Freezing rituals (putting a person’s name on ice)

Freezing Rituals Surely you have heard of freezing a photograph or putting a person’s name on ice to calm angry people close to you, improve your love relationships or even block negative energies.

Yes indeed, this kind of freezing ritual is meant to nullify the negative spiritual pressure once and for all. Therefore, it is a strong ally, where through the energy of the ice this charge will be isolated.

Let’s see more about what it means to freeze a photograph or put a person’s name in ice (freezing rituals).


Rituals with the ice

Freezing rituals #1: Calm a person (partner or family member)

Imagine that you and a very close person are constantly arguing and this is affecting your relationship. If this is the case then you will need to take some steps and of course the ritual of freezing a photograph can help.


1 small photograph of the person in conflict
The honey
1 banana
1 small piece of red satin ribbon.


Peel a banana and make a cut enough to be able to place the photograph inside. Then take the honey and water it well inside, but remember, do it slowly and with a very positive and prosperous thought.

Use the satin ribbon to wrap the banana and close it. Finally, put it in the freezer and that’s it, now you just have to wait. In a few days the results will appear.


Freezing Rituals #2: Calming a Toxic Person at Work


1 photo


Coarse salt,

1 ring or a small piece of copper,

1 liter of water

A glass jar with a lid

3 slices of ginger


Put a liter of water, metal, coarse salt, ginger and 1 drop of vinegar in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Once it has cooled, strain it and reserve the water. Place the photo of the toxic person inside the container and add the water that you have boiled to fill the glass, close it and put it in the freezer,

After a month, take the container out of the freezer and take it to a piece of land, preferably far from home, dig a hole and leave it buried there. To get back home, take a different route so those bad vibes never find you again.


Other freezing or ice rituals

What it means to put a person’s name on ice #1: Push away a person who is hurting (especially in a relationship)


1 pen

1 piece of paper


Write on a piece of paper the name of the person you want to remove several times. Do this until you fill all the paper you have chosen, then fold the paper as many times as you can. Once this is done, put the paper in a bag, or in any container that you can leave in the bottom of the freezer, so that no one can take it.

Leave it there until you feel that the person has moved away from you. Then remove it and throw it in the trash. With this ritual of putting a person’s name on ice you can ward off someone in your life or relationship who may be hurting you physically or mentally.


What it means to put a person’s name on ice #2: Block negative energy from a person

This ritual of putting the name in the freezer is widely used when it comes to nullifying negative vibrations. With this ritual you distance anyone who wants to harm you or your family.


A piece of paper with the person’s name on it


1 glass jar with a lid (can be a small jar).


Put the paper inside the glass jar, then pour all the Tabasco on top, while you do this mentalize all the bad energy that person has directed at you, the situations that occurred because of him or the feeling that he transmits to you. Fill the rest of the glass with water and close it with the lid. Put the glass in the freezer and then say:

«Get away, get away and get away.»

Leave the glass in the freezer until you feel like that person has no more influence in your life, then throw it in the trash.

This freezing ritual will help those who seek better energies in their lives, keeping away all those who wish them harm. To do this, it is very important to have faith, because if the good wishes are not channeled, they will not come with the necessary force to achieve the goal.

If you want to know more about what it means to freeze a photo, you can ask your question in the comment section.


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