Psalm to quit alcohol, ward off vices and for a drug addicted son

Psalm to quit alcohol / psalm to ward off vices / psalm for a drug addicted son Addictions are terrible and can ruin our lives. They destroy us inside and out, they take away from our lives those we love the most and leave us alone, helpless and dying. That is why you must pray a psalm to free yourself from addictions, both for yourself and for another person.

With the help of God our Lord everything is possible and with the help of the psalms we can pray to him in a very close and direct way. Let’s see, next, psalm to quit alcohol, ward off vices and for a drug addict son.


Which are?

Psalm to quit alcohol, ward off vices and for a drug addict son #1 Psalm 10 Psalm 10 is one of the best for those seeking urgent help for difficult problems. It serves to bring peace, relief and immediate help in times of helplessness and despair, including strong addictions (and not only). Therefore, if you need help or want to help someone, you should start by praying this psalm.

psalm 10

“Why are you far away, Lord?

The wicked, in their arrogance, furiously persecute the poor; let them fall into the traps they have devised.

For the wicked man boasts of his soul’s desire; he blesses the miser, and renounces Yahweh.

Because of the haughtiness of his countenance the wicked do not seek God; all his thoughts are that there is no God.

His paths are always tormented; your judgments are far from his sight, they are on a high mountain, and he despises his enemies.

He says in his heart: I will not be moved, for I will never be in adversity.

His mouth is full of imprecations, trickery and cunning; under her tongue there is wickedness and wickedness.

He lays traps in his hiding place, like a lion in his lair; he sets traps to rob the poor; he steals it and catches it in his net.

It shrinks, it crouches, so that the poor fall into its powerful clutches.

He says in his heart, God has forgotten, he has covered his face, and he will never see this.

Arise, Lord. Oh God, raise your hand; don’t forget the humble.

Why does the wicked blaspheme against God? He says in his heart: Will you not seek him?

You have seen it, because you consider the work and the fatigue, to render it with your own hand; the poor entrust themselves to you; you are the orphan’s helper.

Break the arm of the evil and wicked man; he seeks evil from him, until he does not find it.

The Lord is an eternal King; from his land shall the nations perish.

Lord, you have listened to the wishes of the meek; you will comfort their hearts; your ears will be open to them;

Do justice to the orphans and the oppressed, so that the man of the earth stops persecuting the use of violence”.


Psalm to quit alcohol, ward off vices and for a drug addict son #2 Psalm 28 for alcoholics with problems Alcoholics go through extreme difficulties. They know how terrible addiction is, but they just can’t kick it no matter what they try. Therefore, in these cases they need immediate help. One of the best ways to get help is through the psalms and God’s help. You can pray Psalm 28 for this purpose:

psalm 28

“I call to you, O Lord, my strength; do not forget me.

Listen to the voice of my pleas, when I cry out to you, when I raise my hands to your holy oracle.

Do not take me with the wicked and with the workers of iniquity, who speak peace to their neighbor, but have evil in their hearts.

God Give them according to their works and according to the wickedness of their actions; give them according to the work of his hands; give them their reward.

Because they do not take into account the works of Jehovah, nor the operation of his hands; for he will tear them down, and will not build them up.

Blessed be Your Jehovah because you have heard my pleas.

Jehovah is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusted, and I was helped; therefore my heart jumped for joy, and with my song I will praise him.

Yahweh is the strength of his people; he is also the saving force of his anointed ones.

Save your people and bless your inheritance; graze it and exalt it forever.”


Psalm to quit alcohol, ward off vices and for a drug addict son #3 Psalm 32 to overcome addiction to drugs, alcohol or tobacco

Last but not least, we have a psalm of strength that serves to help those who are addicted to alcohol, tobacco or other vices. It is an excellent complement to the other two psalms above and can be prayed alongside them.

It is a shorter psalm that you can pray in times of difficulty and distress. So if you want to pray and improve your life, check out Psalm 32 below:

Salmon 32

Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute any evil, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.

When I was silent, my bones aged from my roaring all day.

Because day and night your hand was heavy on me; my dampness turned to summer dryness. (Selah.)

I have acknowledged my sin before you, and have not hidden my iniquity. (Selah.)

Therefore, everyone who is holy will beg you in time to meet you; even in the overflow of many waters they will not reach him.

God You are my hiding place; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with songs of liberation. (Selah.)

Do not be like a horse or a mule, which has no understanding, whose mouth needs a halter and bit to keep from coming near you.

The wicked have many sorrows, but mercy will surround him who trusts in the Lord.

Rejoice in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous, and sing for joy, all you who are upright in heart.”


Should I pray the 3 psalms to free myself from addictions?

Yes. You never pray too much, especially when you believe in what you pray and when you have faith in your prayers.

So, if you have faith in the psalms and believe in God’s help to improve your life, you can and should pray all the psalms in this article. You can pray them all on the same day or reserve a different day for each one.

The important thing is that you pray with faith and resort to the help of all the psalms when you have difficulties. Imagine that you feel like drinking, pray a psalm 1, 2, 3 or as many times as necessary to help control it.

Do not be afraid or afraid to pray. Pray as many times as you need, that’s what prayers are for.

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Can I pray for someone else?

You can and should pray for another person, but it is always much more effective when the addict prays for himself.

However, all help is useful and welcome and you can and should pray for another person. However, in addition, you should try to get the person to pray as well. We say it because that way the effects will be stronger and more effective.

Do you have any questions about the psalm to quit alcohol, ward off vices and for a drug addicted son? You can send us your question to our social networks or to the email.


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