Black tourmaline under the pillow, spiritual meaning and properties

Black tourmaline under the pillow We have recently been asked about black tourmaline, some of the questions being the following:
Does black tourmaline have spiritual significance? Does black tourmaline have esoteric properties? How to place black tourmaline under the pillow and is it true that it helps prevent insomnia? Does pink tourmaline have spiritual properties and also green tourmaline?

Taking these concerns into account, we have considered it pertinent to clarify them in this article.

Let’s see, next, how to place black tourmaline under the pillow and its spiritual meaning.


General features

There are different varieties of tourmaline, composed of a crystalline base of duminium silicate, to which one or more additional substances have been incorporated during crystallization, including boron, lithium, fluorine, iron oxide, manganese and other elements. .

The black variety is preferably embedded in quaraca rocks and microschists, while the colored ones are generally found in druses and pegmatic geodes; It is very frequent -and curious- that in the same geode you can find specimens of different colors, and even polychromes. The main tourmaline deposits are found in the USA, Burma, Brazil, the Urals (eastern slope), Sri Lanka and Madagascar.

Although tourmaline arrived in Europe only in the 18th century, from what was then Ceylon (today Sri Lanka), its name undoubtedly comes from the Malay term turmali, but in ancient times this stone received other names such as succinum and ligures.

Let’s see, next, the black tourmaline spiritual meaning.


its symbolism

Black Tourmaline Spiritual Meaning #1 Spiritual Cleanser In this sense, it reinforces the emotional body, neutralizing all negative feelings such as anguish, fear, stress, hatred and envy, both emanating from our own subconscious and coming from outside. Likewise, it cleanses the chakras of structural blockages and harmful preconceptions, especially those that prevent self-healing processes at all levels.

Black tourmaline spiritual meaning #2 Relationship with the zodiac Black tourmaline is associated with the birthstone of Capricorn. Capricorns are known for their ambitious and disciplined nature, but too much time connected to the computer and all that technology can be detrimental to both mental and physical health. Black tourmaline can be used to absorb those EMF’s.

Capricorns can pride themselves on being complete and unwavering realists, but sometimes this can be read as a bit pessimistic. Whenever a new idea is brought to the table, a Capricorn won’t hesitate to point out the flaws in the plan before they even show a hint of emotion.

Another amazing trait of black tourmaline is its ability to bring a much-needed dose of positivity and push those negative vibes a little further into the background. This does not mean that the dark-colored stone invites you to be false, but rather that it actually encourages you to pay a little more attention to the positive side.

Black tourmaline spiritual meaning #3 Protector against negative energies This stone is considered very strong when it comes to protection. This type of black stone connects to your spirit as a weapon against negative energies.

Therefore, it is a good idea to use black tourmaline if there is any kind of indication that you are going through a phase of spiritual imbalance. This is a way to ward off bad energies, making everything around you a little more positive. The simple contact with the stone will be enough for your spiritual, physical and mental advancement. For this reason, black tourmaline is widely used under the pillow.

In that sense, we are going to explain better how to use black tourmaline under the pillow.


How to place it

To go to sleep, they can place the black tourmaline under the pillow as protection against nightmaresespecially in children, and the negative energies that can accumulate under the bed or in the closet (especially if a great mess is kept in these places).

Known for its protective properties and for absorbing negative energy, putting black tourmaline under the pillow can also treat stress and anxiety, unblocking stationary energy in the body overnight.

Black tourmaline is believed to help us manifest desires. The way to do it is to write them on a piece of paper and tie it to the stone with a ribbon. If it is a love wish, it is recommended that the ribbon be red. Finally, the black tourmaline is placed under the pillow until the wish becomes a reality.

if you suffer from insomnia, put the black tourmaline under the pillow, helps you fall asleep quickly. For people who sleep with their phones in their bedrooms, it helps eliminate electromagnetic frequencies emitted by electronic devices.


Green tourmaline spiritual properties

Its color is assimilated to the Green Ray activator of the third chakra, although in this case more as a protector than as a healer, since it generates a large field of protection against the entry of negative energies.

Green tourmaline wraps the energetic and physical bodies in an intricate and inviolable mesh of healing light, ensuring an active interaction between the frequency of spirit and that of matter. In this way, its waves positively interfere, harmonizing cosmic energies with personal ones.

Although green tourmaline does not constitute a specific physical gem therapy instrument, applied to the Manipura chakra, it activates the functioning of the endocrine secretion glands and regulates the function of the immune system, thus eliminating the physical agents of exhaustion and depression, and awakening stages hitherto blocked in the deepest levels of the subconscious.


Pink tourmaline magical properties

Pink tourmaline is undoubtedly one of the most suitable stones for the heart chakra, since it is one of the main stimulants and regulators of all cardiac functions, and consequently, of all the organs and systems that depend on it.

This stone symbolizes love in the realm of matter, thanks to which all its elements protect each other. This generates an infinite source of compassion that makes impossible the existence of destructive emotions such as fear, hatred, revenge, envy, etc.; this is extended to the physical plane, with which all possibility of illnesses or organic disorders automatically disappears.


Ritual with pink tourmaline to attract love

The objective of this spell is to make a love wish or to get our will fulfilled in that area. For this we will ask for help from Venus, goddess of Love, who favors the will, through the use of a pink candle. She will give us the strength to make our wish come true.

The ritual has a strong element of visualization, which is the key to its operation. That is, we ask Venus, through the pink tourmaline, for the love of a known person and we proceed to create a mental image of the moment that we are accepted by that person.

You must wear the pink tourmaline on top until the wish is fulfilled. It is not advisable to touch it with the right hand if you do not want to confuse the desire; this side in our body is the one that emits, while the left side is the one that receives.

It would also be good to hold the pink tourmaline tightly from time to time and try to concentrate and feel its energy, its warmth and finally its beat, like a heart, against our left hand.

In case of any doubt or question about black tourmaline under the pillow, spiritual meaning and properties, send us your concern to our email.


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