What do sea snails mean in witchcraft and spiritual meaning

What sea snails mean in witchcraft Recently we have received several questions related to sea snails or seashells. Some of these questions are: What does it mean to have seashells at home? Does the sea snail have spiritual meaning? Does the sea snail bracelet have meaning? Does the shell have spiritual meaning? What do sea snails mean in witchcraft?

Here are the answers to all these questions:


General features

From a biological point of view, the shell is a hard lining made mainly of calcium carbonate, secreted by invertebrate animals (eg molluscs, barnacles, sea urchins). Some shells grow with the animal; others fall off and are periodically replaced.

The shell provides protection, a muscle attachment site, and, in some cases, buoyancy. In most molluscs it consists of 3 layers segregated by the mantle and its marginal lobes.

The outer layer (periostracum) is made up of an organic material, conchiolin. It can be fine and shiny or thick, scaly or prickly.


its symbolism

In the spiritual world, shells are generally used to transport ideas into people’s consciousness. For example, if you need an idea about a project in progress, the universe can transport those ideas to you through a shell. That is why various spiritualists have shells in their shrines. Let’s see more about sea snail spiritual meaning

Shell or sea snail spiritual meaning #1 home protector A seashell is a symbol of protection. That is, whenever you see a seashell in your house, it means that you are under the protection of the universe.

In the past, it was said that a sea shell would make evil people uncomfortable in your house. It has a strong protective energy, which drives away evil and negativity.

Shell or sea snail spiritual meaning # 2 Spiritual connection When you dream that you are holding a seashell in the water, it is a sign of spiritual connection. This means that your spirit is trying to connect with the universe. Seashells are symbols of spirits. With a seashell, various spirits can connect with your inner soul, and pass you messages.

That is why you should be aware of everything around you after this dream. When you dream that you are holding a seashell in the water, it means that the universe is trying to communicate with you.

Shell or sea snail spiritual meaning #3 Challenge A snail does not dissolve in water. It is defiant and strong against the tides of the ocean. Therefore, holding a conch shell in your hand is a symbol of having a challenging mindset, one that does not give in to pressure.

Receiving a seashell is believed to be an encouragement from the universe to move forward. The universe is telling you to be defiant to pressure just like a seashell is defiant to ocean waves.

Shell or sea snail spiritual meaning #4 Immortality A seashell is believed to represent immortality. It also represents a part of man that lives on even after death.

Shells can live for centuries and even millennia. Therefore, let the sea shell remind you of immortality or reincarnation.

This is why shells are commonly accepted in Egypt. Egyptians believe in life after death and shells are highly revered in that region. Therefore, take it as a sign to also believe in immortality. Let the shell remind you of life after death. With this, you will become spiritually aware.

Shell or sea snail spiritual meaning #5 Hidden secrets If you see an upside down seashell in the sand, it is a sign of hidden secrets. You will only be able to see what is in the shell if you look at it closely.

However, when the opening is covered, it is impossible to see what is happening inside the shell. Therefore, this is a message from the universe for you. The spirit world is revealing your heart to you. You have many hidden secrets, which you have hidden from people. Let’s see, next, what sea snails mean in witchcraft and magic.


What are its magical uses?

What do sea snails mean in witchcraft and magic #1 Prosperity Many cultures used shells as currency. Cowrie shells were used in Africa and North America, and wampum—pearls made from clam shells—were used by Native Americans as money.

Therefore, shells are suitable for money spells. Fill a small green or gold bag with seashells, a silver coin, and mint, which is an herb that attracts money. Hang the bag wherever you do business and rub it when you wish prosperity. Place a small seashell in your purse or bag so that money will continually flow into it.

What do sea snails mean in witchcraft and magic #2 Protection Protection is the main purpose of a shell in the wild, as it is made to keep small and defenseless sea creatures safe from harm. Therefore, the shells have a strong protective energy.

Many coastal cultures use shells in folk magic to protect the home, placing strings of shells over windows and doors. Children can wear strung shell necklaces to keep them close to home and safe from harm. Placing a small round shell on the pets collar will keep them safe if they wander away from home.

What sea snails mean in witchcraft and magic #3 Making a decision come true For magical uses and in witchcraft work, something representing decision is placed in the middle of some amethyst shells and crystals. The shells are to protect the decision made and the amethysts to transform the energies in favor of the decision.

What sea snails mean in witchcraft and magic #4 For future reading In many places it is used snail reading in order to divine the future.

What sea snails mean in witchcraft and magic #5 Ceremonial use and in representations of deities. Snails are used in many Afro-Caribbean and Brazilian rites to represent gods/goddesses related to the ocean or the sea.


can be had at home

To answer the question What does it mean to have seashells at home? We indicate that, from the spiritual point of view and as we explained previously, it is convenient since it is a symbol of protection.

However, it is good to mention that in Feng Shui it is the opposite, since, according to this philosophical system, you cannot have anything that comes from the sea in your home.

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Sea snail meaning bracelet

Snails or sea shells are widely used when making necklaces and bracelets. Its meaning is related to what was previously mentioned about protection. However, it is always good to wash them with sea water to avoid the impregnation of non-positive energies.


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