What does the bat mean in witchcraft, spiritual and biblical meaning

What does the bat mean in witchcraft, spiritual and biblical? Understanding the symbolism of bats can give you insight into the future, help you decipher patterns and trends from the past, and even learn from them. A study of the bat symbol could also help in forecasting, predicting or deciphering the meaning of dreams and could aid in decision making.

The symbolism of bats takes on different meanings in different cultures. Depending on who you ask, the meaning of the bat symbol could be positive or negative. However, there are beliefs that are similar in many cases. Let’s see, next, what the bat means in witchcraft (spiritual and biblical meaning).


its symbolism

What does the bat mean in witchcraft (general terms) In some Eastern cultures, the image of the bat is used as an amulet for good luck and protection. So much so that the image of the bat is intertwined with overcoming dark times and changes.

However, in the West it is linked, rather, to witchcraft and black magic. In this sense, let’s see more about it:

What does the bat mean in witchcraft (love spells) The bat is widely used in witchcraft to induce love or desire. In this sense, a man can stimulate a woman’s desire by placing a clot of bat blood under her pillow.

In Texas, a lovesick suitor placed a dead bat in an anthill until all the meat was removed, then put the «wish bone» (the hip bone of this animal) around his neck, pulverized the remaining bones , which he mixed with vodka and then gave his beloved to drink. A similar love potion from Europe recommends mixing dried, powdered bat into the woman’s beer.

What does the bat mean in witchcraft (rituals to attract luck) Bat hearts or bones are carried as good luck charms. Variations on a belief that apparently began in Germany, and has been replicated in the United States, predict that bats bring good luck at cards or in the lottery. The witchcraft preparation consists of wrapping the heart of a bat in a silk scarf or a red ribbon and keep it in your purse or pocket, or tie it to the hand with which the cards are dealt. Some also believe that tying a silk cord around a bat’s heart will bring money.

What does the bat mean in witchcraft (rituals against baldness) The association of bats with human hair is also used in witchcraft. In this sense, bat blood is used to prevent baldness. In India, using a hair wash of crushed bat wings in coconut oil is said to prevent both baldness and gray hair.


Other symbolism

Bat at home spiritual meaning (in different cultures) In Japan, the ideograms for «bats» and «lucky» have the same pronunciation. However, the Japanese also believe that bats are a symbol of chaos, discomfort and unhappiness especially if they enter the house.

In Chinese folklore, bats occupy a very important place; the Chinese also eat bats as they are believed to promote longevity.


Bat at home spiritual meaning (esoteric) Bats are special creatures, the only mammals that can fly. They use a sophisticated echolocation system to navigate. They have excellent hearing abilities and perceive their surroundings with their ears.

Bats hide in dark and desolate places during the day. They sleep hanging upside down and that is how their young are also born. Bat encounters can leave people restless and disturbed, even frightened.

You would mostly see bats in caves, ruins, tombs, and other dark and gloomy places. Their ghostly appearance, usually at twilight when they fly overhead, can be scary. Their love of abandoned houses and ruins has given bats a bad reputation.

The thoughts you have during your encounter with a bat can also be very important in your bat spiritual meaning. Perhaps, consciously or unconsciously, she has been thinking about birth or rebirth. The symbolic representation of a bat entering a cave to die (sleep) only to reappear at twilight indicates rebirth and the need for birth to bring something new.

If you ever come across bats, it could be an omen that you are constantly moving forward in your evolution. You may be the person that nothing can fool. It is wonderful to find the rhythm, to let go of old ideas, beliefs and traditions and to welcome the birth of new thoughts.

A bat at home should not only be seen from a negative perspective, but you also have to analyze the aspect that, perhaps, the Universe is trying to tell you to put aside old thoughts and beliefs. It can represent the fact of letting new ideas be reborn, kindness, generosity, collective good, and even freedom and other positive things.

Getting multiple visits from a bat inside your home can be a warning, so be alert. This alert is not necessarily negative, but it can have different meanings depending on the situation.

First of all, it can be a warning to look at your vibration, as well as your emotional state. Since bats are animals that deal well with darkness and invite us to do the same when necessary.

In addition, the bat can also bring a message of renewal, since it is related to the concept of death. Not just literal death, but death in the sense of closure of something.

Therefore, the presence of the bat in your home can often indicate that something in your life may come to an end so that something new can be born.

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Bat at home biblical meaning Bats have been mentioned a total of three times in the Holy Book. The bat is mentioned three times in the Bible, twice in the list of unclean creatures or abominations of birds that must not be eaten, which also includes the eagle, the vulture, the black vulture, the red kite, the black kite, any type of hawk, any kind of crow, the great horned owl, the screech owl, the seagull, any kind of hawk, the small owl, the great owl, the white owl, the desert owl, the osprey, the cormorant, the stork, any type of heron and the hoopoe.

The third mention is made in a passage in Isaiah that describes the end of all idols.

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