The rosary as protection How to use it?

The rosary as protection There are religious objects that are considered sacred, one of them being the rosary. The Rosary is one of the oldest Marian devotions. It is a system of prayer and meditation in which knots or beads are used on a string, to carry the number and sequence of prayers that, in the end, make up a complete prayer, the most perfect of the Christian faith.

It is a repetitive set of Hail Marys, Our Fathers and Glories to the Father. Every time you repeat the prayer, you give the Virgin a beautiful rose, the queen of flowers. Each complete Rosary means a complete crown.


The story of the Rosary

The devotion of the Rosary already has hundreds of years of life in the Church. Tradition has it that, in the year 1208, Mary, the Mother of God, appeared to Santo Domingo, taught him how to pray so that he would spread this faith, since unbelievers and sinners were increasing. She so she did it, and the priests and those who knew how to read (which were few) began.

In this sense, they prayed every weekend the 150 psalms of the Bible. Illiterate people (which was quite a lot) wanted to participate, but not knowing the alphabet they invented the «Psalter of the Virgin Mary», the psalms were replaced by 150 prayers: Our Fathers, Creeds, Hail Marys, etc.

To keep track of the prayers that were said, they tied knots in a rope or threaded small nuggets on it, and there they counted. This is how the Rosarlo was born, as we know it and pray it in the Church, at home, when someone has died, etc.


The Rosary in other religions

Other religions also have theirs, and there are as many types as beads in one of them; even the intention and the prayer vary like the stars in the sky.

Islam has 99 amber beads, its faithful count the entire series to recite the 99 names of Allah collected in the Koran. There is even a Japanese one with 108 pebbles that symbolize human mistakes.

In recent years, the mala, or Buddhist rosary, has become a fashionable object used as adornment by models, artists, musicians, intellectuals, and ordinary people. However, few know its deep meaning and its use within the contemplative practice of Tibetan Buddhism.


How is the Rosary composed?

The Holy Rosary is composed of the prayer of 20 Our Fathers, 200 Hail Marys and 20 Glories to the Father. These prayers, which are the best known among the Christian people, are divided into 20 mysteries. In each of them an event in the life of Jesus and the Virgin Mary is remembered and contemplated. After remembering each one, pray an Our Father, ten Hail Marys and a Glory be to the Father. The 20 Mysteries are divided into four series:

joyous. In them you meditate the beginnings of human redemption: from the annunciation to Mary and the incarnation of the Son of God in his womb, to the adolescence of Jesus.

Luminous. They pass from childhood to the busy public life of Jesus.

painful. You remember the most outstanding moments of the passion and painful death of the Messiah.

glorious. You contemplate the triumph of Jesus, the coming of the Holy Spirit and the glorification of the Virgin Mary.


Rituals to magnetize the rosary with holy water

Although there is a wide variety of rosaries on the market, those made of pearls or glass are recommended. However, if your favorite rosary is not made of this material, it can be magnetized with holy water in the following way.

  • Dip the rosary in a glass of holy water, then place it under your bed, and leave it there for a week.
  • Pour the water into the toilet and then form a circle with the rosary, place a white candle in the center and let it consume completely. This will help in attracting good things to life and to the people around you.
  • Choose one of the three prayers and use it to pray after lighting the candle:
    • Heavenly Father, I ask you to help me find light on my path. I beg you to protect me against all evil and danger. Give me strength to get ahead and may this rosary favor me at all times and in all places.
    • Supreme Light of creation, allow me to have peace of mind in daily life, so that all bad influences move away from my life from the people I love. Help me channel my existence along the path of love.
    • May this rosary protect me against adversity, envy and dangers. May I achieve my goals every day and help others bring peace to their hearts. Have strength and security to overcome obstacles. Let’s see, next, how to use the rosary as protection


The rosary as protection How to use it?

After being magnetized with holy water, the rosary can be used for protection in the following ways:

  • Place a small rosary behind the front door to prevent bad energies from reaching your home.
  • Buy a rosary and keep it in a white bag, carry it in your purse or in the glove compartment of the car.
  • Place around the neck when you have insomnia, anxiety or depression. Sleep with it for 33 days, after this time you will feel calm.
  • Anoint the rosary with the essence of sandalwood, rosemary and purslane and place it around the neck of a sick person, which will help them feel better.
  • Clean, if a move is to take place, the new house with holy water (in spray) to ward off bad energies. Then put fresh rosemary leaves in a wooden, glass or clay container and anoint the rosary with orange essential oil and place the container in a different place each day, living room, dining room, bedrooms, etc., then store in a bag of paper the elements used and throw away.


After all, can the rosary be worn as a necklace?

We mentioned earlier that you can use the rosary as a protection on the neck when you have insomnia. However, the following question arises, can the rosary be used as a necklace? Let’s see more about it:

The closest resemblance to a norm on this subject is found in Canon 1171 of the Code of Canon Law. Namely: “Sacred objects, intended for divine worship by dedication or blessing, must be treated with reverence. They must not be used in an inappropriate or secular way, even though they may belong to private persons.”

It is likely that this law does not fully apply to our case, since it mainly refers to sacred objects for liturgical worship, such as chalices and vestments, rather than rosaries. At the same time, the suggestion to treat sacred objects with reverence and respect can logically be extended to rosaries, crosses, medals, and the like.

Also, wearing a rosary as a sacred protection is not the same as using it secularly or inappropriately. In fact, many religious congregations wear the rosary as part of their habit, usually hanging from a belt. There are also several historical cases of lay people using the rosary for devotional purposes. For example, in his book “El secreto del rosario”, Saint Luis de Montfort illustrates the positive results of this practice in an episode from the life of King Alfonso VI of Galicia and León.

I think the key to answering this question can be found in Saint Paul: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). In other words, there should be no indifferent or irrelevant actions in the life of a Christian.

If the reason for wearing a rosary is as a declaration of faith, as a reminder to pray it, or some similar reason “for the glory of God”, then there is nothing to object to. It would not be respectful to simply wear it as jewelry.

This last point is something to keep in mind in the case of wearing a rosary around the neck. First of all, although it is not unknown, it is not a common Catholic practice.

Second, in relatively recent times, certain controversial public figures have popularized the fashion of wearing the rosary as a necklace, and not precisely to «do everything for the glory of God.» It also appears that in some parts of the United States and elsewhere, wearing rosary beads around the neck has become a gang-related identification badge.

Therefore, while a Catholic may wear a rosary around the neck for a good purpose, he or she must consider whether the practice will be understood positively in the cultural context in which the person moves. If any misunderstanding is likely, then it would be best to avoid the practice.

At the same time, as Catholics we must assume the good intentions of the person wearing a rosary unless other external elements clearly indicate otherwise.

also know Bell spiritual meaning and in the Bible (symbolism hear bells)

A similar reasoning is observed in dealing with rosary bracelets and rings, although in this case there is much less danger of confusion as to meaning. They are never simple jewelry, but are worn as a sign of faith.

According to some sources, small prayer beads or single decade rosaries were developed in times of persecution as they were easily concealed and could be worn without attracting unwanted attention.

They also became popular with Catholic soldiers on the front lines, especially during World War I.

Far more important than the visible wearing of a rosary is wearing the rosary, even publicly, for prayer. Then it is truly done «for the glory of God.»


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Saints to commend

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prayers for protection