Magical properties of myrrh spiritual and esoteric meaning

Magical properties of myrrh / myrrh spiritual meaning Myrrh is considered one of the most precious natural resources of the Asian continent.

Myrrh tincture is indicated to cure infections, lower fever and revitalize the respiratory system. Mouthwashes are applied to relieve inflammation of the palate, gum ulcers and throat conditions. The essential oil is prescribed to heal wounds, erase spots and eliminate hemorrhoids. Infusions are recommended to decongest the nasal passages and prevent lung disorders.

Myrrh has antiseptic, astringent, immune-stimulating, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties. Let’s see, next, the magical properties of myrrh.


Myrrh magical properties and spiritual meaning

Myrrh is one of the sacred incenses in the Bible. It is mentioned several times in the Old and New Testaments. Myrrh represents the suffering of Christ: the gift of myrrh by the Magi presages his death and burial.

The evangelist Mark says that Christ was offered wine mixed with myrrh before the crucifixion. Myrrh (mixed with frankincense) is still used in church incenses by many Christian denominations.

Myrrh is sacred to the Great Mother, whether she is called Mary, Isis, or Binah. (The names «Mary» and «Myrrh» are probably derived from the Hebrew word for «bitter»). It is an herb of the ancient Goddess, especially in her aspect of the one who cries and who listens to the cries of mourning.

As frankincense, myrrh can lead to rich and rewarding meditation (especially insight). It is used to heal personal pain and to connect with the dead and the underworld. Myrrh is rarely used alone. Its character is somewhat malleable depending on what it is mixed with.


esoteric myrrh oil

Esoteric myrrh oil has a beneficial vibration that induces an atmosphere of serenity, feelings of justice and peace in the places where it is burned together with incense, it is commonly added to other oils to increase their ethereal powers.

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Rituals and spells with myrrh

San Antonio myrrh cleanse for love

3 sheets of basil

3 tablespoons of myrrh

3 tablespoons of rosemary dry.


On red-hot coals throw the ingredients, jump on the coals, without touching them, and repeat the following:

“San Antonio, do not let me live alone and helpless of love. I ask you, with all the faith I have, to bring me surrendered to… (name of the desired person) to be my husband for life «


Spell with myrrh to attract love

To attract luck in love, it is only necessary to boil: 1 teaspoon of rue leaves reduced to powder, 1 teaspoon of sulfur and 1 teaspoon of myrrh

Let cool and store in a perfectly closed jar. Use one drop in the heart area and one on each wrist every night for 21 days.


Ritual with myrrh so that the loved one accepts coexistence

The purpose of this ritual has two objectives: the first is to get the loved one to accept living together, either definitively or temporarily, and the second, to get the family to accept it without problems. It should be held on Thursday night.

Paper and pencil

2 metal rings

2 small boxes, with lid

1 white candle and one red

1 stick of myrrh frankincense

1 white ribbon

1 white rose, with its stem



Also know what are the magic incense

Frankincense has been used for at least five thousand years. The first civilizations burned it to hide the smell of the sacrificed animal, but later the (…)

Light the two candles with matches and the myrrh incense. Write on a piece of paper the name of the people who influence the couple so that they do not accept living together. If there is none, write their name. Put the paper in one of the boxes.

Carefully remove the thorns from the rose and, with scissors, cut off the tip. Keep them in the box where the paper with the name of those who oppose coexistence has been placed.

Write your own name and that of your loved one on another piece of paper and keep them in another box. Add to this the petals of the rose and the two metal rings saying: «May the power of thunder and the light of lightning illuminate our lives. May the union that I propose to you be for all eternity.

‘When the candle and the incense have been consumed, cover both boxes and tie the one containing the rose petals with the white ribbon, making nine knots.


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