If dogs breathe strangely, it could be a sign of asthma, anemia or bronchitis. In individual cases, this can also be due to allergies, heart failure, brachycephalic syndrome, poisoning or even respiratory diseases.
There is usually only cause for concern if your dog suddenly breathes quickly, heavily, loudly or irregularly. This can possibly indicate illnesses.
But when do you start talking about rapid breathing? Small breeds and young dogs naturally breathe faster than large and old dogs.
On average, dogs breathe in and out around 24 times per minute when resting. [1] If you take more than 30 breaths, you are talking about “rapid breathing”.
If your dog wheezes or generally breathes very laboriously, loudly and strangely, this is usually because the airways are narrowed or blocked.
Below you will learn about the 9 most common reasons for strange breathing in dogs.
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#1 Asthma
Asthma is a chronic disease that can cause sudden shortness of breath in certain situations. This is usually the case with exertion, allergies or heat.
Because the symptoms start here ad hoc, there is also talk of an “asthma attack”. The typical triggers for allergies include:
- grasses
- mold spores
- Pollen
- Cigarette smoke
- Dust mites [2]
These allergens can cause severe airway swelling in dogs with asthma. Affected dogs therefore often breathe strangely.
In extreme cases, such an attack can even be life-threatening. Other typical signs include:
- Fast heartbeat
- Nervousness and panic
- Dog breathes loudly
- Coughing and rattling
- Pale colored gums [3]
If allergens are responsible for the attack, the vet will most likely recommend antihistamines.
Since asthma is considered incurable, you should identify and avoid potential triggers in the long term. An allergy test and a notebook can help here.
Dogs with asthma are more likely to have sporadic breathing problems because their airways can suddenly become swollen. Affected dogs often react in panic, have a high pulse, breathe strangely or even start coughing.
#2 Brachycephalic syndrome
Due to their breeding, certain breeds naturally often struggle with breathing problems. These particularly include “brachycephalic breeds”.
This refers to dogs that have a short muzzle and a flat face. The following breeds in particular breathe relatively strangely for genetic reasons:
- English bulldog
- pug
- Chihuahuas
- German boxer
- Boston terriers
- Affenpinscher
- Pekingese
- French bulldog
- Shih Tzu [4]
In these breeds the palates are very long and the nostrils are naturally very narrow. You can tell this if, for example, they breathe quickly with their mouth closed.
It also causes the dog to have to breathe more deeply to absorb the same amount of oxygen. This is particularly noticeable when it is hot and active.
Here I recommend visiting the vet to have the respiratory tract checked. If the nostrils are severely narrowed, they can also be widened using surgery. [5]
Dogs with brachycephalic syndrome are more likely to have breathing problems due to their breeding. Among other things, affected dogs tend to breathe more laboriously, quickly and generally strangely. The vet can help here.
#3 Anemia
The dog uses its lungs to absorb oxygen, which is then transported to all organs and muscles via the blood. This transport is carried out by red blood cells.
However, if there are too few of these red blood cells available, a lack of oxygen can occur despite healthy respiratory tracts.
Doctors speak of anemia here. The heavy breathing here only serves to cover the oxygen requirement. Other typical symptoms of this are:
- Dog tires quickly
- Pale gums
- Dog breathes strangely
- Unusual tiredness
- Dog sleeps a lot
- Lack of energy and drive
- Dark chair color
- Crusts on the skin [6]
In most cases, anemia is genetically determined. Under certain circumstances, medications, poisoning, parasites or viruses can also be responsible.
That tends to be a good sign. Because that also means that anemia is curable. Medication is usually used for treatment. [7]
When dogs suffer from anemia, this can usually be recognized by labored breathing and constant tiredness. In addition, affected dogs usually have pale gums, dark stools, breathe strangely and sleep excessively.
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#4 Reverse sneeze
Reverse sneezing is a harmless phenomenon that can occur in all dogs. However, it occurs most frequently in bulldogs and other brachycephalic breeds.
Instead of blowing air out when sneezing, dogs mistakenly suck in air very quickly through their nose. The result? A really weird sound when you breathe.
It often occurs one after the other and gives the impression that the dog is suffocating. However, there is only reason for concern here in exceptional cases. [8]
It most commonly occurs after eating, drinking, or taking a nap. But allergens such as pollen, grass, smoke or dust can also be the trigger.
Sometimes dogs even get scared of themselves or even become anxious. A light stroke on the head can work wonders here.
A visit to the vet is usually only necessary if the reverse sneezing occurs daily or if the sneezing attack lasts longer than a minute. [9]
If dogs suddenly make strange noises while breathing, it may be due to reverse sneezing. It is usually triggered by food or allergens in the air. The dog makes strange, duck-like noises while breathing.
#5 Bronchitis
Doctors also refer to the respiratory tract of dogs as the bronchi. They ensure that air and, above all, oxygen reaches the lungs.
However, if these airways become inflamed, it is referred to as “bronchitis”. In addition to bacteria, there are also other possible triggers:
- Viruses
- Allergens
- Irritants
- Parasites [10]
If bronchitis lasts more than 2 months, it can become chronic. Frequent and severe coughing is just one of many possible symptoms:
- Rattling when breathing
- Lack of motivation
- Dog breathes strangely
- Constant beeping
- Sudden vomiting
- Dog tires quickly
- shortness of breath [12]
For successful treatment there is no way around a comprehensive diagnosis. Medication is usually used to treat parasites and bacteria.
If allergens are behind it, an allergy test is usually carried out. Because there is currently no cure for allergies. Prevention is therefore the be-all and end-all.
Alternatively, such a free food check can also help to get individual food recommendations and free food samples.
Inflammation of the airways can make it difficult for dogs to breathe and lead to coughing fits. Compared to healthy four-legged friends, breathing here is relatively loud, wheezing and generally sounds strange. Sudden vomiting is also common here.
#6 Poisoning
Many dog owners automatically think of poisoned bait when they think of poisoning. But the reality looks different. Owners often accidentally poison their dogs themselves.
The reason? Many seemingly harmless and “healthy” foods are toxic to dogs. Classic examples of this are:
- Chocolate and cocoa
- yeast and hops
- Garlic and onions
- Walnuts and macadamia nuts
- Alcohol and sugar alcohol
- Raisins and grapes
- Avocados and avocado oil [13]
These foods can be life-threatening for dogs if they reach a certain amount. At the beginning, affected four-legged friends often breathe strangely and unusually laboriously.
Severe poisoning can also lead to acute shortness of breath, wheezing or even fainting. Other typical signs of this are:
Other potential causes of poisoning include toxic plants, insecticides, cleaning products, medications, foreign feces and drugs.
This is an emergency that requires immediate treatment. If left untreated, poisoning can also lead to serious kidney and liver damage.
When dogs poison themselves through food or other things, it usually becomes noticeable in their breathing. When symptoms occur, they often breathe irregularly, quickly, heavily and generally strangely. Sudden shaking and panting can also indicate this.
#7 Heart failure
If dogs breathe quickly both during the day and while sleeping, this may be due to heart failure. Doctors also refer to this as “heart failure”.
The problem? The heart is the pump that, among other things, supplies the lungs. However, if the lungs do not receive enough blood, breathing problems occur.
Heart failure is best recognized by constant tiredness, lack of motivation and strange breathing. Other typical signs are:
- Sudden cough
- Pale gums
- Swollen stomach
- fainting
- Dog has trouble breathing
- Restless behavior
- Loss of appetite
- Heavy panting [15]
An electrocardiogram (ECG), an ultrasound examination and a blood test are usually carried out for diagnosis. Because the treatment depends on the cause.
In many cases, heart failure is genetic or occurs in old age. In these chronic cases, treatment usually involves medication. [16]
Dogs with heart failure become exhausted very quickly, breathe strangely and usually have pale gums. In addition, they often struggle with loss of appetite and cough. A veterinarian should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment.
#8 Allergies
According to studies, up to 20% of all dogs suffer from allergies. The triggers here are so-called “allergens” that cause an allergic reaction. [17] Examples of these are:
- Dairy and grain products
- Grasses and pollen
- Chemicals and cleaning products
- Eggs and soy products
- Perfumes and cigarette smoke
- Proteins from certain types of meat [18]
Food in particular can cause the airways to swell, causing shortness of breath. Other typical symptoms of allergies are:
- Sudden vomiting
- Frequent sneezing
- Dog breathes strangely
- Runny nose
- Fast breathing rate
- Sudden diarrhea
- Skin redness
- Labored breathing [19]
Depending on the severity, the symptoms can affect the entire body…