9 symptoms, 8 causes & tips

That something hits the sensitive dog stomach is not necessarily a rarity. So as a result abdominal pain in dogs on.

These can have a harmless reason as well as a serious one.

What is abdominal pain in dogs all about? what signs, causes and solutions there are?

Our guide will tell you.

Symptoms: Recognizing abdominal pain in the dog

In order to know whether and that your dog suffers from abdominal pain, you must of course know and recognize the corresponding symptoms.

hunched posture

A first symptom or sign is a hunched posture. The reason is that the stomach contracts uncomfortably. He causes pain to the dog.

To alleviate these, the dog’s body takes a protective posture a. And this one is curved.

Increased stretching

As mentioned, in the course of abdominal pain it can happen that the Stomach walls contract spasmodically.

One way to get this under control could be that the dog often stretches. In this way, an attempt should be made to counteract or stop the cramps. The stomach should be relaxed.

Drooling and licking

If the dog has an upset stomach, it tries to get rid of the stomach ache as quickly as possible.

You need one for that retching. To trigger this, it can increased drooling and licking. With this, the dog tries to activate a retching stimulus and stop the abdominal pain.

squeaking and whimpering

Stomach pain gives it away in the name. There are pain involved. So how do dogs communicate that they are really spoiling their day?

Right – by your dog howls, whines and squeaks. You will immediately recognize from these noises that something is wrong with your fur nose and you will get to the bottom of the cause as quickly as possible. It may also be the case that he begins to tremble.

hard belly

You have certainly suffered from abdominal pain more than once. You may have noticed that your stomach felt harder.

This can also be the case with dogs. Is the belly no longer elastic and soft, but rock hard insteadyour dog suffers from abdominal pain.

touch sensitivity

Pain also means that the person concerned is preferably no longer touched. Of course, this also applies to dogs.

Have this stomach ache, is this body region a no-go area.

You will find out very quickly that your dog is actually suffering from an upset stomach. It will tell you very precisely when you touch the sensitive stomach.


Has your dog had an upset stomach? Then that worries him almost automatically also for restlessness. Because he doesn’t know what’s going on. Just that something is up.

So if you can see that your dog isn’t balanced and calm as usual, it makes sense that to get to the bottom of the cause. For example, by carefully palpating the abdomen.

Good to know:

The reverse situation can also occur. Your dog is not restless but instead lethargic. His stomach is so bad that he would rather lie in the corner than move.

loss of appetite

Stomach pains also have the side effect that they hurt the dog spoil an otherwise healthy appetite.

No wonder. The stomach is currently busy trying to calm down again. And new lining «on top» is the last thing herewhich both your dog and his belly need.

dog lies on its back

It is understandable that this protective attitude is adopted, when the stomach pinches. After all, it is painful for the dog to lie on the painful stomach.

The most important symptoms summarized in bullet points for you:

  • hunched posture
  • Increased stretching
  • drooling and licking
  • squeaking and whimpering
  • hard belly
  • touch sensitivity
  • restlessness
  • lethargy
  • loss of appetite
  • dog lies on its back

The 8 most common causes of abdominal pain in dogs

The following causes become to the most common triggers for abdominal pain counted in the dog.


A gastritis will also gastric mucosal inflammation called. It is indeed an extremely unpleasant disease in which too much stomach acid is produced.

This is pushed up in the form of reflux and sometimes causes really severe stomach pain.

Usually it is also from Loss of appetite and resulting weight loss accompanied. Hardening of the stomach, especially in the upper abdominal area, can also occur.

gastrointestinal infection

Something hit the dog in the stomach. It doesn’t always have to be one parasites act. It might as well be that lining been in the sun a little too long and a little scruffy is or the dog stressed is.

Of course it can also happen that a dog strange feces eats. That this can cause abdominal pain is, to a certain extent, obvious. Or like a stone in a dog’s stomach.


One poisoning is usually a cause where every second can count. Because abdominal pain may only be the first symptom.

This is usually though accompanied by other, much worse symptoms. We hope that this will never be the reason for your dog’s stomach ache.

We also hope that if you do, you know what caused the poisoning. So you can quickly help the vet, who in turn will quickly help your dog.

feed intolerance

lining not only has the property of feeding our dogs. It can also have the property making our dogs sick.

Namely when it has ingredients that the dog cannot process. Then it comes quickly Food intolerance and allergies. These in turn can cause abdominal pain.

gas / bloated stomach

And where there’s stomach ache, there’s usually gas not far. These gas accumulations can also be triggered by the wrong food, among other things.

You can recognize flatulence in two things. On the one hand, the dog’s stomach curves outwards, almost like a ball.

On the other hand, the rear end of your furry friend becomes a very challenging wind escape. Accompanied by a not always loud dog farts.


One constipation also causes abdominal pain. It primarily affects the rectum.

But that doesn’t mean that the Don’t let the pain work its way up to your stomach too or broadcast to there.

gastric torsion

This can occur especially when your dog frolics and plays like mad immediately after eating.

In fact, one Stomach torsion life-threatening – and if you suspect that this is the case, please take your dog to the veterinarian or the nearest veterinary clinic immediately!

Incorrect feeding time

An upset stomach can also do that Consequence of feeding too late be. Did your dog eat something just before bedtime? Then it may be that he has stomach pains at night.

What to do if your dog has stomach pains

So what to do if your dog has a stomach ache?

The keep Calm is the first step. Then you should find out what can be the reason for the abdominal pain.

Is it just a conventional stomach upset, lets some home remedies or medicines help. Please discuss the medication, some of which comes from human medicine, in advance with the treating veterinarian.

Home remedies for stomach pain in dogs

There are some proven home remedies that can provide initial relief for dog stomach pain.


respectively Oatmeal/porridge. Our grandmothers have already sworn by this home remedy and “hipster breakfast”.

And it also helps our beloved fur noses when the stomach pinches. Oats not only provide the dog with important nutrients.

It also contains lots of fiberwhich can soothe an upset stomach.


applesauce or apples contain, among other things, pectin. This has a positive effect on the intestinal flora.

applesauce also removes toxins from the stomach and intestines and thus contributes to the fact that these body regions can relax again.

Chamomile tea with fennel

You probably did too when you were a kid Chamomile tea and fennel tea get when you have a stomach ache.

What’s good for us isn’t bad for our dogs either. Because chamomile is anti-inflammatory and antispasmodicand fennel also has these properties.

hot water bottle

One of the most effective remedies for stomach pain is and remains the hot water bottle. Because the warmth here helps to relax the stomach.


Also one massage can be a first aid if your dog suffers from abdominal pain. Gentle and light massage of the abdomen can also help relieve cramps.


Almost naturally there are also one or the other globuleswhich can be used in the course of homeopathic treatment.

Among other things, suitable here Nux Vomica. This is mainly administered when, among other things, there is a case of «overeating».

Also dreameel, a purely herbal remedy, you can give your dog for stomach pains. Last but not least is Echinacea a natural healing substance that also strengthens the immune system.


Also Medicines from human medicine can help your four-legged friend if he suffers from abdominal pain.


Buscopan comes mainly at irritable bowel syndrome, just like mild to moderate abdominal pain for use.


Like Buscopan, Iberogast procures at mild stomach upset and one irritable stomach first relief.

You can get the remedy in the form of drops, among other things, and administer it so easily.

When should I go to the vet?

You should always go to the vet if the symptoms have not subsided after a short time and possibly others have been added.

Is it a possible Poisoning or a torsion in the stomachyou MUST go to the vet immediately.

Because in both cases, every second counts to save your dog’s life.


abdominal pain in dogs can be triggered by a wide variety of causes become. As different as these are, as different they can be the symptoms are gone too.

It is important that you keep calm and keep a close eye on the first and further signs. Help home remedies and medicines no further, it goes straight to vet.

Has your dog ever had a stomach ache? And if so, what was the reason and how did you help him? Feel free to share your experiences with us in the comments.