Cruz de caravaca esoteric meaning (if it turns black, it bends or breaks)

The cross of caravaca esoteric meaning We have received in our social networks a series of questions related to the cross of caravaca. Some of them are: Why does the caravaca cross turn black? Does the cross of caravaca have an esoteric meaning? Cruz de caravaca meaning if it bends? Cross of caravaca meaning if it breaks?

In view of all these questions on this topic, we have decided to give you answers in this article, but first let’s take a brief look at its history.


General features

According to the legend of the Caravaca cross, everything happened in the Iberian Peninsula at the time of the Christian reconquest in the region. In the city of Caravaca, where there were prisoners, the ruler Abu Zeyt showed curiosity about Catholicism.

Thus, one of the prisoners, the priest Ginés Pérez Chirinos, received the order to give a mass for the ruler. However, on the day of mass, when the entire family and court gathered to attend the service, the priest remembered that he had forgotten the cross.

Unexpectedly, two angels flew in through the window, carrying a beautiful gold cross studded with precious stones. At this, all the Muslims present were shocked and converted to Catholicism.


What is the cross of Caravaca made of?

The Caravaca cross is made of wood, like many other crosses that are very common objects in Christianity, such as the Vera Cruz. But it is covered in gold and encrusted with stones and diamonds.

However, relating the two stories, the cross of Caravaca has fragments of the True Cross, that is, the original cross of the crucifixion of the son of God, made in Ancient Rome and remembered every year in the Catholic religion.

Hence the power of the Caravaca cross and its connection with the miraculous, the holy and the divine. That is why he is known and revered, as well as being present in some prayers.



Cruz de caravaca esoteric meaning (in general terms) Protection In general, the meaning of the Caravaca cross is associated with divine power and protection.

Cruz de caravaca esoteric meaning (regarding the same shape of the cross) The crossing of the spirit (the vertical line) and the material plane (horizontal line), giving rise to Man, who is a being who is in the material plane, but with the alternative of advancing upwards in the spiritual.

These two esoteric meanings come together as it implies that man often needs protection, and one of the best ways is to carry the cross. This will remind him of his position on the evolutionary ladder, thus making him focus on the crossroads between spirit and matter.

Esoteric meaning if the caravaca cross turns black When the caravaca cross turns black it means that it has absorbed the negative that exists in the environment. It is necessary to clean it with water and salt and leave it in the sun for 3 days to clean it esoterically.

Cruz de caravaca meaning if it bends When the Cruz de Caravaca doubles, it means that the environment is so heavy that it urgently requires an esoteric cleaning of the place. To do this, the floor must be washed on a Sunday first thing in the morning with a bucket of salt water (preferably marine or coarse) and White vinegar. Then with a broom (not a mop) remove the water from the inside out until there is as little water as possible inside the place. Finally if you can use the mop.

Cruz de caravaca meaning if it breaks If the caravaca cross breaks, it means that it is necessary to carry out a deep cleaning of the place and of the people who live (if it is a house) or who work (if it is a commercial premises). For the place, what was described in the previous case must be carried out (where it says «the cross of Caravaca means if it is bent» and, in addition, sprinkle holy water with a spay-shaped container in each corner.

As for people, it is recommended to bathe with a combination of sage and rue (In 3 liters of water, boil a handful of each herb to a boil and pour it over the body after taking a regular bath). It should be done for three days.


Other symbolism

Like other symbols of the Catholic religion, the Caravaca cross was also exported to the most varied corners of the world. In this way, he has harvested different symbolisms in those spaces.

The cross of caravaca esoteric meaning (Mexico) #1 Answers prayers In Mexico there is a belief that the caravaca cross was the first with which the indigenous had contact, being the first experience with Catholicism. The Caravaca cross was introduced into the indigenous culture. Therefore, it entered the Mexican culture and acquired its own meaning. There it is known as the cross that fulfills wishes and answers prayers.

The cross of caravaca esoteric meaning (Brazil) #2 Love and strength of Jesus Christ and God. In Brazil, the cross arrived through the Jesuit missionaries in the south of the country, more specifically in the region of the Missions, in Rio Grande do Sul. In this sense, it carries the discipline, hierarchy and religiosity of the Society of Jesus .

Thus, the Jesuit missionaries, who brought the cross to Brazil on their mission to evangelize the natives, used the cross as a symbol of affection, love and strength of Jesus Christ and of God.

Thus, for the evangelized, that is, the indigenous people who inhabited the south of Brazil, the cross was incorporated into their culture and acquired the meaning of the fight of good against evil.

The cross of caravaca esoteric meaning (cross of Caravaca and the cross of Lorraine). Although the names «Cross of Caravaca» and «Cross of Lorraine» are different, there is only one cross. However, being an object with origins in one of the most popular religions in the world, the Caravaca cross has traveled through many cultures.

For this reason, it can change its name in some places, as is the case with the Cross of Lorraine. The name has its origin in France, more specifically in Burgundy, a region located in the center-east of the country.

In this sense, the cross of Caravaca and the cross of Lorraine are exactly the same, they have the same meanings, the same prayers and they serve the same causes. Therefore, the change was only in the name, due to the change of region.


symbolism and prayer

The cross of caravaca esoteric meaning Novena to the cross of caravaca The novena to the cross of caravaca is shown as a strong ally, when you need a request to come true. Thus, she shows her seriousness and power in the verses and also in the instructions for the prayer.

Then, there are some particular recommendations that must be followed in the novena of the cross of Caravaca, so that it works and helps the faithful to achieve their goal. First of all, the novena should be prayed standing in front of a cross.

In addition, it must start promptly at three in the afternoon, for ninety consecutive days. In addition, a candle must be lit in front of the cross before the prayer begins.

also know Maltese cross spiritual, esoteric, mystical and metaphysical meaning

There are several types of cross with different meanings, such as the crosses of the Catholic religion and even of Greek mythology. (Read more)


The cross of caravaca esoteric meaning: Prayer in times of danger. This prayer focuses on the faith and devotion of the individual, who fears his fate and prays. Surely, everyone has faced moments of great fear in life. However, the Bible says that whoever believes in Christ should not fear anything, because he always watches over his children.

Thus, this prayer rescues that message for the devotion of the cross of Caravaca and reinforces divine protection. Among all the prayers linked to the cross of Caravaca,. prayer for times of danger is not only one of the simplest,. but also one of the most emblematic, for its protective aspect.

By the most holy Cross on which you, Lord Jesus Christ, suffered and died, save us.

Extend your grace on me. Grant me to reap the fruits of the Cross, symbol of Your Sacrifice.

I implore your protection, through the Holy Cross of Caravaca, and at your feet I take refuge.

Help me, for my faith.

So be amen.


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