8 Van Gogh phrases to inspire!

«Let's not forget that little emotions are the captains of our lives and we obey them without even realizing.»

«How much beauty in art, in order to retain what has been seen. You are never then without work or truly lonely, never alone.»

«If we improve in one thing and understand it well, we acquire in addition the understanding and knowledge of many other things.»

Still Life (1890).

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«If you hear a voice inside you telling you» you don't know how to paint, «he paints, he would miss more! And the voice will shut up.»

«Do not cushion your inspiration and imagination, do not become the slave of your model.»

«What is drawing? How can you learn? It is working through an invisible iron wall that seems to get between what one feels and what one can do.»

«It is not the language of painters, but the language of nature that one should hear … the feeling of things, in reality, is more important than the feeling that an image transmits.»

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