Jade spiritual meaning, spiritual and magical properties (green and ma

Jade spiritual meaning We have received several questions related to a very beautiful gem: Jade. Some of the questions received are: Does jade have a spiritual meaning? Could you post information about green jade properties? Does orange jade have esoteric meaning? Does jade have magical properties?

Here we are going to give answers to all these questions, but first, it is necessary to deal with the general aspects.


General features

The name jade originally comes from the Gaelic ijada (stone), a term derived in turn from the Latin ilia (wing or flank), alluding to its fame for curing liver colic suffered by Roman magistrates during the agapes and unbridled orgies that they staged during the decline of the empire.

Jade is a stone considered sacred in the East, especially in China, as it symbolizes peace and serenity due to its calming properties. Even Buddha images and altars to him were made of jade.

However, not only in that region of the world was jade used, but also in Mexico. When the Spanish conquerors arrived in Mexico, they were able to observe that the natives used jade with the name of «ijade stone» (stone of lions), to cure kidney conditions. Let’s see, next, what is related to jade spiritual meaning.


its symbolism

Jade spiritual meaning #1 Therapeutic Jade has the power to balance emotions, increase stillness, and strengthen the immune system.

It can be used to calm the colic of the menstrual cycle or the colic of babies. It enhances the functioning of treatments against rheumatism, providing healing. Increases and stimulates female and male sexual energy.


Jade spiritual meaning #2 Mental health It balances the emotions and is used to treat disorders of the mind. Increases serenity, frees from depression and psychological problems.

It also ends insomnia, since it eliminates the overload that makes it impossible to sleep.


Jade spiritual meaning #3 Positive energy Jade is an energetic stone, it is made of light and good energies. So if you have one, you should already feel the difference.

Reverse feelings of failure, increase self-confidence. It has the power to purify the soul, bringing happiness.

With the chakras energized and free from feelings of pain, sadness, and resentment, positivity is restored and increased.


Jade spiritual meaning #4 Physical health This stone has the power to stimulate the body to self-healing. It has the ability to regulate and harmonize all organs.

It is a stone that can be used in treatments for chronic sore throats, relieves stomach ulcers.

Helps and prevents cartilage problems and body pain in general.


Jade spiritual meaning #5 Breaks ties If you have someone or some feeling that worries you and you cannot free yourself from that energy or from that person.

The jade stone has the power to break ties, it will free you from this prison of feelings of discrimination, disadvantage, failure and worthlessness.

If you are the type of person who does everything for others, who does not know how to say no and ends up sacrificing himself and giving everything for others, this is an overload and jade has the power to reverse this situation.


Jade spiritual meaning #6 Joy and happiness The jade stone is a stone full of vibrations and inspirations that stimulate joy. In everything you do you will find yourself happy and you will do it with joy.

It is an impulse to live a joyful life. It will make your true self shine brightly and with lots of positivity and joy.

The happiness that many seek will be stimulated and enhanced with jade

You will learn that you can find the happy, positive and good side in all events. Nothing else will shake you. You will continue to have your intuition and instincts sharpened.


Jade spiritual meaning #7 Value If you have many fears, difficulties and little confidence in yourself, use jade, as it has the power of courage.

With it you will gain courage to face your fears and your problems, you will shield yourself against the lack of confidence in yourself, to achieve your goals.

And you will leave behind sadness and fear of failure. Your convictions and certainties will be renewed.

You will notice that you will have more strength to move forward and desire to live.


Jade spiritual meaning #8 Union to higher energies Jade has the ability to connect you with higher vibrating energies, increasing your insight and allowing you to act intuitively.

By doing so, you will be able to feel the energies and allow them to guide you through difficult decisions and moments and provide you with the comfort that all will be well.

By wearing this stone, you can balance all your emotions, making you more spiritual. As a result, you will have a deeper connection with your spirit guides and improve your psychic abilities.

Lucid dreams are often attributed to this stone because it promotes lucidity. By allowing yourself to dream, you can improve your spirituality.


Other symbolism

Jade spiritual and magical properties #1 (to attract love) With regard to love, in China it was customary to engrave the figure of a butterfly to attract love or the jade was given to another person in the hope of obtaining love. It was a frequent engagement gift from a man to a woman.

Jade spiritual and magical properties #2 (to attract money) When placed in the southeast corner, it is traditionally believed to bring good fortune and wealth to the home or workplace.

In particular, the lucky or golden frog and the green jade fish are associated with financial abundance in Chinese culture. You can attract financial abundance into your life by placing a coin in the mouth of any of these creatures.

Another ritual with jade to attract money is to charge a jade earring or ring with positive energies and then put it on. To charge jade, you must have a positive attitude towards money and visualize yourself using it productively and creatively.

When you are contemplating a business matter, hold a piece of jade in your hand for a few moments. Be infused with its auspicious energies and then decide which course to take.

Jade spiritual and magical properties #3 (to attract wisdom) Jade is worn, carried, or placed in the third Eye to receive wisdom. By the way, wisdom does not mean knowledge. It is knowledge appropriately assimilated, applied, or retained. Jade strengthens the mental faculties and helps reason.

Jade spiritual and magical properties #4 (to attract good luck) In China, several jade earrings were attached to the waist to attract luck thanks to the fact that they produced a beautiful sound when they collided. The dancers put on this kind of belt and danced according to the sounds and rhythms caused by their movements. These jade earrings appear in an ancient Chinese poem: «… He who prefers the tinkling of jade earrings to all other music, he has heard that stone grow in the rock…»

Jade spiritual and magical properties #5 Facilitates meditation Practicing meditation with jade is beneficial for the body, mind and spirit.

Here’s how to do it if you’re new to this practice:

  • Make sure there are no distractions while you sit or lie down. You can create an atmosphere of peace by lighting a white candle or burning some incense.
  • As you breathe normally, don’t strain or strain. Follow the breath as it enters the nostrils and descends into the trachea and lungs. As you exhale, continue to follow your breath until everything seems calm and settled.
  • Place a Jade at your feet and hold one in each hand as a reminder of your connection to the earth.
  • Drop all thoughts, but allow them to enter your mind. Imagine that your thoughts slide into the stone and turn into harmless energy as they pass through your body.

Jade spiritual and magical properties #5 (Other magical purposes) This stone also protects against accidents and problems that proper attention can divert. It is also placed on the altar with purple candles or used during defensive magic.

A piece of jade can be worn while gardening to improve plant health. Four pieces of jade buried in the perimeter of the garden are also effective for this purpose.


Its color and influence

According to gem therapy, jade has different functions according to its color.

black jade: This protective stone acts as a ward against negativity, including unproductive doubts that we personally have.

blue jade: Using blue jade when meditating can inspire visions. It also resonates calmly. Tuck a piece under your pillow for vibrant, meaningful dreams. Wear a piece near your neck to balance the Throat Chakra.

chocolate jade: this version of Jade links with the Earth Element, providing grounding and reliability.

green jade properties: Inspires love and devotion. It protects promises, health and encourages compassion.

lavender jade: Jade in this beautiful shade promotes healing, especially of an emotional nature.

Jade Orange meaning : This Jade color has links to the Fire Element because it is very energetic. Orange Jade supports happiness and a sense of connection to the web of life. This Jade works cooperatively with the Sacral Chakra.

purple jade: It has a high level of vibration that corresponds to the Crown Chakra. This inspires psychism and a stronger connection to the astral realm.

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red jade: red represents action, our fight or flight instincts, and matters of survival. It is the color of the root chakra.

white jade: This crystal acts as a clarifier that balances your aura and focuses your mind. It also represents prosperity and dominance.

Yellow Jade: A very happy stone full of delight and optimism. Yellow Jade interacts with your Solar Plexus Chakra which controls your personal power and mental acuity.

Do you have any questions about jade magical properties? You can write to us, with all confidence, to our email or on our social networks.


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