Bathrooms to get a job or work with cinnamon, rue and more

Bathrooms to get a job Getting a job or job is not an easy task especially in these times. In addition to the qualifications required for many positions, will and energy are necessary.

If you are one of those who believes in their own abilities, skills and potential, find your powerful bathroom to get a job in the list below.


Bathrooms to get a job

Bathrooms to get urgent work

The job search must be accompanied by an urgent desire to find it. Here’s how to prepare a bath to get a quick job.


2 liters of water;
7 sheets of laurel;
2 pieces of cinnamon sticks;
1 sprig of rosemary.


On a Wednesday, prepare an infusion with all the ingredients. The infusion consists of putting boiling water over the herbs and letting them rest for a few minutes. In this case, you will boil the two liters of water and place it on the rosemary, bay leaf and cinnamon in a bowl. Let it sit for 15 minutes;

With the strained and warm infusion, bathe your neck after your usual bath. Sleep with this herbal bath without rinsing. As for the leftover herbs, throw them into nature, preferably;

Since this bath must be done on Wednesday, take it before you go out to look for work. This will help coordinate the forces necessary to be successful in your search and more easily obtain the job you want.


Bathrooms to get a job

Another powerful bath to get a job is the one prepared with garlic. In popular culture, garlic is known to remove toxins and bring good energy to people. So why not include it in a recipe to get a job? After all, we need natural components to cleanse our energies and allow for the new.


The resumes you have in hand and want to distribute;
3 liters of water;
3 garlic cloves
1 tablespoon of rice;
Light or any object that serves as weight.


Cut the 3 cloves of garlic and leave them finely chopped, then mix with water for 1 to 2 minutes in a jar; After that, add the spoon of rice, but without stirring. Simply drop it into the water and let it sink in;

Place the resumes over that jar with the warm water, being careful not to get it wet. Use sticks or other weight to keep them secure on top of the mix;

After a while, take a simple bath as usual, and then pour the water on your body from head to toe. Finish off with another simple bath to remove any bath residue. Put on your most presentable outfit and hand out the resumes that were at the top of the jar.


Rue baths to get a job

Rue is a recurring element in bathrooms for opening paths and bringing good energy to anyone. In the powerful bathroom to get a job, the herb points to your strength to get a new job.


3 liters of water;
3 branches of rue;
Yellow flowers of your choice;
A little white pepper;
A little coarse salt;
zest of ginger;
1 white incense or candle.


In a saucepan, bring water to a boil and add ingredients to boiling point. Start with rue branches, coarse salt, yellow flowers, grated ginger and pepper at last;

Mix the ingredients well and slowly and let the mixture boil for 10 minutes. Turn off while cleaning the bathroom;

In the bathroom, light the incense or white candle and then take a regular bath. As soon as the shower turns off, use the powerful bathroom prep to get a job and pull her down from the collar to make her orders. Mentalize your goals in a positive way. Let your body dry naturally and wear light clothing.

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Bathrooms to get work with cinnamon

The cinnamon bath is used both for love themes and to bring prosperity, so if you have someone in mind and want a little help to win it, or if you are in debt or looking for a job, this is the way out.

Some people are skeptical about the bath, but they work very well.

Cinnamon, by itself, is already very powerful in what it proposes, however, sometimes, we need to use it together with other things. The purpose of these joins is to accomplish each problem in a specific way. For example:

Cinnamon and honey baths to get a job: Adding cinnamon and honey is a way to intensify the powers of a magic of attraction of the positive and of a good job.

also know recipes to get a job and ritual with laurel to find a job

Baths to get a job with cinnamon and coarse salt – Other times, you do not get a job because there is a great charge of negativity, it is necessary, then, to use coarse salt to ward off negative energies.


3 sticks of cinnamon.

3 liters of water;

petals of 1 yellow rose;

half a glass of coarse salt;

200 ml of cava or cider.

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How to make this bath to get work with cinnamon

Mix all the ingredients, except the cider and honey, and leave taking a full moon bath.

The next day, light a white and a yellow candle, mix the cider and honey, and take a bath pouring the mixture down your neck. He plays potty and thinks about what you want. Don’t dry yourself. Dress in white and yellow, it might just be the yellow panties.

Pick up bathroom debris and play in a garden, beach, river, or under a beautiful tree.

Cinnamon bath must be done on Friday, after 6 pm and before midnight, and must be done on Saturday.


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Recipes to open paths and ritual to open path (work, business, etc.)

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