Foods your cat should not eat

Sometimes to get out of the way we give food to our pets and they can cause them some damage. So just like dogs, cats are also sensitive to certain foods that may be healthy for humans.

1. Raisins. While delicious to humans, they can be poisonous to cats, says, which explains that a handful of this food can cause kidney failure in your cat.

2. Onion and garlic. The explanation for why you should avoid onions, according to Womanitely, is related to the fact that «sulfoxides and disulfides in onions destroy red blood cells and can lead to serious blood problems, such as anemia.» Garlic, meanwhile, is considered more dangerous because its toxins are more concentrated.

3 eggs. They will do terrible damage to your cat, especially if they are raw. “The risk of salmonella is very high… Even if you have eggs that are free of bacteria, be careful. Egg whites contain avidin, which can stop the absorption of vitamin B.

4. Caffeine. Never give him coffee or caffeinated beverages unless you want to see your cat dehydrated. As Womanitely highlights, caffeine works as a diuretic, that is, it will make your cat eliminate water in the form of urine or diarrhea. Coffee is dangerous for your feline, as it also stimulates the heart and nervous system.

5. Pieces of fat from meat. Womanitely claims on its website that fat can be good in small amounts, but especially these ‘leftovers’ could cause stomach problems, such as vomiting and diarrhoea.

6. Milk or cream. For those of you who are convinced that this is the best you can give your cat, let us tell you that you are very wrong. Before you serve your feline a big cup of milk, keep in mind that cats are lactose intolerant. Your cat could develop diarrhea and dehydration. Sure, unless you’re looking for a lactose-free product.

7. Chocolate. As much as you love him and consider him a son, do not ‘reward’ him with a sweet, especially if it is chocolate, it is highly toxic, “because they cannot process theobromine, a substance present in chocolate”.

8. Tuna. Of course, if it is the one consumed by humans. This type of tuna, as the same cited medium points out, has a high sodium content because it is calculated for people and not for cats.

9. Cold meats. The aforementioned medium indicates that products such as sausages or ham are harmful to cats due to their high content of salt and fat.

10. The plants. We know that they are not food, but it is better to warn that you must make sure that your cat does not eat the ones that you have in your house. In addition to the mess they would cause a lot of damage, they can be toxic.

Source: Pulse