Shooting star biblical and spiritual meaning (see it with your partner or dream)

Shooting star biblical meaning For decades, many stories and mythologies focus on them. Symbolically, the stars are said to represent positive content, metaphors, purity and ambition.

It is said that the stars were a great help to people in the past, before the modern world existed. When there was no Internet, maps and mobile connections, people relied on natural sources for their needs.

They used nature to know the future and the way. The stars played an important role in those times. They paved the way for people as they traveled.

Due to its great symbolism, today we are going to analyze the shooting star’s biblical and spiritual meaning (see it with your partner or dream).


What is a shooting star?

Have you ever seen a shooting star at night and made a request to it in the hope that it would come true?

These celestial bodies are named for the light they produce, but they are not stars. They are actually meteorites and they ignite when they come into contact with the atmosphere.


According to the Bible

shooting star biblical meaning (in general terms) Stars (and shooting stars too) appear frequently in the Bible, from the creation account in Genesis to their appearance in Revelation.


shooting star biblical meaning (in the Old Testament where they appear)

Here we present some parts in the Old Testament of the Bible where it refers directly to a shooting star or something sumiliar.

  • The stars fought from the sky; from their orbits they fought against Sisera. Judges 5:20
  • The earth trembles before them; the heavens shake; the sun and the moon are darkened, and the stars withdraw their brightness. Joel 2:10
  • The sun and the moon are darkened, and the stars withdraw their brightness. Joel 3:15
  • Even if you soar high like an eagle, and even if your nest is among the stars, from there I will bring you down, says the Lord. Obadiah 1:4
  • You have multiplied your merchants more than the stars in the sky; the locust spreads its wings and flies. Nahum 3:16

Interpretation of its meaning: The biblical meaning shooting star in the Old Testament refers to God exercising his power over creation, as he has throughout the ages, and the meaning is explicitly literal.


Shooting star biblical meaning (in the New Testament where they appear)

Here we present some parts in the New Testament of the Bible where it directly refers to a shooting star or something sumiliar.

  • Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Matthew 24:29
  • And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon and in the stars; and upon the earth there will be anguish of the nations in perplexity at the roar of the sea and of the waves. Luke 21:25
  • When neither the sun nor the stars appeared for many days, and we were still hit by a great storm, all hope of our being saved was finally given up. Acts 27:20
  • The glory of the sun is one, the glory of the moon is another, and the glory of the stars is another; because one star differs in glory from another star. 1 Corinthians 15:41
  • Therefore, also from one, when he was dead, descended in multitude as many as the stars of the sky, and as the sand that is on the seashore, innumerable. Hebrews 11:12
  • And in his right hand he held seven stars and out of his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword and his face was like the sun shining brightly. Revelation 1:16
  • Behold the mystery of the seven stars that you have seen in my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: the stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches. Revelation 1:20
  • To the angel of the church of Ephesus write: This is what he says who has the seven stars in his right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands: Revelation 2:1
  • To the angel of the church of Sardis write: This is what he who has the seven spirits of God and the stars says: I know your works: you have a name that lives, and you are dead. Revelation 3:1
  • And the fourth angel sounded his trumpet, and the third heaven was struck.

Interpretation of its meaning: The biblical meaning of the shooting star in the New Testament is usually related to the light brought by Christ, the angels and the leadership. However, when it comes to the Apocalypse, interpretation becomes difficult given the metaphors found there.

One option is that Jesus is explaining current technology using terms that first century disciples would understand. A nuclear winter could cause debris to fill the atmosphere so that light from the sun, moon, and stars dims.

The falling “stars” could be satellites that cause the “powers”, or terrestrial rulers, to lose command, control and communication over their forces. Or the stars could be the nuclear missiles themselves.

Another option is that God, as Creator, would have no problem causing a natural disaster that fits this description. Although stars could not literally fall to earth, asteroids and comets could.

Others think that the forces of nature will become so destabilized that physics itself will fail, and stars and planets will lose their orbits. With the all-encompassing power and authority of God, there is no reason this cannot happen.


Its symbolism in the spiritual

What does it mean to see a shooting star #1 Good luck Seeing a shooting star has the meaning of good luck. In this way, this type of vision makes it clear that your path is marked by good things. For most cultures, the shooting star is a sign that good things are about to happen around you.

What does it mean to see a shooting star #2 Paths illuminated The appearance of the shooting star shows which paths (projects) are illuminated. It is a particularly sustained concept in esotericism, which likes to exalt the power of the divine.

In this way, the illuminated paths can make you go very far in your life. Seeing the shooting star is only shown as a representation of the good things that are about to happen around you, being a positive image.

What does it mean to see a shooting star #3 Protection of the soul There is a belief that the shooting star represents the angel that protects your soul.

What does it mean to see a shooting star #4 Destiny Seeing a shooting star has a connection to your destiny. Seeing the shooting star shows that your future will be very positive, with much to conquer. Vision is good and you tend to point to positive events around you.


Other symbolism

What does it mean to see a shooting star with your partner Happiness and love The shooting star is a symbol of happiness if it is seen together with the couple and it is recommended to take advantage of the occasion to make a wish for the good of the couple. In general, seeing this kind of universe phenomenon together shows that you are on a happy path of life. There may even be a long way to go, but progress is being made in the right direction towards significant achievements.

What does it mean to see a shooting star (two on the same day) If seeing a shooting star is a sign of luck, imagine seeing two! It is a very rare thing to happen, at least on most nights, and it has a very good spiritual meaning. Seeing two shooting stars on the same day is a sign that something good will happen in your life very soon.

This type of phenomenon is rare and tends to indicate that there will be some kind of positive event near you. Therefore, witnessing the passage of two shooting stars on the same day is good.


See it in dreams and its meaning

Dreaming of shooting stars #1 If you have dreamed of a shooting star, know that it is something special. Because they are not very common appearances, they are considered by some to be a symbol of good luck.

In addition, they can also represent, as mentioned above, an opportunity to make a request to heaven. Not only to make a request, but with great possibilities that it will be fulfilled.

Dreaming of shooting stars (a sky full of shooting stars) If by chance you have dreamed of this, it may mean that a lot of professional success awaits you. Not only that, but also a salary increase, a professional achievement or a higher position. In addition, it could also mean that you are going to achieve a dream that you have had for a long time.

Dream of shooting stars (which follows) If you have dreamed that you are chasing a shooting star, this dream has another meaning. It can be a sign that you are going after your dreams and you are striving to achieve them. If you strive for something, it means that you will soon conquer it and that you must continue on the path you are on.



Shooting stars are representations of the divine. They can mean a symbol that guides us towards hope and faith. In addition, they are also considered celestial bodies linked to destiny.

They also have the belief that the stars are the location of spiritual entities.

But in addition to being the location of these entities, they also have a very special relationship with the human soul.

If you want to know more about the shooting star biblical and spiritual meaning, what it means to see a shooting star with your partner and dream about it, you can send us an email and we will respond as soon as possible.


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