What does the third eye mean in the bible and prayer to open the third eye

What does the third eye mean in the Bible These questions are the ones we receive the most when we talk about spirituality and they revolve around the subject of the third eye: What does the third eye mean in the Bible? Is opening the third eye dangerous? Does the third eye have spiritual significance? Is there a prayer to open the third eye?

In this article we want to answer these questions:


General features

The third eye is nothing more than the pineal gland that is located in the center of the brain. The pineal gland gets its name from its pineapple shape. Its function is to produce melatonin, which allows the body to relax before sleeping.

The Third Eye is also said to produce natural DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) which allows the mind to enter the dream state. This DMT allows individuals to see images through rapid eye movement, which is how we dream at night.

Many mystics have learned to enter the dream state and hypnotic trances which is literally biohacking of the mind. These mystics understood that the dream state is one of the major ways that God speaks to individuals and by entering the trance state they could communicate with God.

In Eastern religious thought, as in Hindu traditions, the Third Eye is labeled the 6th Ajna Chakra and by opening it one can attain enlightenment. Next we will answer the question What does the third eye mean in the Bible?


In the Bible

As for the Bible, it is important to note that it does not mention the third eye by its proper name, but does mention it in reference to the «Mind’s Eye» and a few other references. Let’s see more about it:

What does the third eye mean in the Bible #1: Matthew 6:22-23. Jesus says: “The light of the body is the eye; therefore, if your eye is single, your whole body will be full of light.” This saying is in direct correlation with having a double mindset, instead of allowing the mind’s eye to be single and focused on God, who is peace, harmony and light.

The third eye is the place where God meets us. It is also the door through which an individual is able to «see» into the spiritual realm through spiritual gifts such as discerning of spirits, quickening, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, dreams, and so on.

What does the third eye mean in the bible #2 Genesis 32:22-32 where Jacob wrestled with God. While Jacob is alone in the Jabbok River, he wrestles with God and is left with a bruised hip and a blessing. During his back-and-forth wrestling with God, Jacob latches onto God and tells him that he won’t let go until he blesses him, and that’s exactly what Jacob got.

After this encounter, Jacob called the place Peniel, saying: «It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.» The Peniel or Pineal Gland is where each individual wrestles with God. It is where the battle between good and evil is waged within the mind of each person. The Holy Spirit even works with our conscience by writing God’s law on our hearts as we travel the narrow path between right and wrong, good and evil.

No matter what an individual does during his waking hours, when his head hits the pillow each night, when his eyes close he will account for all the things he did with his time during that day. This is also said of our time on Earth until eternity.

By keeping our hands clean and our hearts pure, we can boldly come before the throne of grace with the mind of Christ with a clean conscience.

If an individual continues to sin after the grace of God’s conviction he will be given the opportunity to repent (change his mind), if he does not then that individual is given over to a reprobate mind. This is why the Bible says «Today if you listen to his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.» Hebrews 3:15.


Should I open my third eye? Is opening the third eye dangerous?

Contrary to popular belief, there is no “Third Eye Opening”. Everyone is born with their Third Eye already open, but over time it becomes calloused/calcified. Like a muscle, it’s a matter of using it or losing it. If a person’s muscle is not used over time, the music will begin to atrophy and waste away.

This is a natural process as the body will allocate more energy to the areas that are most needed to function, literally “Out of sight, out of mind”.

Jesus said that we must be like little children to inherit the kingdom of heaven. A child’s imagination is full of wonder and wonder, there is also a sense of trust with children. They don’t worry about where their next medium will come from because their parents will provide it.

The same must be said of the believer, we must operate with faith and trust that our heavenly Father will take care of us. This is key when walking in the spirit. It is love and integrity that allow us to grow as mature sons and daughters of God and it is love that activates the faith with which we have been graced.

As we grow closer and closer to the Father’s heart we will begin to see things the way He sees. We will begin to love as He loves.


From the point of view of other religions and spirituality

After answering the question: What does the third eye mean in the Bible?, we consider it necessary to deal with the point of view of other religions on the subject.

Third eye spiritual meaning #1 Symbol of enlightenment In Buddhism, the third eye appears on the forehead of deities or enlightened beings, such as the Buddha. It is a representation of higher consciousness and is believed to guide people to see the world with their minds.

Third eye spiritual meaning #2 A symbol of divine strength In Hinduism, the third eye is depicted on Shiva’s forehead, and represents his forces of regeneration and destruction. In the Sanskrit epic Mahabharata, he turned Kama, the god of desire, to ashes using his third eye. Hindus also wear red dots or bindis on their foreheads to symbolize their spiritual connection to the divine.

Third eye spiritual meaning #3 A window to the spiritual world In parapsychology, the study of unexplained mental phenomena, the third eye serves as a gateway for spiritual communication, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, lucid dreaming, and astral projection. In New Age spirituality, it is also the ability to evoke mental images with psychological meaning.

Third eye spiritual meaning #4 Wisdom and inner clarity In Western spiritual traditions, the third eye is associated with cosmic intelligence. When this eye is opened, it is believed that a clearer perception of reality is revealed to the person. A Japanese scholar of Zen Buddhism even equates opening the third eye with overcoming ignorance.

Third eye spiritual meaning #5 Intuition and insight Associated with Sixth Sense, it is believed that the third eye perceives things that the other five senses cannot perceive. It is closely associated with intuition, the ability to understand things in an instant, without the use of logical reasoning.


Prayer to open the third eye (powerful)

While it is true that we are all born with our third eye open, the following sentence helps us to better understand its power and how to handle it in a positive way.

Father God, open my mind and my heart so that my third eye can see your greatness and

so I can better understand what is around me.

Remove from my mind all the bad thoughts that I walk away from your ways.

Clear everything that prevents my third eye from being able to concentrate and stay focused on what it needs to do.

Strengthens my mind and all my thoughts, making me a stronger and more fighting person.

Father God, help me so that with my third eye I may be able to better understand and help others.

So be it,


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