Do you know how the vinegar diet works?

Megan Fox claims that drinking vinegar like any soda, and without mixing, helps to eliminate fluids and cleanse the system.

No gyms, tedious machines, jogging, yoga or any other exercise that our celebrities usually do. It seems that he has found the secret to having one of the most desired anatomies on the planet, without the need for effort, because he also claims to be “too lazy and greedy to spend her life on a diet”. “Helps clean your system completely. For women who retain water and gain weight from their menstrual cycle, it helps them get rid of all that very quickly.» explains the actress.

How does the vinegar diet work?

Apple cider vinegar helps eliminate toxins from the body that cause fluid retention, which in turn causes edema that causes swelling and weight gain.

Another reason why apple cider vinegar is effective is because it suppresses your appetite due to the organic acids and enzymes that help speed up your metabolism by burning excess fat much more quickly.

How to consume apple cider vinegar?

To get the benefits of the apple cider vinegar diet and lose weight, you don’t have to drink a lot of it. Mix two tablespoons of vinegar with 450 cubic centimeters of water and drink a little up to three times a day, preferably before each meal. So that its flavor is not so strong, you can add a little honey to the mixture.

Another way to consume it is as an infusion. To make it you will need two large tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, honey and boiling water, once you have everything well integrated, just add a tea bag and drink it very hot. If you don’t have honey, you can replace it with maple syrup, which will have the same effect, but avoid using sugar or artificial sweeteners to sweeten the infusion.

In addition to drinking the vinegar, remember to exercise daily, such as 30-minute walks, eliminate foods with sugar, and avoid junk food.

How long should it be consumed?

Carrying out the vinegar diet does not imply a health risk. Being a natural product you can consume it as long as you want. Keep in mind that it is not a diet that will make you lose weight quickly, but that the decrease will be gradual. However, this can vary according to your organic disposition, since there are people who take up to a year to lose 10 kilos and others who can lose more than 1 kilogram in a month.

Source: IWoman