Why do bridesmaids all have to wear the same dress?

The reason why the bridesmaids who accompany the bride on her wedding day have to dress alike is more chilling than we thought.

You don’t have to have attended a single marriage to know what this tradition is like: The bride makes a selection of her best friends and family; then everyone involved in the wedding (from the mother-in-law to the planner, from the aunts to the fashion designer) gets together to choose the dress for the bridesmaids.

But have any of them wondered? Why do they all have to wear the same dress? Its origin is definitely not what you expected. To know it we have to go back to ancient Rome, when many marriages (if not all) were arranged.




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When brides had to travel from their place of origin to get married, they did not do it on their own, but they were accompanied by a whole entourage and among them were these ladieswho at that time not only dressed the same among themselves, but also shared a suit with the bride.

The idea was literally to confuse the enemy; that is, if during the transfer the caravan was robbed, the bride could sneak among her ladies, as they were all dressed the same, and thus he would arrive at the altar with his honor intact. Hence the name: bridesmaids.

As explained on the site specializing in marriages My Wedding in Granadapractically this tradition comes from this “primitive rape insurance”. How about the story behind the bridesmaids? Share this note with your contacts, and surprise them!