Prayer to keep bad neighbors away from my house (miraculous prayers)

Prayer to ward off bad neighbors Getting along with the neighborhood is not always an easy task, even more so when you have not very nice neighbors.

However, there are neighbors who, due to their actions, are really dangerous because of their proximity to our home. In those cases, it is necessary to know a prayer to ward off bad neighbors

Before doing so, it is important to emphasize that it is essential to remain calm and courteous with the person in question and have faith that their wishes will come true, always trying to make the neighbor happy in another place away from us.


What are the neighbors?

Surely you know what a neighbor is, but it is important to make clear who they are, so as not to end up praying a prayer to keep the wrong person away from my house.

The term neighbor derives from the Latin “vicinus”, which means “neighborhood, place”. However, today the word neighbor is used to name people who live in the same street, neighborhood, building or condominium, but in different houses.

Let’s see, then, prayer to ward off bad neighbors


prayers and prayers

Prayer to keep bad neighbors away from my house to San Cipriano

By the powers of the Almighty, which no other saint can
I ask for your help to drive away my neighbor forever and ever.

San Cipriano, keep (neighbour’s name) away from my house as soon as you can
and to the farthest place you know.

That (name of neighbor) stay away from me, my family, my friends and everyone
the ones i love the most forever so i can live my life happily
happy and carefree life.

Saint Cipriano, eternal powerful, I need peace in my life and only
I can only get it if (neighbour’s name) gets away from home as soon as possible.

Come rain or shine, stay away from me. Be it day or be it night, away
from my. Whether it’s hot or cold, keep (neighbor’s name) away from me.

San Cipriano, remove (name of neighbor) from around me and make him happy away from me.

Thank you San Cipriano, thank you.


Prayer to keep away bad neighbors from my house to Archangel Saint Michael

Archangel Michael, please I ask you to defend me in difficult times.

Protect me against all evil and temptations of visible and invisible forces.

For this reason, I ask you to move my neighbor away, since he has provided evidence that he wishes to harm me,

I beg you, prince of the heavenly legion, by the power of God, remove all evil spirits and people from my life now. He sends your angels with the sword of the Blue Flame and selects from me all that is not of the light.

Cut and release all remnants of force that connect me with these imperfections of any kind, through, around or sent against me. Please act positively on my physical, etheric, mental and emotional aura, home, world, activities and finances.

Select from my loved ones and from every chain that belongs to me, everything that is not of the light.

Place Your Cross of the Blue Flame, in front of us, behind our backs, on both sides and seal, seal, seal us all with Your Cross of the Blue Flame, now and forever.

Help me get away (say the name of the neighbor) so that he can go away and be happy away from me.

Thank you, Archangel Michael.



How can I make the prayer to keep bad neighbors away from my house more powerful? Here are some tips:

At the end of the prayer it is recommended to light a white candle.

This white candle can be lit throughout the day or left burning all night.

Light the candle as an offering to the saint you pray to.

In this way, you will show your gratitude and your request will be dealt with more urgently and efficiently.

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