Best navel in Colombia: Greeicy Rendón or Jéssica Cediel?

Greeicy Rendón and Jéssica Cediel showed a very sensual part of the abdomen and we all wondered which of the two has the best navel in Colombia, and the most sensual!

Who has the best navel in Colombia?

The navel is a very small part of the female body, which is very sensual for some men, which is why so many girls show it off or draw attention to it with a piercing.

Well, it turns out that two of the most beautiful women of the national show business have something stored in their navel: Jessica Cediel and Greeicy Rendon.

And it is that this couple decided to lift their blouse, gather bellies and show the world your navels, side by side. Both shared the photo on their respective social networks.

Jessica wrote:

Here’s to more moments like this! of the good I love you girl! #desire»

For its part, Greeicy published the following words:

“There are people you click @jessicacedielnet (no more doctor visits)”

Judging by the texts of both celebrities, it could be deduced that they bring up some commercial proposal.

However, the followers of the two blew their imaginations and commented on everything, even hinted that they were both pregnant.

What do you think? Write what you think in the commentsand share this note!