Garlic ritual contraindications (love and garlic under the pillow

Garlic ritual contraindications During the month we receive several questions such as the following: What is the ritual of garlic under the pillow for envy? What are the esoteric properties of garlic? Could you post about the ritual of garlic under the pillow? Does the garlic ritual have contraindications?

However, before explaining this topic, we will first analyze the esoteric properties of garlic in general terms.


General features

Esoteric properties of garlic Garlic is a plant that is scientifically known as Allium. sativum containing numerous health-promoting phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals with proven benefits

Garlic is associated with the esoteric and magical properties of protection, healing, love, strength, and endurance.

Here we are going to explain the famous ritual of garlic under the spiritual pillow and others.


What does it consist of

Garlic can be used in many rituals especially for protection, abundancemoney and even to make a person return with the couple Clear examples of these garlic rituals are the following:

Garlic ritual to protect against drowningNote: If you carry a clove of garlic in your pocket while traveling on water, it is supposed to help prevent you from drowning.

Ritual of garlic for love: Place a photo of the ex-partner on a plate and then spread honey and cinnamon on it. Finally put a clove of garlic and light a red candle next to the plate until it is consumed.

Ritual of garlic under the spiritual pillow of protection This ritual is quite simple, since it consists of putting a clove of garlic under the children’s pillow to keep them protected while they sleep.

Although, it is also important to point out that anyone can place a clove of garlic under the pillow with which. Not only do you get protection while you sleep, but also, according to some scientific studies, it can be a great antibacterial and antifungal agent, which allows you to sleep more hygienically.

As we have indicated before, garlic can be used in many rituals such as the famous garlic under the pillow. However, garlic rituals can, on occasion, be dangerous. Now we will explain the ritual of garlic contraindications.


the negative

Ritual of garlic under the pillow contraindications #1 We recommend changing the clove of garlic under the pillow at least every 15 days so that the protective power is maintained.

Ritual of garlic under the pillow contraindications # 2 The aroma of garlic can make some people repulsed and even disrupt their sleep. Therefore, if this is your case, we recommend using another night protection ritual.

Garlic ritual contraindications to attract ex-partner # 1 Bad energy in the relationship Rituals of tying, as is the case with the ritual of garlic for love, attract negative energies, since they influence the will of the other person. For this reason, although the couple does not want it, they will feel a sudden desire to be by her side, resuming the relationship.

This forced return, without a true sentimental intention, will attract many bad things, causing the relationship you are looking for to cease to exist. The relationship that you start again is full of negative energy around you, greatly interfering with your happiness with your partner.

Garlic ritual contraindications to attract ex-partner #2 Affects free will. other Messing with someone’s free will is never a good option as it attracts bad energies for both parties.

Putting these kinds of rituals into practice will make your loved one come back to you, but they won’t understand the reasons for doing so. For this reason, they may see you as someone present in. his life, but he doesn’t seem to be really there, participating in activities, feeling and exposing what he feels by your side.

The consequences of this affect not only the relationship of the couple, but also of the loved one with himself, making him feel weakened, unmotivated.

Garlic ritual contraindications to attract ex-partner #3 Damaged self-esteem Using a ritual of garlic to bind someone to you guarantees the other’s physical presence by your side. However, it does not indicate that his feelings are true.

This is something that can greatly spoil your self-esteem, because you will know that he did not stay for love, but because he had no other choice.

A relationship surrounded by good energies, being positive for everyone, should help you have self-esteem, knowing how much the other loves you and wants to have you by his side.

Garlic ritual contraindications to attract ex-partner #4 Return of bad energies Even if you .you get used to the situation or you manage to turn the relationship into something positive, the negative energies do not disappear completely.

This type of ritual attracts many negative things into your life! This is because it will harm the other person by preventing them from choosing their own path. When this happens, even if it takes a long time, at some point the energy put into this ritual will return to your life, being very harmful.

Garlic ritual contraindications to attract ex-partner #5 Difficulty of connection A pleasant relationship implies a certain level of connection with your partner, being able to talk and feel good at his side.

After practicing the garlic ritual, even if the person is physically next to you, connecting with them will become quite a difficult task.

All the negative energy, your low self-esteem and the confusion that the couple will be feeling will greatly damage the couple’s connection, making it even more difficult for the relationship to work.

Over time, this will cause them to grow apart, but the couple will not be able to really leave the relationship, which will be difficult for both of them.

Garlic ritual contraindications to attract ex-partner #6 Separation from their partner As they do not feel connected to you and are becoming more. confused about what makes them stay in the relationship, the partner may start to pull away from you.

Although the relationship does not really come to an end, since the other person cannot get away from the person who has. Once the ritual is done, the reasons for doing the practice may seem to disappear.

Everything that attracted you to the other person begins to disappear. The relationship begins to weaken and they may wish to stay together, but only because the energies used in the ritual make it possible.

Garlic ritual contraindications to attract ex-partner #7 regret after. reflecting on the reasons why you distanced yourself or observing how the relationship is after a return without desire from the other, you may feel dissatisfied.

So, little by little, you can begin to realize that you regret having practiced the garlic ritual. Unfortunately, at that time it will be very difficult to change your reality.

As it is a very strong ritual, the energies it generates will continue around the couple for a long time.

Repenting of putting it into practice will be a big problem, since it will be difficult to undo the tie, and it will not be easy to start your life over with the bad energies that will remain.


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