Smell of poop spiritual meaning or what does smell of poop mean in the house

Smell of poop spiritual meaning Recently we have been asked the following: Can you post about the smell of poop spiritual meaning since my apartment has it despite not having pets and cleaning it constantly? What does poop smell mean in the house or feces? Does the smell of excrement have spiritual significance? What does the persistent smell of poop in the house mean?

As all these questions have that bad smell as a central theme, we have considered it appropriate to present its meaning below:


General features

Is there a strange smell in your house that you can’t identify? And you feel like it’s not just a smell from the laundry basket? Does the strange smell persist no matter what you do, like scrubbing, spraying, or lighting candles? Does your house smell, from one day to the next, of excrement (faeces, poop or poop) even though you do not have pets or small children, babies or newborns?

If you suffer from this situation, it is important to first verify if it is a stray animal (dog, cat, rodent, etc.) that has entered your residence, without you noticing, from somewhere.

After ruling out that this has been the cause of that bad smell, it is necessary to consider the possibility that you may suffer from a medical problem called «phantosmia» in which the sense of smell changes and odors are detected that do not really exist.

However, if you are not the only one who perceives this smell, but more people (and even your whole family and those who come to visit), then you must think that it is a spiritual matter.

Opening a few windows might help, but it won’t fix it completely. Next, we will see more about the smell of excrement or poop smell spiritual meaning.


its symbolism

Smell of poop spiritual or excrement meaning #1 In the house in general Smell of excrement in the environment leaves negative emotions. This smell can also calibrate wrong frequencies that will blow your mind. The bad vibes emanating from this spiritual scent can intrude on your inner peace.

The spiritual meaning of smelling poop or excrement is that a pessimistic soul surrounds you, or it can mean that someone has performed some kind of negative ritual, witchcraft or black magic nearby.


Smell of poop spiritual or excrement meaning #2 In a particular room The spiritual meaning of smelling excrement inside your room or a particular place in your house (living room, dining room, laundry room, kitchen, etc.) is clear evidence of a bad vibration. It is detrimental, unfavorable and gloomy. The presence of a pessimistic entity can tune your mind and body into poor condition.

It is very unwelcoming and if, in addition, you have a traditional feeling of chills and goosebumps it can also indicate the presence of ghosts.

If something goes wrong, the spirit nose (smell) and spirit tongue (taste) will let you know. This adds to the answer. If something is «dirty,» you can usually smell it the same way you can smell your clothes.

If you can smell the supernatural world, then you can feel the presence of spiritual entities or negative spirits. It is important to pray to God to remove this environment.

In both cases (both in the house in general or in a particular room), it is recommended that the person carry out a spiritual cleaning of the home. This can be done by burning sage incense and the bathroom of the floor of the house with a preparation of rue.

The prayer to San Miguel Arcangel is also recommended, preferably the novena.

Lighting a white candle or sprinkling holy water in each corner of the house is also suitable.

Some people perform Prarthana to get rid of this negative energy.


Smell of poop spiritual or excrement meaning #3 Out of home The spiritual meaning of smelling excrement outside your house is often seen as a good omen in a certain sense, since many people believe that this smell outside your house means that negative energy has not entered because there is a powerful spiritual barrier that prevents it from entering. prevents.

However, you have to be careful and it is recommended, in this sense, to clean the entire outside of the house looking for any type of burial. If found, it should be removed carefully (preferably using gloves) and placed in a black bag. Then the area must be sprinkled with holy water and if it is done in the form of a cross; better and pray to San Miguel Arcangel followed by three Our Fathers.

Finally, try to leave what was found in the burial as far as possible from the house and, without looking, leave the place behind.


Other symbolism

Smell of poop spiritual meaning in dreams # 1 Smell of human feces Many people have the ability to smell in their dreams. The dream meaning of smelling human excrement can indicate that you are ashamed of something that has happened in the past. If you are sad or hopeless in the dream, it is likely that something is disturbing you. It is time to reflect, forgive and ask for forgiveness.

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However, if you feel normal in the dream and the smell does not bother you, the dream may show that it is time to invest in the activity you have always wanted to start. Feces and their smell also have to do with creation and transformation. It’s time to seize the opportunity!


Smell of poop spiritual meaning in dreams #2 Smelling dog feces and seeing it The dog is a friend of people. Therefore, the meaning of dreaming of dog poop and smelling it means that it is time to start working with friends.

Invest in creating something with them or perhaps open your heart to new friends. If you start a business partnership with a friend, chances are it will be successful and profitable.

If you want to know more about the smell of poop, spiritual meaning or excrement, you can send your question to our email, which we will gladly answer as soon as possible.


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