What does it mean to break a child God or break a saint (a Christ)

What does it mean to break a God child? What does it mean when a saint breaks? What does it mean that a Christ is broken? These are questions that we are frequently asked on our social networks.

So, here we will start by talking a bit about the images and then what it means for a religious image to break.

When we speak of an image of a Saint, we are saying that this image represents that Saint and not that it is the Saint himself, that is, an image of Jesus Christ is not Jesus but a representation.

So if it fell and broke, we are not picking up pieces of our Lord Jesus Christ but pieces of a plaster statue that represented him.

Despite being a representation, it must be treated with respect, since it is considered the materialization of the Faith. Therefore, no believer wants a religious image to be broken in their home, but when this happens, it is important to know its spiritual meaning.


Why a religious image can be broken

An image of a saint can crack for a number of reasons, including weather, excessive heat or cold can damage a piece of plaster to the point of cracking.

Also that during transport from one place to another it cracks.

On the other hand, it could be that the religious image of the Christ child in the manger, a saint (such as San Antonio, San Judas Tadeo, etc.) or a crucified Christ falls to the ground by itself.

It is important to point out that each situation has its significance. Let’s see more about, what does it mean to break a God child?


its significance

What does it mean when a God child, a saint or a Christ is broken (It has been manipulated and by accident it has fallen to the ground) It is a sign that you have to be careful and that the time has come to change some attitudes that may not be the best. It is necessary to start being more present, helping your relatives more often.

What does it mean when a child of God, a saint or a Christ is broken (When cleaning the religious image it has been observed that it has cracks) It is a sign that you should pay attention to problems in your life that can get worse. However, if they are dealt with immediately, they can soon be resolved.

What does it mean to break a child of God, a saint or a Christ (The image has been manipulated and by accident it falls to the ground and only the head is broken) If only the saint had his head broken, it is a sign that someone wants your head, literally! and all this is due to envy of his recent achievements. Watch the people close to you, because it may be one of them who is wishing your fall.

To protect yourself from these energies, it is important to be discreet and avoid talking too much about your personal life, especially your achievements.

What does it mean when a God child, a saint or a Christ is broken (apparently it falls alone without anyone having touched it) It is a non-positive meaning, since it indicates that the environment is loaded with negativity.


protection prayer

Because breaking (by accident or alone) a religious image has a non-positive connotation, it is important to pray for seven days this prayer to clean the environment and protection.

Oh Saint George, my holy protector of everyone and all souls
Protect my soul, my aura and my body from all my enemies,
I need protection from everything and everyone who tries to attack me.

Oh, Saint George, saint unbreakable and matchless,
Help me to have your divine protection against all those who try to harm me,
Against all those who cast envy, the evil eye, negative energies and
Even the macumbas that I can’t stand…

Divert from me all those people who want to see me unhappy
And I’m only attracted to good people, with good hearts and good ideas about
Of my person.

Do not leave me unprotected in this world of injustice,
Protect me and all my family against everything I try
To hurt us all the time.

Use your powers, your strength and your wisdom to make my soul invisible
To all attacks from enemies and to help her withstand
All the attacks he suffers day after day.

O Saint George, cleanse my whole body and soul from all that is bad
That you have accumulated during all this time without protection.

Thank you Saint George, for listening to me and for making me a better person
And more protected.


If you want to know more about What does it mean to break a God child? What is the meaning when a saint is broken? Does it mean that a Christ is broken? You can ask your question in the comments section.


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