There are no magic formulas to be rich, but there are some paths that can bring you closer to this goal, and others that can take you away.
The KienyKe portal published some steps that master Grant Cardone, international salesman, wrote on the Entrepreneur portal, which for him are the 10 steps that will guarantee becoming a millionaire:
1) Save to invest, don’t save to save.
The only reason to save money is to know that you can make an investment. Put your money in untouchable accounts that you can’t even do in an emergency. This, according to the expert, will force you to continue with the step of increasing your income. Cardone says that at least twice a year he is bankrupt because he is always trying to invest his surplus money in accounts he can’t access.
2) Being poor makes no sense.
The capital investment specialist says that he has been poor in some stages of his life and that this is not good at all. The idea, according to his recommendations, is to eliminate from your head any idea of not being successful. «Bill Gates said:» being born poor is not a mistake, but dying poor is.
3) If you go into debt, do it to earn more money.
Make a rule that you never use debt, it will not make you money. Millionaires use debt to leverage investments and grow cash flows. According to Cardone, the poor use debt to buy things that make the rich richer. In popular economy: consumer goods.
4) Money does not sleep.
Money knows nothing about the weather, schedules, or holidays, and a person shouldn’t either. Silver loves people with great commitment to work. When he was 26, Grant Cardone worked in a retail store that closed at 7 PM, he decided to stay up until 11 PM trying to make an extra sale. He says that he never tried to be the smartest or luckiest person, he just made sure to always work for his goal.
5) Get more money to quit the heavy lifting.
Investing is becoming a millionaire and you must learn to make more money by investing in your own work. If you don’t get money as a surplus, you can’t think about making investments. “The second company that I started required an investment of $100 million pesos that I managed to save for 10 years. My third investment was in real estate, where I started with $700 million, a large portion of my net worth. I still own that property and it continues to provide me with income. Cardone says that the investment is the only reason to meet the other goals.” The money must work for you by doing the heavy lifting.
6) Do not show off and buy capriciously.
The global sales expert says he didn’t buy his first luxury watch or car until his businesses or investments were producing multiple streams of secure income. “When I was already wealthy, I was still driving a Toyota Camry. They should know you for your work, and not for the eccentricities you buy”.
7) Treat money like a jealous lover.
Millions of people want financial freedom but only those who make this dream a priority reach the millions. “To get rich and stay rich for many years, you have to make it a priority. Money is like a jealous lover. Do not trust when your investment is giving profits for a long time”.
8) Follow the money.
According to the recommendation of this wealthy investor, one of the first steps that a person must take in order to become rich is to repeat several times a day that there must be an increase in income. “My income was six million a month and nine years later, it was 40 million a month. I started following the money which forced me to monitor income and see more of the internet.”
9) Study millionaire mentors.
Grant Cardone says that most of us were raised middle class or poor, but it’s best to study how millionaires doubled their money. “Get your own millionaire mentor and study it. Most rich people are very generous with their knowledge and resources..
10) Shoot for 10 million and not for one.
The market specialist says that the biggest financial mistake is not thinking big. “I encourage you to think of more than a million earnings. There is no shortage of money on this planet, there is only a shortage of people who think big.
Taken from KienyKe