9 proven strategies to free yourself from obsessive thoughts – Online Psychologists

A few days ago, we received a query at asking us to talk about “obsessive thoughts that are difficult to get rid of.” Obsessive thoughts are those that come back to our minds again and again and cause us anxiety or discomfort.

Sometimes these thoughts are so intense and frequent that they can interfere with our daily lives and our ability to carry out our normal activities.

If you're struggling with obsessive thoughts that are hard to shake, read on. In this article, we share with you nine proven strategies to free yourself from obsessive thoughts and feel more in control of your mind.

Identify your obsessive thoughts

An important first step in freeing yourself from obsessive thoughts is to identify them. Often, these thoughts can be so frequent or automatic that we don't even realize we're having them.

One way to identify your obsessive thoughts is to make a list of them. You can ask yourself: What kind of thoughts come back to my mind over and over again? What topics or situations trigger these thoughts? Once you've identified your obsessive thoughts, you can begin to work on them more effectively.

Write down your obsessive thoughts

Another helpful strategy is to write down your obsessive thoughts. This can help you view them more objectively and better understand why you have these thoughts.

Additionally, writing down your thoughts will allow you to free them from your mind and feel less overwhelmed by them. When writing down your thoughts, try to be as specific and detailed as possible. You can even make a list of the most common or frequent thoughts you have.

Put yourself in the hands of a psychologist

Putting yourself in the hands of a psychologist is a very effective strategy to free yourself from obsessive thoughts. Psychologists are experts in mental health and are trained to help people deal with problems such as obsessive thoughts.

A psychologist can help you understand the causes of your obsessive thoughts and develop strategies to manage them more effectively. If you have obsessive thoughts that worry you or affect you negatively, consider seeking professional help.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology (Huppert & Foa, 2006) found that cognitive behavioral therapya type of therapy that focuses on changing negative thought and behavior patterns, It is very effective in treating obsessive thoughts..

Another study published in The American Journal of Psychiatry (Ruscio et al., 2008) also found that Cognitive behavioral therapy is effective in treating obsession and compulsion.

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Practice the thought replacement technique

One of the most effective ways to deal with obsessive thoughts is to replace them with more positive and realistic thoughts. This technique is known as thought replacement and can be very helpful in freeing yourself from obsessive thoughts. When you have an obsessive thought, try to immediately replace it with a more positive or realistic thought. For example, if you have an obsessive thought that something bad will happen to a loved one, try to replace it with the thought that your loved one is safe and protected. As you practice this technique more often, you will find it easier to replace your obsessive thoughts with more positive and realistic thoughts.

Use the distraction technique

The distraction technique This is a very useful strategy to free yourself from obsessive thoughts. It consists of distracting your attention from your obsessive thoughts by doing something that you like or that interests you. This can help you to take your mind off your obsessive thoughts and feel better.

A study published in the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry (Shapiro and Reid, 1982) found that the distraction technique is effective in reducing the intensity and frequency of obsessive thoughts.

Study participants who used the distraction technique experienced a significant decrease in the intensity and frequency of their obsessive thoughts. Another study published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology (Foa & Kozak, 1986) also found the distraction technique to be effective in reducing obsessive thoughts.

To use the distraction technique, try to find something you like or are interested in that will take your mind off your obsessive thoughts. You can do a physical activity, like going for a walk or exercising, or a creative activity, like painting or drawing. You can also call a friend or watch a movie. The idea is to find something that will distract you from your obsessive thoughts and help you feel better. As you practice this technique more often, you will find it easier to distract yourself from your obsessive thoughts and feel less overwhelmed by them.

Practice deep breathing and relaxation

Deep breathing and relaxation can be very helpful in getting rid of obsessive thoughts. When you are having an obsessive thought, try to focus your attention on your breathing. Breathe deeply and slowly, and try to relax all your muscles. This will help you calm your mind and get rid of your obsessive thoughts. You can try relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga to help you control your obsessive thoughts.

Exercise and take care of your physical health

Exercising and taking care of your physical health can be very helpful in freeing yourself from obsessive thoughts. Exercise can help you release stress and anxiety, which can make your obsessive thoughts less intense. Additionally, taking care of your physical health will help you feel better about yourself and have more energy and motivation. Try to exercise regularly and eat a balanced, healthy diet. This will help you feel stronger and in control of your obsessive thoughts.

Do activities that give you pleasure and distract you

Doing activities that give you pleasure and distract you can be very helpful in getting rid of obsessive thoughts. Try to find activities that you enjoy and that make you feel good about yourself. You can do something creative, like painting or writing, or something that involves movement, like dancing or playing a sport. You can also try to find activities that help you connect with other people, like getting together with friends or volunteering. These activities will help you distract yourself from your obsessive thoughts and feel better about yourself.

Accept that it is normal to have obsessive thoughts from time to time

It's important to accept that it's normal to have obsessive thoughts from time to time. We all have thoughts that worry us or that bother us, and it's normal for these thoughts to come back from time to time. The important thing is to learn how to manage them effectively and not let them take over. Accepting that it's normal to have obsessive thoughts from time to time will help you feel less frustrated and more in control of them.


In summary, there are several proven strategies that can help you free yourself from obsessive thoughts. Identifying your obsessive thoughts, writing them down, seeking help from a psychologist, practicing thought replacement, using distraction techniques, exercising and taking care of your physical health, doing activities that give you pleasure and distract you, and accepting that it is normal to have obsessive thoughts from time to time are all effective strategies you can try. Remember that if you have obsessive thoughts that worry you or affect you negatively, it is important to seek professional help. A psychologist can help you understand the causes of your obsessive thoughts and develop effective strategies to manage them.