Basil spiritual meaning and basil under the pillow (magical

Basil spiritual meaning Questions related to basil have been sent to our email. Some of them are: Does basil have spiritual significance? Does basil have magical properties? What is basil used for under the pillow? Does basil have spiritual properties? Do you possess the essence of basil esotericism? What are the esoteric properties of basil esoteric use?

In view of this sense manifested, we have considered it pertinent to respond below:


General features

Basil is a plant native to India, widespread throughout the Mediterranean since ancient times, but cultivated practically all over the world as a spice and food condiment.

It has been used, since ancient times, not only in gastronomy but also as an ingredient to improve health and with great magical symbolism. Let’s see, next, basil spiritual meaning.


its symbolism

Basil Spiritual Meaning #1 Spiritual Prosperity This plant helps your soul navigate the treacherous waters of the spirit world. Therefore, it favors its development in this sense. Thus, in this way it becomes possible to attain the prosperity of the spirit.

Basil spiritual meaning #2 Tranquility to the environment. Basil is also known to provide calm. This plant, therefore, manages to generate tranquility for your soul. With more peace of mind, it is possible to improve your whole life. In this sense, basil helps strengthen your soul.

Basil spiritual meaning #3 Protection Basil is very powerful and can protect your soul. Therefore, keeping some basil is a positive thing and can bring benefits. Whenever possible, to increase the strength of your soul and help ward off evil, keep basil in your home. The results will be positive.

Basil spiritual meaning #4 Transformation Basil is known to enhance the transformation of the soul. Therefore, it makes your spirit evolve more easily. This is very positive as it gives more strength to the soul. In this context, basil appears as a very useful plant for spiritual transformation.

Basil spiritual meaning #5 Wisdom Wisdom is also a fruit of basil. Thus, you have more control over yourself and the effects of spiritual activities on your life in the physical world.

Basil spiritual meaning #6 Good luck By attracting good energies, basil can bring good luck into your life. This makes the plant used as a good luck charm by many people.

Basil spiritual meaning #7 Lightness to communicate with the spiritual world Those who have the gift of communicating with the spirit world can use basil to facilitate this process. With the lightness that the soul achieves with the presence of basil, communication with the world of the dead becomes easier.


What else does basil offer us?

The alchemists fully understood the magical power of basil, who, due to the occult properties attributed to it, considered it one of the sacred plants of Paradise.

It is said that basil could help man recover the power and happiness lost after the expulsion from Eden. It is also said that there is no greater magical power, nor a more powerful talisman, and in this sense, basil is a precious help, because its hidden power positively influences the mind and emotions.

In general, it is considered one of the best tonics for the nervous system, it is capable of attenuating mental fatigue and freeing the mind, favoring vigor and clarity, and eliminating indecision and negative ideas. John Gerard, an English Jesuit botanist and herbalist ((1545 – 1611) states that his perfume «helps the heart and fights the sadness that comes from melancholy, restoring humor to man».

An African legend also claims that basil protects against scorpions.

For Mexican villagers, basil is endowed with magical properties, and they believe that the leaves can attract fortune in business and love.

The basil bath and the esoteric essence of basil have the power to release and strengthen the body’s energy field: they are one of the best remedies to unload and protect yourself from negativity. As a preventive measure, it can be used whenever you come into contact with a negative or very aggressive person, or when you feel the threat or evil energy of a hidden enemy


Other esoteric aspects

Basil magical and esoteric properties #1 Treat insomnia caused by spiritual reasons Insomnia can be caused by spiritual reasons. If that’s the case for you, basil can help treat the problem. This is because it has relaxing properties for the spirit. Soon, sleep problems will leave your way.

Basil magical and esoteric properties # 2 Helps organize your spiritual life Organizing the soul can be tricky. But basil helps you get closer to your spiritual side, making it easier for you to put your life in order in this realm.

Basil magical and esoteric properties # 3 End the evil eye If a person has already kicked you out the evil eye, basil serves to end the problem. In this way, the plant not only acts preventively.

Basil magical and esoteric properties #4 rebuild friendships Basil is ideal for rebuilding friendships with those who have grown apart. As it generates tranquility and comfort for the soul, it can unite those who have been separated over time.

Basil magical and esoteric properties #5 exalt love Basil acts by releasing bad energies and attracting positive energies to the environment. Therefore, he exalts love in those around him.

Basil magical and esoteric properties #6 makes you reflect By creating tranquility in your life, basil makes you reflect. In this way, it makes people think more about the spiritual side and evolve in this sense.

Basil magical and esoteric properties #7 Stimulates the connection with your interior Basil stimulates the connection with your interior, which allows you to better understand yourself. Therefore, it is another benefit of the plant.

Basil magical and esoteric properties #8 Avoid brain fog Basil is also great for ending brain fog. Therefore, many people make use of this plant.

Basil magical and esoteric properties #9 Dilutes heavy energies Basil also has the power to dilute heavy energies. In other words, it kills off those bad vibes, creating a healthier life for you.

Basil magical and esoteric properties # 10 Helps the cleansing of the spirit Basil is also famous for cleansing the spirit. It is a very effective plant in this regard. Basil tea, above all, is recommended to cleanse the body and soul.

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Basil under the pillow. What benefits does it give us?

Many people may ask themselves, what is basil used for under the pillow? The answer is very simple. Putting basil on the pillow before bed is something that generates many benefits. The most outstanding are the tranquility of the soul, the fight against insomnia and the attraction of good vibrations for an important moment of the day.

To carry out this process, simply take some basil leaves and place them under your pillow or even inside it. The effects will be the best possible.


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