This is how the «diet» is lived after childbirth in the world

After childbirth it is necessary to have a recovery period and it is what we call «Diet» but in other places this experience is lived in a very different way from that of our country.

The experience of giving birth and being a mother is universal and unique. Although conception and birth have been the same since the existence of men and women, over time the beliefs and practices in this regard have evolved.

Postpartum traditions around the world vary by culture. There are some very drastic and others that are a complete embrace of the heart.





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In China, postpartum is the same as spending 30 days in pajamas. They call it zuo yuezi. There are many rules within this season and one of them is that it is forbidden to eat raw food, even if it is vegetables. The main objective is to restore the yin and yang of the mother. They cannot drink anything cold, they are fed mainly on hot soups.

2. France

In France they have everything figured out. Mothers can go home after giving birth with peace of mind knowing that they will be very well cared for. In the following days, the nurses will make routine calls to administer their medications and to come in to take blood samples and check that everything is in order. They also give them physical therapy to get their pelvic muscles back to normal.

3. India

In India the rest period after giving birth is 40 to 60 days. New mothers have to rest and cannot leave their room or home or let them or their babies visit them to avoid any illness or infection. Best of all, they can’t use soap on these days and instead take herbal baths followed by a delicious massage with oils.


After delivery, the baby’s maternal grandmother should give the baby its first bath. This is symbolic to remind the new mother that she has a tribe of women willing to help her and that she is not alone.

5. Latin America

The famous ‘diet’ applies to all women who have just become mothers. During this period they cannot have sexual intercourse, make efforts or eat certain foods, those days are for her to be calm and enjoy her baby. The family is the one who takes care of the household duties.

6. Finland

“Baby boxes” are very common there, these consist of cardboard boxes filled with the necessities of babies, such as clothes, wet wipes, diapers, an album, creams and some toys.


Here there is a very special tradition and it is about burying the placenta. People consider it to be an organ that is alive. The placenta is cleaned, placed in a special container and buried in the garden of the house with a ritual such as songs and words.

8. Turkey

There, after having a child, the new mom is given a drink called Lohusa Serbeti, which consists of cinnamon, sugar and red dye. They also serve the first people who visit the new baby.

As you may have seen, in each country and culture there is a tradition, but in the end, they all focus on caring for the mother and protecting the baby. People say that The United States is one of the only places where there is no maternity leave.rather vacations are requested there and only if the company has more than 50 employees, there is disability.

Taken from Fabiosa

This is how the diet is lived after childbirth in the world