What does it mean to find a pin in the street and in bed

What it means to find a pin Since ancient times, pins (from the Arabic hilal = sharp splinter + the article al) have been associated with magic and luck.

In its magical aspect, pins are objects with which both white and black witchcraft can be performed. Even today it is still used in some Afro-Cuban rites to exert evil effects against a person, pricking them on a doll that symbolizes the victim’s body.

Perhaps this rite had its origin in sympathetic magic, whose basic thought is very simple: whatever is done to a person’s image will have similar effects on that person.

As for the positive rites, many young women go before the image of the Virgen de los Alfileritos to request its intersection to get married. To do this, they give away three pins to the Virgin so that the miracle of a next pairing occurs.

If a single woman does not have the image of this Virgin nearby, she can go on June 13, the day of San Antonio de Padua, and change the saint one of the pins that she wears on her outfit for a new one that she must leave in its place: the saint will find her a suitable husband.

You can also throw thirteen pins in a baptismal font, in symbolic representation of the marriage arras and then put your hand in, in the belief that you will have as many boyfriends that year as pieces adhere to the skin. Let us now see what it means to find a pin in the street and in bed.


What does it mean to find a pin

On the subject of luck, let’s see what it means to find a pin:

What does it mean to find a pin in the street: A pin found on the ground with its head facing the person who finds it means good luck. This belief was reinforced by John Rockefeller’s conviction that he had risen from homelessness to billionaire banker status, thanks to his chance encounter with a pin pointed at him.

What does it mean to find pins in bed If you find it, you should be careful because there is a person who under the mask of friendship (very personal) is trying to negatively impact you. Think carefully about who you can be so that you avoid your encounter and even worse your entrance to the house. You may have already hidden more pins in different pieces of furniture and even left these in the clothes you wear. If you have children, take a good look at their room, emphasizing the mattress and the wardrobe.

If you find more pins that shouldn’t be in those places, you need to take a soft white paper and place them there. Then try to cross-fold it as small as possible and sprinkle holy water on it. Finally you must throw it in the toilet.


Beliefs related to the pin

In relation to beliefs, it is considered that pins can:

Cure warts. To do this, it is advisable to bury a pin, and when it rusts, those who suffer from them will be clean.

Prevent evil from entering It is believed that upon returning from a funeral, it is necessary to stick a pin in the door of the deceased’s house so that the dead and the living are protected from negative spirits.

Help to forget disappointments in love For this, it is recommended to put new pins in the soles of the shoes: when you step on them, everything will be forgotten

Facilitate winning games of chance To this end, a crooked pin should be sewn to the jacket or any garment.


Other curiosities with the pin

To the friendly person who is asked or given a pin or needle, it is necessary to prick him slightly: thus his friendship will never be lost.

It is not recommended to give or receive anything containing a pin, but if the gift cannot be refused, a token payment of one penny must be made upon receipt to undo the spell.

A pin should not be brought onto a ship.

If a dressmaker pricks her female customer, or pins her undergarment, she will not get married that year, even if it is the wedding dress that is being tried on. If the tailor does the same thing with a man, his business will go from strength to strength that month


Spells with the pin

Spell to achieve love ties

Is required:

cooking oil,


brown sugar.

White sugar.

5 pins.

5 needles.



1 deep plate.

1 candle.


Write on a piece of paper the name of the person you want to tie. The paper is crossed, in different directions, with needles and pins. Then the punctured and written paper is placed at the bottom of a deep plate.

Abundant honey is poured over it and sprinkled with a lot of brown and white sugar. Lastly, a good amount of cooking oil is poured.

For a period of five days, a white paral!na candle is lit (do not use the ones you have for when there is no light; always use the paral!na ones that are sold in Santeria). The remains of the candle each day should be thrown in an open field where there is more grass than waste.

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Spell with pins to know if an absent person is okay


1 stone.

Bee wax.


1 part high gloss tin.


A stone is rubbed with garlic and then coated with melted beeswax. It is left out in the open accompanied by pins, one for each year that nothing is known about the person (or months or days). Next to this, a very shiny tin part. Everything is left in the open air for eight days, beginning on a full moon night.

If after that time the tin part is still shiny, it is a sign that the person is fine. If it’s dim, it’s that you’re going through a bad time; if it is filled with rust or greenish rust, you have to fear for its health and look for it in every possible way.


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