Spells to pass an exam (rituals, amulets and candles)

Spells to pass an exam Who has not been through this situation?… They have studied a difficult subject all night and then when they take the exam, the mind goes blank. Studying to be able to enter the working life is not an easy task It requires investing a lot of time to learn concepts and techniques.

However, if you are already working and what you want is to obtain a degree to consolidate your knowledge and improve your salary, the job is much more difficult, since you must also meet the job requirements. On the other hand, if you have a personal problem that does not get out of your head, it can have a negative impact on educational performance.

For this reason, it is convenient to have several spells to pass an exam that will help you improve your memory, your analytical and reasoning skills, and your calm before the exam.


Spells and rituals to pass exams

Spells to pass an exam #1

The purpose of this spell is to produce an optimal internal state to face an exam and must be performed by the person who will take the exam. Naturally, it won’t work if you haven’t studied the subject. It should be done two days before the exam takes place, at night.


2 sheets of sage

1 unused key

1 blue cord

5 blue candles

7 grains of coffee

1 white chalk

1 blue cloth the size of a normal handkerchief


Use the chalk to trace a five-pointed star on the cloth and place a blue candle on each of them. Put the coffee beans, the sage leaves, the cord and the key in the center.

Take the cord and pass it through the key hole; and say out loud: «I want this key to keep my knowledge.» Then take the coffee beans and salt leaves and say, «By the power of God, let my practical sense guide me.» After that, blow out the candles and put all the items it contains, outdoors overnight. On the day of the exam, place a sage leaf inside each shoe and carry the key and coffee beans in a pocket.


Spells to pass an exam #1


a blue candle
Printout depicting the quiz or exam (anything about the exam usually works, or write the date and time and type of exam on a piece of paper).
a red marker


Light the blue candle and say the song…

«Oh, come to me whatever chances are, with a score and a rating that’s best for me.»

Close your eyes and meditate for a few minutes imagining the resulting successful score.
Open your eyes. Write the grade you want to get on the paper that represents the exam (using the red marker).
Carefully burn the paper* as you sing…

«I take your note, so be it.» until the paper burns.

Blow out the candle and your spell is complete!


Lucky charms to pass a test and candle (color)

Amulets to pass an exam #1 Obsidian is a beautiful stone, and its volcanic origins facilitate formidable magic if you hold it in your right hand when you study. It is the stone of fire and sacrifice. An obsidian knife preserves magic among sorcerers who are dedicated to «cutting off» contacts with evil spirits that interrupt progress toward learning and glory. The obsidian knife enriches with powers.

To concentrate and know what will be asked in difficult exams, get an obsidian in the shape of a knife, that is, with a sharp side. As you study, use that side to turn the pages of your books. The magic stone knife will open your mind. Thus you can receive secrets, ideas and symbolic forces of knowledge.


Amulets to pass an exam #2


A blue bag.

A pendant or figure of owl.

A calcite stone.

a bit of cumin

A sheet of paper.

A pen.

A blue candle.

Wooden matches.


Write on the piece of paper the request you want; then put the ingredients in the bag and close it perfectly. Light the candle and leave the bag in the center of the table overnight, until the candle burns out. You can put it near books and notebooks, taking the necessary precautions to avoid an accident.

The next day, in the morning, take the bag with the hand with which you write and ask it to help you in your studies and keep it in your backpack so that it is always close to you.

Note: It is important to note that the best candles to pass exams are blue, as this color helps concentration and, at the same time, provides tranquility.


Amulets to pass an exam #3

Both the written and spoken word have power. This amulet aims to ensure that the person who owns it has enough confidence and mental clarity to take an exam as long as they have studied.

It is important to choose a quiet place where there are no interruptions. You should sit with the sheet in front of you and think for a moment about what you want. It has to feel like it’s already happening in the present, like it’s already a reality. Now the magic formulation has to be done, it has to be written in the present tense.

Write the words wisdom, power, balance, control, reason, and gift on a small scroll in blue ink, then roll the paper up and tie it with a purple ribbon, put it in a bamboo straw, seal it with beeswax, and wear it around your neck or keep it nearby to your body.

This will allow you to be successful in all educational activities such as exams or a presentation. Perform this ritual on Monday and Friday at 6 in the morning or in the afternoon. Repeat it as many times as necessary.

also know Prayer to pass an exam (pass) and saints for study



Dress for your exam It is scientifically proven that the outfit you wear has a huge impact on your emotions. Make sure you pick your lucky outfit for test day. It is recommended to use colors light blue, yellow, orange or pink, but that’s up to you. Wear an outfit that makes you feel so confident that you won’t be able to fail that test.

Studying is a key factor While it is true that these spells, rituals and amulets help to pass an exam, it is also true that studying is required to achieve the goal. If you’ve done it conscientiously, along with the spells and rituals, you shouldn’t have any problems.

Remember, too, to be sure they will work for you. Uncertainty can block the good energy to pass the test or exam; so be safe.


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