What does it mean when they throw graveyard dirt at your house? What to do?

What does it mean when they throw gravel dirt at your house? One fine day you leave your house for work and you find near the door a mound of dirt on newspaper or inside a small bag and you wonder how that dirt got there? so far? Who put it there? What was its purpose or end?

It is important that you know that the graveyard land is used in different rites and spells with the aim of doing some kind of negative action against the owner or people who live in that place.

Before panicking (perhaps one of the wishes of the person who has thrown the earth at you is to steal your calm) you must understand that the first step to get rid of the negative is to identify and neutralize it and that is what we are going to explain to you. continuation:


What does it mean when they throw graveyard dirt at your house?

The land of the cemetery, as we mentioned before, is an element used in some types of negative magic, but it is also used for other purposes such as protection.

In general, the person who performs this action is someone from your environment who knows you and who has some kind of envy, either because you have a beautiful family or have achieved great achievements in the professional field.

Whatever the origin of this envy, it is important to identify that it is not an accident but an intentional action.

The fact that you find the soil wrapped in newspaper or in a bag near your door indicates that the person wants you to know that it is graveyard soil, so that you become nervous about the well-being of your home.

Therefore, the first recommendation is that you stay calm and with the security that if you are with God and Jesus; no one against you That is, no one can cause you any harm.


What to do when they throw graveyard dirt at you

Then, you must remove the earth carefully and for this we suggest you get the following items: A pair of gloves, holy water, a plastic bag and the prayer of San Miguel Arcangel.

You must sprinkle holy water on the graveyard soil while praying the Saint Michael the Archangel prayer and place it inside a black plastic bag.

If the land is spread over the ground, then you need a new broom and dustpan which you will have to throw away later (do not bring that broom or dustpan into your house under any circumstances)

Then, tie the bag with the graveyard soil well and take it to the most distant place you can from your home and once there leave it and do not look back.

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When you get home, again clean the area where you found the soil to be totally sure that there are no particles left and continue with your life as usual.

If you want you can buy an image of San Miguel Arcangel, place a candle on it and make a novena. Remember that if you are with God and Jesus; no one against you


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