Yawn spiritual meaning What does it mean spiritually to yawn a lot

Yawning spiritual meaning We have recently received several inquiries about yawning from an esoteric point of view and, in this sense, the questions asked were: Does yawning have spiritual meaning? What does it mean spiritually to yawn a lot? I am very interested in knowing about yawning a lot of spiritual meaning? What does it mean to yawn while praying? Does yawning have spiritual and esoteric meaning?

Based on the questions raised about yawning, we have considered it pertinent to present their answers below, but first a brief general analysis.


General features

The act of yawning from an esoteric point of view is directly related to influences and energies that may be close to us or even trying to enter our body, but there may be other similar explanations.

When yawning occurs it is a sign that we are normally tired or sleepy, however there are times when we simply do not stop. We know that we are not sleepy enough for so many yawns to come out of our mouths.

The moment this happens we become suspicious, as we soon realize that it is a spiritual sign and not a physical symptom of our body.

As we recommend in all our articles, it is important to try to understand the spiritual signs and meanings. In this sense, we are going to detail about yawning spiritual meaning.


its symbolism

Yawning spiritual meaning or yawning spiritual meaning #1 What it means to yawn while praying One of the most common phenomena is excessive yawning while praying.

As we pray, we ask for help from God and other saints to protect us. So if we yawn during that time it could be a sign that our prayers are working, because negative spirits or energies are manifesting.

One way to check is to simply confirm if the yawning disappears when you finish praying. If they disappear they were connected to evil energies or negative presences that were eliminated with the power of your prayers.


Yawn spiritual meaning or yawn spiritual meaning #2 What does it mean that I yawn too much when a person approaches You were in a certain place, a person approached you and as soon as he approached you, you started yawning without being able to stop? This indicates that this particular person may have negative energies within them.

These energies are so strong that they affect you and make you yawn non-stop. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to temporarily distance yourself from that person until they are spiritually cleansed.


I yawn spiritual meaning or yawn spiritual meaning #3 Why do others yawn when I talk or get close to them According to esotericism, seeing other people yawn a lot when you get close to them indicates that you have negative energies that need to be eliminated.

These negative energies are so strong that the people you talked to could feel them. So we recommend that you do a complete spiritual cleansing or light a virtual candle at your Guardian angel.

If you want to protect yourself and are worried about this, just keep reading our article. Here’s everything you need to know to protect yourself.


Yawn spiritual meaning or yawn spiritual meaning #4 What does it mean to yawn and tear at the same time? Yawning and tearing are involuntary actions that the human body is capable of performing. However, what many people don’t realize is that this usually has a spiritual meaning.

When a spirit approaches someone’s body, the senses may be affected. A good example is what happens to a medium during a seance.

In general, it is common for those who possess the gift of mediumship to be constantly yawning and crying during a moment of connection with some spirit. But of course there is no reason to fear this behavior.

The effects felt by the body are not bad. Actually, they only clarify that the person is receiving very strong energies and that, therefore, they are having some changes in their body.

Even experienced mediums can experience these kinds of events. Therefore, it is even easier for ordinary people who are not so familiar with mediumship and spiritual connection.

It’s critical to understand that if you yawn or tear up a lot at once, it could be a side effect of being too close to a spirit. Of course, this is by no means true in all cases.

Therefore, not every time you yawn it will be because you are close to a powerful soul. But on some occasions, it may be for that reason.


Yawning spiritual meaning or yawning spiritual meaning #5 What it means spiritually to yawn a lot In many Afro-Caribbean and Brazilian religions, yawning a lot is considered a way to release negative energies. In this way, religion sees that some bad energies can take over your body and when you yawn, there is a clear sign that you are releasing what is negative in your soul.

It is an interesting way of looking at things, although different from that of other religions. Therefore, the act of yawning, especially in Umbanda, is far from being a bad thing.

On the contrary, it is a warning sign for you to seek more protection for your spirit, closing your body against the evils of the world.



Should I worry about the spiritual meaning of yawning? We sincerely believe that most of the time this symptom appears harmless and may not even be related to esotericism but rather to organic and physical causes.

However, if it becomes very common to yawn every day or around a certain person, you can and should perform a purification ritual for your body and soul. We recommend a bath in rock salt.

Boil 3 tablespoons of coarse salt in 2 liters of water. Pour this mixture from the shoulders down while praying 1 Our Father and 1 Hail Mary. Do this cleanse once a week for 4 weeks.

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Another way to protect yourself is to light a candle to your Guardian Angel and. ask him to protect you against all evil, whether visible or invisible.

Also keep in mind that if you are facing these symptoms frequently it may indicate that you are a person with a sensitive or even very active mediumship.


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