Almost all of us know what Greek wine tastes like. But do you also know what Greek dog breeds look like?
Unfortunately, there are also a lot of stray dogs in Greece. Most of them are mixed breeds, the result of wild matings between Greek dog breeds and other dogs.
Only one of the 10 Greek dog breeds that we present to you here is officially recognized by the FCI. Do you have any idea which one? We’ll tell you in the text below!
1. Coconi
Cute White Kokoni Dog Closeup Face In The Black Background
Kokoni means «little dog». This also applies to the maximum 38 centimeter tall Greek. Only inside, there he is much bigger! The lively and cheerful dwarf loves games, fun, action and adventure. He is smart and uncomplicated and has a big heart.
Unfortunately, this great dog breed is not well known outside of Greece.
Little Kokoni makes an excellent house, companion, and family dog. He likes to be everywhere, easy to motivate and extremely willing to learn.
2. Hellenicus Poimenicus
The white, Greek shepherd dog by the name of Hellenikos Poimenikos creates a remarkable height of 75 centimeters. Even today he is still used in Greece for his original work, the herding and guarding of sheep.
He is considered fearless, attentive and very independent. Typical and desired characteristics of a livestock guardian dog.
If you want to adopt such a dog, you should not only have enough space, but also deal extensively with the breed.
Livestock guardian dogs are not for everyone. They bring with them special requirements and properties that sometimes make handling them very difficult as a private individual.
3. Critiques Lagonikos
As the name suggests, this Greek dog breed hails from the island of Crete. Also called Cretan Hound or Kritikos Ichnilatis, it falls under the category of greyhounds.
Typical for greyhounds, the Kritikos Lagonikos is quick, eager to run, elegant and an absolutely ingenious sight hunter. Her nature is loving, affectionate and gentle. The Kritikos Lagonikos can be kept very well as a family and companion dog.
Keeping a dog with a strong hunting instinct in check is always a challenge, but with the Kritikos Lagonikos it can be mastered with a little patience and consistency.
4. Hellinikos Ichnilatis
The Greek Hound is a hunting dog as it is written in the book. He is attentive, docile, perceptive, strong and persistent. His favorite pastime is hunting with his caregiver.
The Greek Hound falls under the medium-sized hound category. It reaches a maximum shoulder height of 45 to 55 centimeters with a weight of 17 to 20 kilograms.
The coat is always short, smooth, close-lying, black and tan.
5. Ellinikos Pimenikos
This Greek dog breed is a robust, frugal and strong herd guard dog.
She probably comes from a cross between Greek mountain dogs and ancient Molossians.
The massive head, broad chest and muscular physique make the Ellinikos Pimenikos a serious and impressive sight! Just as it is beneficial for guarding a flock.
The Greek shepherd is not suitable for private keeping. He is considered to be very independent and courageous and of course has a strong protective instinct. He feels most comfortable when he can pursue his original purpose and otherwise just be a dog.
6. Lagonikos Tis Rhodou
This Greek dog breed is again a greyhound-like type.
The Lagonikos Tis Rodou is also called the “hare hunting dog of Rhodes”. Outside of this island it rarely occurs, if at all.
The Lagonikos Tis Rodou reaches a height of up to 64 centimeters and weighs around 16 kilograms. His physique is athletic, graceful and delicate.
This Greek dog breed is extremely agile and fast, alert and intelligent. Always gentle, sensitive and in a close bond with his human.
7. Molossus Epirou
The Molossos Epirou is also known as the forefather of the mastiff. The massive dog is – oh wonder – a thoroughbred Molosser and huge.
With a height of up to 75 centimetres, he easily weighs 60 – 65 kilograms.
This breed of dog is also very rare outside of Greece. In her homeland and in the nearby Balkans, she is still occasionally seen as a livestock guard dog.
Well, what do you think, which of these 7 Greek dog breeds is officially recognized by the FCI?
Answer: It’s Hellinikos Ichnilatis, the Greek Hound! It has been officially recognized by the FCI as a Greek dog breed since October 16, 1959.