Bay leaves to get work (recipes, ritual, spell, bath, etc.)

Bay leaves to get a job These recipes and rituals are for you, who are unemployed and full of bills to pay, desperate to get a job; but it also works for you, who are tired of your current job, either because of the horrible salary or for any other reason that annoys you, and who want a new job, like you always dreamed of.

If you need more faith and optimism in your life to see better and have more luck with job opportunities, you can turn to the bay leaves to get a job and other recipes, ritual, spell and bath that we present here.


Recipes and rituals

Bay leaves to get a job # 1 If your dream is to work in a multinational company, a company in which you know that you will be recognized professionally and that you have great possibilities for growth. Doing this ritual, your possibilities will be multiplied and the long-awaited vacancy will arise. See how simple it is to do this ritual.

The necessary materials will be an application in the company, a white candle, three bay leaves, a white plate and a red ribbon. Take the candle, melt the bottom of the candle a little so that a little wax drips on the plate to be able to stick the candle.

Then take the red ribbon and make 3 knots, one at each end and one in the middle. Now make a circle with the red ribbon inside the plate around the candle (be careful not to touch the candle too much, many ribbons are flammable).

Now, light the candle, say a prayer and start filling out the application form of the desired company. Finally, place the form under the plate with the bay leaves until the candle goes out by itself. In a few days you will see that this ritual is very powerful.


Bay leaves to get a job #2


2 liters of water;
7 bay leaves
3 mint leaves
1 branch of rosemary.

Preparation method:

On a Wednesday, boil two liters of water and place the rosemary, bay leaf and cinnamon on top in a bowl. Let it sit for 15 minutes;

With the infusion strained and heated, take a bath from the neck until after your ordinary bath. Sleep with this herbal bath without rinsing. As for the herbs that are left over, throw them into nature, preferably;

Since this bath must be done on Wednesday, take it before you go out to look for work. This will help you coordinate the necessary forces to be successful in your search and more easily conquer the position you want.


Bay leaves to get a job #3


1 liter of water;
A handful of leaf laurel
1 cinnamon stick;

Preparation method:

Add the bay leaves and the cinnamon stick to the previously boiled water and leave to stand for 15 minutes;
Take a bath as usual and then pour the hot or cold mixture over your body. It is important to make it clear that you should soak only from the neck down, as well as not rinsing or rubbing with towels to dry. Let your body dry with its own heat;
After that shower, prepare as normal for your job search or interview and good luck.


other rituals

Ris the key to get a job

This recipe with the key, because it will bring you the necessary energies so that the universe opens the right doors for you, presenting you with the opportunities you really want to get a good job.

Will need:

1 key;
1 glass of water;
2 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of cinnamon;
1 strip of paper;
1 white candle for 7 days.

How to do:

First, light the white candle.
On one side of the paper, write your full name; on the other hand, write your wish with a lot of faith, it could be the name of the desired job or the name of a company you want to work for.

In the glass with water, add the tablespoons of sugar and cinnamon; then put the key and paper inside, then put everything in a safe place, where no one can see or touch it.

For 7 days, leave the candle lit on the side of the glass and dedicate yourself to submitting resumes, doing well in interviews and creating good relationships with several people by saying that you are looking for a new job. Bay leaves to get a job


Recipes to get a job fast # 1

Do you need a job urgently? The following recipe is very easy to make and usually brings quick results for those who really believe and believe.

Will need:

1 dry breadcan be any;
1 plain paper;
A tissue paper;
1 green candle;

How to do:

Light the green candle with a match, offering faith-filled prayers.
Take a loaf and cut it in half with your hands, no knives.

Then you take the paper and write your request like this: “I, (so-and-so), want a quiet, peaceful job with great earnings. A job that brings me prosperity, happiness and money. And I am already grateful to be served by the spiritual plane. (so-and-so)”.

Roll this paper up tightly, fold it once and place it inside the bread.

Then, take a piece of tissue paper and wrap it in the bread with the paper inside, in the form of wrapping paper.

Walk around with that bread in your bag or backpack, or leave it in a place where you work, like your bedroom, office, or drawer at work.
When you get the job or change jobs, you take this package and preferably bury it in a beautiful and flowery place, like a park or your garden.

Let the candle burn to the end and dispose of the remains in a beautiful place too, never in the trash.


RRecipes to get a job fast # 2

To get a better job than the one you currently have, the following ritual will bring you a lot of positivity! Do it like we say, believe it in your heart and run after the job you really want, that’s how you will get it.

Will need:

An object that you like and that symbolizes the job of your dreams;
Coarse salt;
About green.

How to do:

Choose an object that you like and that can symbolize your dream job. It can be anything, like a doll, a lucky stone, something small that fits in the palm of your hand.

Now take the coarse salt and pass it over the object, cleaning it of all the dirt and negative energy that may be preventing you from achieving that goal, without forgetting to think about the job of your dreams.

Then put that item in a green bag and always carry it in your bag or backpack. Whenever you remember and think about the job of your dreams, bring that object to your forehead and mentalize yourself working on that job. Never talk about this object with anyone or put it on your forehead in front of anyone.


Ritual to get a job

The recipe made with garlic is ideal for the time of crisis that we are going through in Brazil and in the world. Therefore, it can be done both for those who want to get a job, change jobs and for those who want to protect their current job, for fear of being fired.

Rituals done with garlic generally give good results as it is known to send negative energy and bad luck.

Will need:

1 head of White garlic;
your resume

How to do:

First, buy a head of white garlic just for this recipe; therefore, it is no use getting the one you already have in the kitchen, but you should buy a new head of garlic from the market.
With your own hands, without using a knife, remove all the shells.

After printing your resumes, place all the garlic cloves on top and let the night change that way. So all the negative energies are gone!

The next day, get ready before you go anywhere and say, looking at yourself in the mirror and say: «I will succeed (or) all day.»
Take one of these garlic cloves with you and have an amazing day at work or turning out new resumes.
When you get home at night, plant this clove of garlic together with the peels you took the day before, it could be in your home garden.

While he is buried, say a prayer to Saint Joseph asking for good opportunities.
Weeks later, when the garlic grows, donate that garlic that was born to another person who also needs help and work.


Prescriptions to get a job in 3 days

This is special, see? The following ritual can help you get a new job, job opportunities or scheduled interviews within 3 days. See the step by step below:

How to do:

First of all, leave your resume at the company you want to work for, regardless of whether you have a vacancy there or not (if you have a vacancy, there are more possibilities, of course).
Take a piece of paper and write the name of that company; Wrap the paper in a key to your house, but that you no longer use (if you don’t have a copy of your current one).

also know decrees of abundance and economic prosperity and more

Fill a glass with clean water and add the sugar and the paper with the key to that glass.
For 7 days, keep that cup high in your home. Whenever you look at it, pray for Santo Expedito, asking thanks for this work in this company or in another as good as her.
On the eighth day, pour the water under running water. Whenever necessary, she repeats the condolences for another 7 days until she gets her job.

If you want to know more about bay leaves to get a job (recipes, ritual, spell, bath, etc.), you can ask your question in the comments section.


also know

Powerful prayer to find urgent work (San Cipriano and more)