Corn rituals and esoteric meaning of corn (spiritual)

Corn Rituals We have received questions about what is the meaning of corn in witchcraft? What does it mean when they throw corn at you? What are the umbanda rituals with pochoclos meaning? What meaning does popcorn have in witchcraft? Could you explain to me what corn and potatoes mean in witchcraft? What does cupando tiran popcorn mean? I would like to know what the popcorn means in the macumba? Does corn have spiritual significance?

Taking into account all these questions, we have considered it necessary to explain this topic below:


Corn and the spiritual

Corn was considered by the cultures of indigenous America as a sacred symbol of abundance and fertility.

The Mayans, for example, believed that the gods had created the human race with corn dough.


esoteric meaning of corn

Native Americans have lived on corn for centuries and have revered it in their religious and funerary rites and in their sacrifices to Mother Earth, water and rain.

An ancient tradition tells that some North American native communities, when a difficult birth occurred, burned ears of red corn at the entrance of the house of the woman in labor to speed up the process. The Bororos, originally from Brazil, believed that if they did not bless the new corn by a healer, and eat it, their death would be inevitable.

Meanwhile, the Seminoles, originally from Florida, used to hold an annual purification festival where they performed the green corn dance and consumed part of the new harvest.

Currently corn continues to have a great importance in Latin American peoples. In the nutritional aspect, in the preparation of delicious dishes, such as tamales, arepas, tortillas, porridge, soups and breads, among others. Likewise, certain traditions and rituals with corn continue to be practiced.

Colombian peasants hang the largest cob of the harvest in the kitchen as a symbol of prosperity and an amulet of protection against droughts.

According to the santera tradition, the cob, toasted and adorned with a red ribbon, keeps away the disease and if you want to keep San Lázaro happy, you have to put one behind the door of the house.

Another tradition indicates that an ear of corn should be placed inside the cradle to protect the baby from negative forces. A bunch of ears of corn hung from a mirror brings good luck to the home, and a necklace made from dried red corn kernels prevents nosebleeds. Next, we present several rituals with corn that can be performed at home.


Corn and other meanings

To answer the questions: What is the meaning of corn in witchcraft? And what does it mean when they throw corn at you? We answer it in the following way:

The cob in witchcraft is related to the bright yellow color of corn that symbolizes wealth, increased salary or benefits along the way.

From this point of view we have to consider as positive that a person is thrown corn (meaning similar to rice when it is thrown to the newlyweds) since it means prosperity. Let’s see, next, different corn rituals.


corn rituals

Corn rituals to open paths


7 grains of corn as red as possible

7 popcorn (bland, without sugar or salt)

seven white candles

7 dimes

7 honey candies

Seven red icing papers

7 pieces of red baby ribbon, half a meter each

7 pieces of sweet pumpkin

7 pieces sandalwood incense, cut into small pieces

7 grains of rice


Assemble seven packets with seven red icing papers, leaving the color on the outside.

Put the following on each piece of paper:

Piece of paper one: Take seven grains of red corn.

2 Piece of paper two: 7 popcorn.

Slip three: 7 dimes.

Paper four: 7 honey candies, very small.

5 Piece of paper five: 7 pieces of sweet pumpkin.

Paper six: 7 pieces of sandalwood incense stick.

Paper seven: 7 grains of rice.

Then, tie each packet with red baby ribbon, half a meter each. Gather the packages in one place, all together, and surround them with seven white paraffin candles. Light the candles and ask that the paths be opened for everything you want to undertake.

The next day, walk 7 blocks, straight, without turning corners, and deposit a packet at each corner. Go back the same way you did and when you return home, mentally thank for the graces that will be granted to you.


Protection corn rituals to maintain good health


7 grains of roasted corn.

1 bit of camphor

a red candle

1 plate

1 piece of red paper.

Put, on a Monday, both the corn grains and the camphor together on the plate. Light the candle and place it on the right hand side of the plate. It should remain on for at least 1 hour. Then, the plate should be placed under the bed where you sleep throughout the night. The next morning, place the contents on the piece of paper. Finally, it should be left in the farthest place that is


Corn rituals to keep annoying people away from the house

Ingredients and special utensils:




corn or corn beard

a bowl


Break the egg and mix its content and the molicia shell in a bowl. Add seven drops of ink of any color, seven drops of honey, a handful of corn beard and three grains of corn.

The threshold of the house is smeared with this concoction if desired, to hide the dirt that it may cause, it is covered with a doormat.


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