Cross kisses meaning and what does a kiss on the nose mean

Besos en cruz meaning / kiss on the cross / meaning a kiss on the nose Originally it is believed that the kiss was an action through which life, spirit and even strength were transmitted. It was also an expression of dedication to the sacred. For this reason, the first kisses of humanity were directed at sacred things, in order to receive their magical or supernatural influence.

In ancient Egypt, the feet of the god-king or pharaoh were kissed. In Greece they were offered to the statues of the gods in order to implore their protection, just as the faithful kissed the threshold of the temple or the altar.

Kisses played an important role in ancient Rome, they were considered a sign of respect, thanksgiving, reunion and reconciliation, as well as a rite of passage. Kisses were exchanged by classmates, teachers, priests and politicians. At the same time, the kiss of Judas, who had betrayed Christ, perverts the idea of ​​kissing in this early Christian context.

This is the meaning of the kiss addressed to Allah, with which the ancient Muslims began their prayers and one of the incentives to make a pilgrimage to Mecca is to kiss the Kaaba or Black Stone.

From there, humanity began to offer kisses to the kings, believing that they were appointed by God in addition to enjoying divine consideration themselves. Let’s see about kisses on the cross meaning


The kiss on the mouth: A late discovery of humanity

The kiss on the mouth was unknown to the Greeks, who limited themselves to kissing the head, the eyes and sometimes the hands, as can be deduced from the Homeric poems; in fact, while kissing him on the forehead, he pulled the kissed person’s ears.

In none of the Celtic languages ​​is there any word that refers to these lip encounters. Until the fifteenth century, for example, the aborigines of America were completely ignorant of this affective expression.

In the Zohar, the main work of the Kabbalah, we find a mystical interpretation of the kiss that comes from the rabbinic belief, according to which certain just people, like Moses, are freed from the last agony through the ecstatic rapture of God’s kiss.

In this sense, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux says that the Holy Spirit is a «kiss from the mouth», exchanged by the Father and the Son. According to this saint, who is said to have founded the rule of the Knights Templar, it is a sacred kiss that only God can give. The perfect kiss would be received by human beings in eternity.

However, the kiss on the mouth was not always seen in a positive light. As late as 1914, when Augustus Rodin’s famous sculpture The Kiss was brought to Lewes, in the south of England, its neighbors took up arms against this «obscenity» and the work of art had to be hidden in a haystack to keep it safe. of his anger. Until the year 1999 the statue could not return to its first abode.


What does a kiss on the nose mean?

Even today, the Japanese do not have a word for «kiss» between two people in their language. The Malays are aroused by caressing with their noses rather than their lips; and Filipinos kiss by bringing their noses close to their faces and sniffling, although in places like Manila they also use their lips, expressing their sexual interest by wrinkling their noses as if they wanted to sniff, since smell is more important than touch in primitive love: They don’t say like us «give me a kiss», but: «smell me»

The kiss of the nose means that you are the object of committed affection. A kiss on the nose is extremely sweet and can be a key trigger for sparking instant romance or fanning the flames of love.


the kissers

The first Roman emperors gave their subjects their feet to kiss, until Trajan eradicated this ceremony, believing it to be at odds with human dignity.

A century later, the popes decreed that their feet should receive this fineness, openly imposing this rite in the third century. Later, some pontiffs tried to avoid the rejection that the ceremony produced in more than one person and had a cross embroidered on their slippers, so that what was kissed was the Christian symbol and not the human extremity.

Emperors of the category of Constantine the Great or Justin could not avoid this gesture and had to deposit their kiss on the base of the lower limbs of the popes Saint Sylvester and Saint John I, respectively. Given that the kings, in imitation of the Roman pontiffs, also wanted to be the object of this ceremony, Pope Saint Gregory reserved it exclusively for the occupants of the throne of Saint Peter. Let’s see, then, the meaning of cross kisses


Cross kisses meaning

Cross kisses meaning You can still see an oath made in a threatening manner, by kissing the thumb and index fingers in the shape of a cross, while saying: For this one, or for these, which are crosses. This magical gesture comes from the vow of adoration that the Romans performed before the effigies of Venus.

They kissed the sign they made with the index finger resting on the thumb placed vertically, as the first was the finger of honors and the second was consecrated to the goddess of love. Given the similarity of this sign with the cross, the popular Christian tradition did not hesitate to incorporate this pagan rite into its particular intimidations.


Superstitions related to the kiss

Around the kiss there is a certain negative superstitious line: whoever kisses us on the cheek while standing behind us should not be trusted, it is a sign of betrayal: a pious legend assures that Judas, not daring to show his face, kissed his Master standing behind him.

If a child kisses an adult spontaneously as soon as he is introduced to him, the older person will live a long time, but if he is forced to do so or it is difficult to convince the child, the person in question is either bad or very sick: to undo the curse or conjure the malfario the adult must cup his hands making a cup with them and blow into it vehemently.


The meaning of dreaming a kiss on the mouth

Dreaming that you are kissing your partner is more than just a pleasant moment while you sleep, as it can reveal desires, needs, and even good opportunities for the near future. This type of dream is closely related to prosperity and success, as it generally indicates that good news is coming and that some problems will be resolved soon, especially in financial life.

kiss for singles For singles, a kiss on the mouth can mean the desire to find the right person and start a new relationship. If you have a crush on someone right now and you dream that you are kissing her, this may indicate that you are willing to turn the matter into a serious relationship. However, this type of dream also reveals the need to be cautious and let things happen at the right time.

lover’s kiss Who has a lover or has had and dreams of this person may be showing an attachment for the case outside the relationship. Dissatisfaction with the current relationship or poorly resolved past situations can be responsible for this type of dream. If you are happy with your current partner and still dream about your lover, the dream may indicate doubts in the subconscious and confusion about what is best for you, in addition to the conscience that weighs betrayal.

also know hands spiritual meaning (hand signs and movements)

kiss from a stranger It is very common to dream of unknown people and, in many cases, the person was known, but upon waking up, the mind is confused and can no longer know who participated in the dream.

If you dreamed that you kissed an unknown person, whether single or dating, this may indicate the need to conquer and seek self-knowledge. Think carefully to make sure you really were a stranger. If you remember the face well and know that you have never seen it before, it is because you are a stranger.

If you partially remember and have a familiar feeling, it is possible that the person in the dream is someone you know but have not had recent contact with.


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