8 inventions that inmates improvise in prison

The book Prisoners’ Inventions, written by inmate Angelo, details more than 50 inventions that make US prisoners more comfortable. Here in Brazil, it even goes as far as making cachaça in jail. Remember that the following descriptions are merely informative and not a manual to be copied.


1. Two small batteries are taped together with opposite poles in contact.

two. A piece of copper wire with bare ends is taped to the free poles of the batteries.

3. Just touch the ends of the wires together to close the circuit. The electricity heats up the copper, which lights the cigarette.

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1. You have to cross a string, made with several t-shirt threads rolled up, through an aluminum lid, like those on yogurt pots

two. A small piece of aluminum foil is wrapped around the string to adjust the size of the flame and keep the wick firmly in the hole in the lid.

3. The pot is then filled with baby oil, which the inmates have found to be a far less dangerous fuel than alcohol and kerosene. As the candle burns, stones are placed to raise the oil level and facilitate absorption by the wick.


1. Two toothbrushes are stuck together in a “T” shape. The inmates melt the contact points, put the brushes together and let them cool

two. Pieces of metal – binder paper clips, for example – are attached with rubber bands to the brushes

3. The fasteners form pins to plug into the socket. The electric current heats the metal, which in turn heats the water.


1. In the absence of condoms for the most intimate moments, prisoners improvise using plastic bags

two. The plastic must be well secured and molded into the shape of the said-cuz. A rubber band secures the tip

3. The gap between the elastic and the tip should be small. This prevents air accumulation and lessens the chance of the plastic bursting.

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1. A wet tissue paper is modeled as a ball and the process is repeated. Six layers make a cube

two. When modeling the cube, be careful not to press too hard and remove all the water from the paper.

3. It’s time to tighten the corners to make the faces straight. Once dry, paint the balls on the dice

4. Dice are quickly dipped in a mixture of water and sugar to create a rigid layer.


1. Tissues are opened and wet, one on top of the other. The process is repeated until the paper can be shaped

two. The closed fist serves as a template. It is important to squeeze the paper to remove excess water and let it dry.

3. The inside is lined with plastic. The remainder is folded outwards and covered with another layer of paper.


1. A thin but firm piece of metal, like a clip, is shaped into an “L” shape to serve as a needle.

two. The longer end of the clip is scraped against a rough surface, such as a cell wall or floor, until it is very sharp.

3. Another wire is spirally wound to fit snugly around the shaft of a walkman or toy motor (the motor needs to be provided by someone outside the jail)

4. The shorter leg of the needle is fitted between the gear teeth of the motor and is trapped by the spiral.

5. A bent pen holder serves as a nib holder

6. The tip is fitted into the motor, with the needle passing through. The charge tube supplies ink

7. Fitting the tip into the little motor is finished with adhesive tape.

8. The motor wires are connected to two batteries. Shaft rotates and moves tip back and forth


1. This recipe is very Brazilian! Cachaça made improvised and handcrafted in prison is nicknamed “Maria Louca”. In a bucket or drum with water are placed popcorn or rice grains and twice the weight of sugar and fruit peels. Then just seal the mouth of the container with a cloth

two. The mixture is fermented for a week. After that period it goes to a metallic container. The cloth serves as a filter, retaining grains and husks.

3. The broth is boiled in an improvised heater. The lid of the pan must have a hole to pass, just right, a hose connected to a coil (which also comes from outside the prison)

4. The alcohol vapor passes through the coil – cooled with a mug of water by the detainee. At the other end of the tube, drip the distilled liquid. Each kilo of beans yields almost two liters of drink and the fruit peels give the flavor

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