. Use this bath no more than once every four days.

Bath of Red Roses with Honey

This rose bath is aimed at attracting men. It’s a simple recipe with a small prayer included.


  • 7 red rose petals
  • 3 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 liter of water


  1. Boil red rose petals with honey and a liter of water for 10 minutes.
  2. Turn off the heat, strain the mixture, and set aside the rose petals.
  3. Attach these petals to your bathroom windows and door from the inside.
  4. Pour the water from your shoulders down.

Let your body dry naturally, and your bath is complete. You can take this bath once a week, or more frequently if desired.

What Are These Recipes For?

As mentioned above, the red rose baths are primarily for attraction and love. They are helpful for individuals facing challenges in attracting love or romantic interest. If you’re feeling unnoticed and unloved, these baths may be the solution you’re seeking. It’s important to note that baths for two are meant to create a strong, lasting bond between partners and should only be done with your true love.

Will These Baths Really Work?

It may seem unbelievable, but many people have tried and attested to the effectiveness of these powerful baths. However, success depends on your belief and faith in the process. Without faith, the baths may not have the desired positive effects. They are particularly effective for addressing relationship and love-related issues when approached with belief and conviction.