7 tips to overcome a broken friendship – Online Psychologists

Friendships are possibly one of the strongest and most beautiful feelings that we can build. That is why a broken friendship It is one of the things that hurts the most in life.

Friends are the people we choose to share our best moments, joys and achievements with. They are also the ones who are there in the most difficult, bitter moments and failures to support us. However, it is often difficult to fit in with another person or maintain that friendship. If friendship breaks, our emotional stability pays the price.

Causes and consequences of a broken friendship

A friendship can break for different reasons. Distance, lack of communication, misunderstandings, disrespect or manipulation are just some of them.

Depending on how strong the bond was and how serious the cause of the breakup is, a broken friendship may affect you more or less.

Usually, when a friendship breaks, it is usually felt deep sadness. After all, you asked for someone you loved and trusted. Someone you spent time with and have fond memories with. So, It is normal that you may go through a grieving process.

However, in addition to sadness, other feelings such as relief may also be present. For example, if that friendship made you question yourself constantly, manipulated you, and criticized you all the time, even though you may feel sadness for the good times you had, relief will be one of those feelings. If that is your case, remember that these behaviors are not good and can affect your mental health, so it is best for that relationship to end.

Once a friendship is over you should continue with your normal life, Even if it's hard, you can't let it limit you forever, but rather overcome it.

Tips to get over a broken friendship

Accept the situation

Recognize that the friendship is over, the sooner you accept it the sooner you can get over it.

Recognize the mistakes

Look back and Recognize what has led to the breakup of that friendshipwhat are the mistakes you have made. Not only will this help you to better recognize, assimilate and accept the loss of this broken friendship, but it will help you to know what you do not want in a friendship (what behaviors, acts you do not want to tolerate) in order to build future healthy friendships.

Externalize your emotions

Everything has a beginning and an end and this is the end of your friendship. Externalizing your emotions will be beneficial to let off steam, whether through words, paper or whatever way you prefer, this will help you feel more relieved and you will be able to follow a calmer process of overcoming them.

Get to know yourself better

Learning to know yourself better is the best way to deal with problems. Knowing how to listen to yourself, accept your feelings, know how to manage them, recognize which are your priorities and which are not… Without a doubt, this will help you to better deal with the consequences of a broken friendship.

If you are unable to manage your emotions on your own, do not hesitate to contact an online psychologist.

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Prioritize yourself

Sometimes we tend to think more about others than ourselves and although you can be there for the people you love, you must also know how to prioritize yourself. There is no one who knows you better than yourself, so take care of yourself, Prioritize your emotionsyour well-being, yourself. It is not selfish to think about yourself.

Value other friendships

Value and Lean on your other friendsthose that continue to last, that have worked, that add to you and do not take away from you. Despite this broken friendship, there are still people who love you. Spend time with the people who are worth it in your life.

Ask for professional help

Another option is to make an appointment with a professional psychologist. A broken friendship is similar to a breakup, it can affect you just as much or even more. Putting yourself in the hands of a professional will help you to resolve your concerns and insecurities together. With their help, you will be able to overcome that lost friendship and learn to value what you really want.

At we have a professional team of psychologists who can assist you. More than 1,600 people have already contacted us, make an appointment for an online session, First briefing is free.