Leona spiritual meaning, in the bible and lioness tattoo meaning

Lioness spiritual meaning We have recently been asked a series of questions about lionesses in the esoteric world, such as the following: What is the meaning of lioness in the Bible? Does the lioness have spiritual meaning? Could you post the meaning of a female lioness tattoo?

It strikes us that these consultations revolve around the lioness and not the «King of the Jungle», but it is important to point out that they also have their very particular symbolism and magic.

Today we are going to give answers to these questions and we are going to start with the question: Does the lioness have spiritual meaning?


its symbolism

Lioness spiritual meaning #1 Matriarchy A matriarchy is a society heavily influenced and potentially ruled by female power within the group. Lions are very social animals and live under a matriarchal system. The feminine energy of the Lioness helps create the strong structure of the pride.

The Lioness encourages you to embrace your femininity and use it as a source of strength and not weakness. Society doesn’t always celebrate femininity, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a source of empowerment for you.


Lioness spiritual meaning #2 Intuition The lioness is a predatory animal, which means that it hunts its prey to obtain its food source. The lionesses are the main hunters within a pact and carry out their hunt in the disturbing hours of the night.

It symbolizes the need to use your intuition and follow your gut instinct in moments of uncertainty. You have the power of a lioness within you to help guide you through the darkest of times.


Lioness spiritual meaning #3 Value A lioness has as a source more than 37 species of animals that they hunt. These animals range from zebras, ostriches and crocodiles. Lionesses are smaller in stature than their lion counterparts, which makes their hunting abilities that much more impressive.

The spiritual meaning of the lioness symbolizes the courage it takes to overcome obstacles or challenges that seem bigger than oneself. The perceived size of a challenge is only one aspect of the situation, and the power and abilities you have within you may be more than enough to overcome it.


Lioness spiritual meaning #4 Symbol of the divine feminine The Lioness symbolizes the power of feminine energy, which is not to say gender specifically, but rather the energy associated with the feminine polarity in metaphysics. Thus, the qualities of intuition, creativity, attunement to the needs of others and the connection with the earth and water elements are associated with the Lioness.

There are also lionesses represented as other forms of the Divine Feminine, such as the goddess Sekhmet. In Egypt, this goddess, represented as a lioness, was an important symbol of the warrior who led the rulers in battle. Although she is considered a protective warrior deity, Sekhmet is also a healing goddess.

This dichotomy is a reminder that when working with the spirit of the Lioness, it is important to balance creativity with the fierce and potentially destructive energies that this animal symbolizes. She is both hunter and nurturer, healer and warrior.


Leona spiritual meaning #5 Use your inner strength A lioness is one of the strongest and fiercest animals in the animal kingdom. He is loyal and fiercely protective of his young and herd. She is strong and powerful and is not afraid of failure.

If a lioness approaches you in a dream, it is a sign that you need to harvest some of your own inner strength to face any challenge that comes your way. If she feels like giving up, know that the end is near and things will get better once you’ve risen to the challenge.

A lioness will never give up and will almost always emerge victorious. This is due to the admirable amount of inner strength in her. Many people misunderstand this symbol and try to counter it with the fact that a lioness has an immeasurable amount of physical strength that a human could never compare to.

The lioness is not there to compare the physical aspect of her strength with you, the lioness is there to praise you and encourage you to use your inner strength, which manifests as determination, endurance, perseverance and dedication. She knows that whatever your goals or struggles are, you are strong enough to reach them and overcome the most difficult stages.


Lioness spiritual meaning #6 Overcome obstacles The lioness has long been considered to represent victory, triumph and ferocity. This symbolism has been referred to in many religious texts, mythological stories, and in pop culture. Seeing a lioness in your dream symbolizes that you are overcoming obstacles in your life.

If you are currently struggling with something in your life that is causing you stress or discomfort, the lioness is there to give you the push to keep pushing. The lioness is a sign that even though things feel difficult at the moment, you have more than enough power to keep working on the matter.

Don’t feel like you don’t have the ability to go it alone, the lioness is there to show you that you can indeed take on any challenge that lies ahead. However, don’t be afraid to ask your loved ones for support. Even the fiercely independent lioness has a pride to lean on if she needs it.

The lioness can appear to him again in dreams once he has overcome the obstacle and is on the other side. She is there to show you that you can do it and give you a feeling of pride and accomplishment. She knows that whatever she is facing will end, and when she does she will come out stronger and more resilient for it.


Lioness spiritual meaning #7 Independence The lioness is a fiercely powerful and independent animal. They protect their young and herd and yet are able to fend for themselves when needed. Dreaming of a lioness could be a symbol that you feel strong and powerful about yourself. It could serve as a reminder that you don’t need others to dictate your own happiness or success.

Many people dream of a lioness when they experience changes or obstacles in their lives. It could be a messy breakup, quitting a job, leaving a group of toxic friends, or even doing what you want to do despite your family’s opinion.

Know that even if you hurt some people along the way, sometimes you have to be selfish to protect yourself. The lioness will appear to you to remind you that you are capable of being independent and doing all the things you want to do alone. You are not dependent on anyone for your own happiness or success, and if you feel like you are co-dependent on other people, you may need to take some time to learn to love your own company.

The lioness is not always alone, she has a large family and a pack dynamic, however, she does not need them to survive, and neither do you. Family and friends are great support systems, but remember that whatever you need you can do for yourself.


Lioness spiritual meaning #8 Loyalty Although a lioness is mostly independent, the importance of the pack remains strong in her values. Dreaming of a lioness in a pride is a symbol that you feel grateful for the people in your life.

You may have had a very supportive person or group of people who helped you through a difficult time. Perhaps his strength has made it possible for you to overcome an obstacle or a challenge that you faced in your life.

It’s easy to get carried away when it comes to a fight, and maybe you haven’t taken the time to thank those you leaned on.

The lioness will come to you in a dream as a reminder to take the time to show your appreciation to the people who have shown you love and support. Remember that it takes an army to get you through tough situations, and maybe in the future you can offer them the support they need in a tough time.


In the Holy Scriptures

It is important to point out, first of all, that both the lion and the lioness appear in the Bible, but in two different points of view; in the negative and in the positive.

Meaning of lioness in the Bible (positive aspect) In the Bible these felines appear, in some places,. with a positive symbolism and even the angel Ariel is called the Lion of God. There is also a reference in Ezekiel to a Lioness as fierce and protective of her children compared to. with people who have the same protective qualities.

There are other biblical verses where the lioness represents victory, tenacity and ferocity and also refers to maternal characteristics such as (Numbers 23:24), (Ez 19:2) and (Joel 1:6)

Meaning of lioness in the Bible (negative aspect) In the Bible it also refers to the properties of both the Lion and the Lioness as a cover of false value.. compared to the enemy «roaring like a Lion» but without end. In other words, what is meant to symbolize is the importance of not using false power or an inflated sense of self to try to manipulate or intimidate your opponents.

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Other symbolism

Meaning tattoo lioness woman The lioness tattoo has multiple meanings. The lioness tattoo symbolizes strength, beauty, and wisdom. The lioness is cunning and clever, for, along with her fellow lionesses,. They will work together to hunt and kill animals much larger than them.

In Ancient Egypt, the face of the lioness was that of the goddess Sekhmet. She was as powerful as she was fierce. She was also the guardian of women and those who had respect for them.

Therefore, the lioness tattoo is a symbol of femininity, motherhood and courage. It takes a lot to be a woman in times like these,. so if anything can be taken from the lioness tattoo, it should be.


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