7 tips to overcome your parents' separation – Online Psychologists

Nowadays it is perfectly normal to put an end to relationships. Problems such as lack of communication or the existence of different life goals can lead two people to break up their relationship. However, Getting over your parents' separation can be a big problemespecially if you are very young.

Fear of separation is normalFrom one day to the next, one of the pillars of your life, your family, changes. With it, your daily life, your habits and perhaps even your relationship with your parents also change.

Trying to change their minds is not an option: breakups are not easy for anyone, but You have to assume that most breakups are thoughtful and consensual decisions. Even though it may be hard at first, you will eventually get over it. With the help of our tips, you may be able to speed up the recovery process.

Tips to overcome your parents' separation

  • Don't stay stuck in the pastIt's tempting to constantly remind yourself of what you long for, but in the early stages of a breakup It is essential to focus on the presentFilling your head with happy memories will only increase the sadness, because it will be impossible for you to disconnect from those thoughts that remind you that your family is no longer what it was. We all grow and It is necessary to accept that each stage of life is different from the previous one.
  • Think about his happiness. Your parents may have already fallen out of love with each other and the separation may have helped them find their way back to their normal lives. Don't stop them from rebuilding their lives: respect their decisions and help them build a happy present.
  • Talk about your own feelings, but respect theirs.Communication is key to the well-being of any relationship. It is perfectly normal to feel sad about your parents' separation and there is nothing wrong with letting them know. In fact, if you talk to them about how you feel, it will be easier for them to help you through the process of getting over it. However, Don't try to make them feel guilty or question their motives.. Help must be mutual and you must also respect your parents' feelings.
  • Time and patience. Although it is entirely possible to recover, you should be aware that the process takes time. Every grief consists of phases that you must allow yourself to feel.and thus begin the road to recovery. Over time, the suffering will become more tolerable, and living through the process will help you manage frustration in the future.
  • Keep your mind busySpending time with your friends or enjoying your favorite hobbies will help you take your mind off your parents' separation.
  • Don't think it only happens to you. During 2020, 95,000 couples went through a separation or divorce process, according to data from the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ).
  • Don't forget about yourself. Live your life and search your well-being and stability emotional.
  • Go to therapy. Having the help of a professional will help you find the most efficient method to overcome the pain caused by your parents' separation. Don't be afraid to let your parents know that you want to go to therapy. Going to a psychologist is normal and beneficial for mental health, and more and more people are aware of this every day.

At we have a team of psychologists specialized in online therapy. Having the help of a psychologist during difficult times will help you become stronger and give you the necessary tools to overcome future problems.