Are you compatible with your partner? These signs say no

We all want a perfect partner, someone we idealize and who we think will be our soulmate, and the question is, are you compatible with your partner?

Even if they share the same musical taste or watch the same movies, when it comes to common interests, each one pulls their own.

Specialists agree that compatibility has a lot to do with how they would like to be treated, so even if they have different hobbies and personalities, the affinity can be very high (what is known as opposites attract).

Know 10 signs that will tell you if you are compatible with your partner

#1. They don’t know how to argue

It’s normal to have disagreements in a relationship, as long as the arguments are healthy. A compatible couple will argue rationally and without insults, while one with little rapport may not listen to each other during a fight, or even worse, say the worst things about each other.

#two. Your partner is never on your side

If your boyfriend is quick to side with anyone but you, take note. Your partner should be your accomplice and your biggest cheerleader. If it always seems to work against you, you’ll never feel good, and you probably won’t end up feeling good in the long run.

#3. One of the two (or both) are easily stressed

If you are nervous, and decide to have a relationship with another person with the same levels of stress as you, it is likely that your courtship will have many moments of tension and turbulence. Overwhelmed people need someone more relaxed who can offer another perspective on things. If that balance doesn’t exist, it won’t be long before they lose their minds.

#4. Your clutter levels don’t match

You are one of those who never leaves dirty dishes, while he leaves them there for days. If this is your case, you must be aware in advance that coexistence will be difficult. It sounds silly, but over time this can turn into frustration and a lot of arguing, a sign that you are not compatible with your partner.

#5. They don’t share the same sense of humor

It may seem frivolous, but having the same humor is actually very important in a couple. And it is that, by having the same sense of humor, they can share more things and enjoy good times without the other feeling misaligned or misunderstood. Family therapist Virginia Gilbert says you need someone in your life who understands you and looks at life from a lighter point of view when things go wrong.

#6. They have different perceptions about money

Although at first it is not important, a point that will come to light eventually will be the subject of money and how each one uses it. Couples who think alike about their finances will get along more easily than those who have differences in how they spend their savings.

#7. You feel more insecure than safe

A healthy relationship will make you feel safe and happy, not worried or suspicious. If the second option is more like your current situation, it may be a sign of incompatibility. The person who is for you will give you exactly the level of attention you need, and vice versa, so neither of you will feel uneasy.

#8. Their diets are very different

It’s possible for a vegetarian to date a meat lover, but for many, radical differences in diet can be a problem. Things like one of the two being adventurous in trying exotic foods while the other prefers homemade dishes can become more serious than you think. It is only up to you to know whether or not this topic is worth discussing.

#9. You hold back from saying some things when they talk

When you have found the love of your life, you feel comfortable saying whatever you want without feeling any pressure or fear. But this is not the case if you are dating someone who criticizes you all the time, or wishes you would change some things about your personality. If you feel identified, it’s time to find someone who values ​​who you are more.

#10. They move at different speeds

If you’re the laid-back type, it can be fun to date someone who follows this same frame of mind. And vice versa, but many times leading different rhythms of life can be an obstacle in the relationship. Many people are easy going and few things stress them out, while others take aspects of life with much more literalness and drama. If as a couple you do not agree on this point, it is best to try to explore different paths.

Ultimately, your boyfriend doesn’t have to be your twin, but they do have to be on the same side. When you find someone who is, you know you found your ideal match.

Taken from EOnLine