8 essential swords in the plot of “Game of Thrones”


In George RR Martin’s plot, swords can play a starring role almost as important as that of humans. The best blades in Westeros come from ancient Valyria. True relics, they are forged with a magical alloy, which is why they are lighter and sharper than ordinary steel. In addition to them, there are other types of swords, full of history and meanings, as you can see below.

1) ICE

It was the Valyrian steel ancestral sword belonging to House Stark. It was used by Ilyn Payne to behead Ned Stark. Later, at the behest of Tywin Lannister, its dark and smoky steel blade was melted down and reforged into two other weapons.


Sword given to Jaime Lannister after being forged from Froststeel. He later gave it to Brienne of Tarth to use in her search for Sansa Stark. At that time, she earned her name.


It was also forged from Ice Valyrian steel. Tywin Lannister presented it to his grandson Joffrey Baratheon on his wedding day to Margaery Tyrell.


It is the Valyrian steel ancestral sword of House Mormont. After it was partially destroyed, Jeor Mormont, then commander of the Night’s Watch, had a wolf carved into its hilt and gave it as a gift to Jon Snow.

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It was given by Jon Snow to Arya Stark before he left for the Night’s Watch. Small and with a narrow blade, it is ideal for the fencing techniques taught by Syrio Forel.


Sword wielded by Joffrey Baratheon in the episode where he threatens Mycah, the butcher’s son. On that occasion, the wolf Nymeria attacks him and Arya Stark throws the sword at the Trident.

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7) Eater of Hearts

It replaced the Dandelion. It was named by Joffrey Baratheon on the eve of the Battle of the Blackwater. Its hilt has a ruby ​​cut in the shape of a heart between the lion’s claws.


It is Azor Ahai’s sword of fire. Legend has it that the warrior arose during the Long Night to fight the Others. As per the prophecy, this hero will be reborn after a long summer. Priestess Melisandre believes that Stannis Baratheon is Azor Ahai.

SOURCES Saga books and website Game of Thrones BR

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