Spiral spiritual and esoteric meaning (fibonacci, golden, celtic and more)

Spiral spiritual meaning We frequently receive questions about the spiral. In this sense, we have been asked the following: Does the golden spiral have a spiritual meaning? Could you post about fibonacci spiral spiritual meaning? I am interested in knowing more about the spiral celtic and esoteric meaning? Does the spiral have spiritual meaning? What is the spiritual meaning spiral?

Today we are going to deal with this topic, but first let’s see in general terms the spiral and its origin.


General features

The word “spiral” comes from the Latin “spira” or “spiralis”, and the Greek “speira”. They translate as “needle” or coil, or pyramidal or conical structure. «Spiral» also comes from the Latin «spirare», which means «to breathe».

The Sanskrit word for the spiral is «kundalini». This suggests the «power of the serpent.» In tantric yoga, the kundalini surges through the body through the chakras or the 7 energy centers. Let us see, next, the spiral spiritual meaning.


its symbolism

Spiral spiritual and esoteric meaning #1: (in general terms) In terms of spirituality, the symbol of the spiral can show the path that leads from the outer consciousness to the inner soul.

External consciousness means worldly mentality, external consciousness, ego, external concept. On the other hand, inner awareness means a deeper understanding of wisdom, the invisible essence, heaven, cosmic consciousness.

The spiral is a token of Creation. Follow this pattern: Path of life. Second, our life is a continuous creation. Third, one after another expression of reality frames. This is the only goal in our life that is our human progress regarding the care of changing from the inside out.

Also, in terms of rebirth or growth, the spiral symbol can show nature’s attention starting from the core or center. It is then incremented on the outside. In short, most mystics accept this as the way of all things.


Spiral spiritual and esoteric meaning #2: (in Hinduism) The Hindu «Trinity» is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. These three Hindu gods are the divine representations of the Creation processes. Lord Brahma is the Creator. Synthesis – Lord Vishnu is the Preserver. Analysis – Lord Shiva is the destroyer of obstacles.

Also, the “triple spiral” shows the types of symbolic ideas: The Buddhist “Triple Gem” – Buddha, Dharma, Sangha.


Spiral spiritual and esoteric meaning #3: (fibonacci spiral spiritual meaning) In the past, people could tell that the stars above revolved around a central point each night. In the end, today we know that we live inside a spiral galaxy. Also, our place within it. Finally, the great cycles that move continuously within this universe.

Some spirals, like the Fibonacci series, reflect certain mathematical truths and even spiritual meaning. This sequence is so amazing and important because it acts as a blueprint for spiritual growth.

We start at the beginning, where we begin to understand that our actions have reactions. Gaining the knowledge of where we disconnected and how to move on helps us spiral out. We must challenge ourselves in situations to grow. Let the Fibonacci spiral in your life realize its shape and structure in your life.


Spiral spiritual and esoteric meaning #4: (golden spiral spiritual meaning) The golden spiral has captured the imagination of mathematicians, designers, and artists with its beauty.

It has also been associated with beauty, as many believe that beauty is centered on its unique properties in mathematics and geometry. Some mystics believe that the symbol will also bring balance and harmony to one’s life.


Its symbolism in the Celtic world

The Celtic people had great morals. The Celts were members of an early Indo-European people. They spread throughout much of Europe from the second millennium BC to the first century BC.

As they were concerned with symbolism, they did so not only in the physical realm, but also in the spiritual. Their civilization left the spiral symbols that still remain today. Moreover, they are even popular. They thrive in many ways. For example, in jewelry, body art and architectural decorations, among others.

Celtic symbols and their meanings are an important part of Irish history and culture. In Celtic belief, it is believed to represent the sun or aerial energy radiation.

Spiral spiritual meaning (Celtic simple spiral) The simple spiral symbol is one of the most common symbols in Celtic culture. The ancient Irish are believed to have used the single spiral to represent the sun, with a clockwise spiral denoting the shrinking winter sun.

The single spiral symbol represented the brilliance of eternal or cosmic energy. In addition, it also represents growth, birth, increased awareness, dedication, patience, commitment, and knowledge. For this reason, it is really a great symbol for those who want to move forward.

Spiral spiritual meaning (Celtic double spiral) The double spiral symbol is a sign of balance between two opposite spirals of conflicting activities. In short, it shows that there are always two completely opposite activities in the universe at any given time.

When we relate it to the Ying Yang, it also means the spiritual awakening and the blending of the mundane with the spiritual empire.

Cycles such as birth and death, creation and destruction occur at the same time. Similarly, this is represented by the double spiral.

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Spiral spiritual meaning (Celtic triple spiral) The triple spiral symbol is also known as a “triskele”. In fact, it is still found in various megalithic and neolithic sites.

This spiral symbol is believed to be so ancient that it may fall prey to the Celts entirely. Similarly, many people around the world consider it a symbol of great beauty and mystery.

The drawing shows the three powers of the maiden, the mother and the harpy. Also, it is a sign of feminine power. In fact, it shows power through change and growth.


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