What does it mean to find eggs in the house (roof, patio and pot

What it means to find eggs in the house Recently we have received several interesting questions that revolve around the egg, such as the following: What does it mean to find eggs on the roof? What does it mean to find an egg in the yard? Could you post about what it means to find an egg in the pots What does it mean to find eggs on my doorstep? What does it mean to find eggs in the house?

Taking into account the concern about the meaning of finding eggs from an esoteric point of view, we have considered it pertinent to clarify these questions below:


General features

We all know that eggs are an amazing symbol of luck, new beginnings, and creation.

However, what does that mean in practice? Are the eggs a good omen when found or, on the contrary, is it a negative sign that means that they have done some witchcraft against someone who lives in the house?

Let’s see more about What does it mean to find eggs in the house? And what does it mean to find an egg in the patio, flowerpot, front door, etc.?


its symbolism

What does it mean to find eggs in the house (broken eggs) There is always something intrinsically sad about a broken egg, as it symbolically represents something that did not or could not reach its goal.

In this sense, finding an egg or several broken in the house (in your kitchen) has a negative connotation, since, as we indicated, they represent unrealized potential and disappointment. In short, bad news or broken plans can be expected if broken eggs are found.

However, finding broken eggs can also be a symbol that you will soon be pushed out of your comfort zone. This can serve as an important wake-up call. For example, you may want to pay attention to where you have lost faith and hope in life. Where can you grow? Do you procrastinate and postpone the change? What can you do to regain inspiration? How can you tap into your full potential?

Also, it is important to note that finding broken eggs and empty shells do not mean the same thing. Broken eggs with all their contents represent failure, but empty shells have realized their full potential. Empty eggshells are a fantastic omen.

Empty and used eggshells are a symbol of transformation, transmutation and realized potential. They are a reminder that you must use all your resources in the best possible way.


What it means to find eggs in the house (damaged or rotten eggs) Once you get over the scare and the unpleasant smell, you will wonder what it means to find eggs on the roof, in the patio, in the flower pot or at the door of my house?

In general, a rotten or damaged egg does not bode well, especially if it has been found on your patio or in a flower pot near your front door.

Its symbolism is even more negative if, around the egg, there are elements typical of black magic or witchcraft such as the remains of dead animals, urine, excrementground, black ribbons or ribbons, etc.

If that is the case, it is important to carry out a cleaning of the home and the opportune prayer of protection.

For the cleaning of the hgoar, the burning of incense of rue or sage for seven consecutive days in each room of the house.

Regarding the prayer of protection, it is advised to pray it daily for 21 days.

Here are two protection prayer options.

Protection prayer and ward off evil #1

God confuses and shames those who seek to harm my body and soul.
(make the sign of the cross)
Come back and be ashamed of those who wish me harm. Let them become full of confusion.
(make the sign of the cross)
You are my Benefactor and my Liberator, oh Lord God, do not delay.

Then pray:
Glory to San Miguel ArcangelSan Jorge, San Benito and San Alejo.
Blessed saints in heaven, who drive away the negative, intercede before the Lord God for his servant (say his name).
Come, glorious saints, to their aid. That the negative is removed and the one who tries to do something bad against me.

By this Cross will defend (say your name)
AND By this Cross will defend (say your name).
By this Cross (say your name) you will be free.
(Make three signs of the Cross)
Praised be our Lord Jesus Christ.
May he be praised forever and ever.

Prayer of Saint George protection and ward off evil #2

“Oh Saint George, my warrior, invincible in Faith in God, who brings hope and trust in your face opens my paths. I will walk dressed and armed with the arms of Saint George so that my enemies, having feet, do not reach me, having hands do not catch me, having eyes do not see me, and not even in thought can they harm me. Firearms will not reach my body, knives and spears will break without my body touching them, ropes and chains will break without my body being bound.

Jesus Christ, protect me and defend yourself with the power of your holy and divine grace, Virgin of Nazareth, cover me with your holy and divine mantle, protecting me in all my pains and afflictions, and God, with your divine mercy and great power, be my defender against the wickedness and persecutions of my enemies.

Glorious Saint George, in the name of God, extend to me your shield and your powerful weapons, defending me with your strength and your greatness, and that under the feet of your faithful horse my enemies humble themselves and submit to you. Help me overcome all discouragement and obtain the grace that I need so much: (make your request here) Give me courage and hope, strengthen my FAITH and help me in this need. With the power of God, Jesus Christ and the Divine Holy Spirit. Amen».

It is important to point out that what the person who has requested the performance of this ritual wants is that the dreams of someone who lives there do not come true or simply feel envy for the family union that exists in that home.

Note: The egg or eggs found may not be damaged or rotten, but the fact that they appear suspiciously in a flower pot, near the front door or on the patio, may be of obscure and negative origin. It is always good to perform cleansing rituals and pray protection prayers.


What it means to find eggs in the house (very often) Yes, it is the case that you find yourself with eggs in your kitchen misplaced, that is, it is not the place you supposedly left it previously and, in addition, this happens very frequently, you must ask yourself what you believe about life.

In this sense, you should ask yourself the following: Do you find balance like the inside of an egg? Are you creating what you want in your life? Where are you investing your energy spiritually? Or have you been too caught up in the mundane day-to-day life to focus on spiritual matters?

Take some time to think about what feels right to you and apply your practices in your daily life. Only the positive things that the egg represents, like the abundancefertility and good luck, are sure to follow.


What does it mean to find eggs in the house (in dreams) Do you dream of eggs? What does a dream related to finding eggs in your house mean? Well, when it comes to any dream interpretation, it is important to pay the closest attention to how you felt during the dream.

For example, dreaming of finding a giant egg usually represents that many good things will soon come to your life. However, if you feel a lot of anxiety about hatching this big egg, it could mean that there is too much of a good thing, which definitely changes the meaning.

Therefore, pay attention to how you felt during the dream and after, above all else.

But usually, dreaming of finding eggs in the house means that new things are coming into your life. You can expect new opportunities to be born in your life. Many eggs mean many blessings in dreams, the bigger the eggs the better!

If you want to have a baby, or even adopt a new pet, eggs are a great omen to dream about. You can usually expect good luck, abundance, fertility and positive energy flow into your waking life.

If you dream that you find broken eggs, you can expect bad news or possible disappointment. For example, if you dream of rotten and broken eggs around a house, your current plans to move may be derailed. But, don’t worry, what is meant to be in your life will come at the right time. Maybe you are destined to move to an even better house. Trust that everything will work out, and it will!


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